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Everything posted by Maigrets

  1. You could also give EVE HGEC Eycecandy Variants a try. There are more changes than just fitting the body shape. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078 It's a replacer for all vanilla armours and clothing. Also supports popular mods like Fran's, OOO, MMM and Armamentatium items.
  2. You are correct. BOSS does set your load order if you're using OBMM or Wrye Bash. That's what it's for after all. However, the unknown mods you will have to order yourself. They are not in the BOSS database. Since you found the cause of your problem and if everything else is working it could probably stay as is. You don't need a mod to remove the borders though so that will save you one esp. This one: Unknown mod file: Borderless Cyrodiil.esp All you need do is edit one line in your Oblivion ini file which is in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion. Find the line that says: bBorderRegionsEnabled=1 and change the 1 to a zero. Save from the File menu. Don't alter anything in the Oblivion_default ini which is in the game directory. That must never be changed.
  3. They are also in Martigen's Monster Mod using the same models and textures as Midas Magic where they were first introduced. They are called Beholden's rather than Beholders in both mods to avoid copyright issues. They have magic resistances and can cast spells, but not from every eye. That is most likely impossible. They do float and follow you and are enemies to be avoided if possible at low levels. Creatures can't be made to speak in this game without a lot of fiddling around using invisible NPC's to speak for them and even that couldn't be used for multiple creatures without huge problems. In case you're going to ask about a Balrog or Uberhulk (not the original name also for copyright reasons), they are also in both the above mods.
  4. It's a bug in the CS. Reinstalling the game or the CS won't fix it. See this page for how to get around it. Fixing the AddTopic bug: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Fixing_the_AddTopic_Bug
  5. Remap the mouse wheel to a key that's not used in game via the game Controls options menu. Then if you accidentally press it nothing will happen.
  6. The non closing gates bug is a known vanilla one and is fixed with the Unofficial Oblivion Patch which also fixes a huge number of other bugs in the original game. Very highly recommended. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 Make sure to read all of the documentation and since you have Shivering Isles get the Unofficial Patch for it as well as for the other DLC's. Just search Tesnexus for "Unofficial". You don't need to start a new game to use these patches, but when used to fix a particular glitch you must not have already visited the cells concerned. Take note of where the patches must be loaded otherwise they still won't fix anything. ie the esp must be the first one after all esms so it loads first. The unfortunate thing is because you've already had a number of gates bug already, you may have to do them again because the problem seems to have compounded beyond saving. The "bug" info will be in your save games and probably won't be fixable for the reason I mentioned above about not having been in those gates or cells and also reloading saves inside gates can cause issues as well. See below. From the Unofficial Patch Readme:
  7. Yes, you can move an exterior building anywhere you like. The only thing is you'll need to make sure the door is linked to the new exterior. Interiors are in their own cells so it doesn't matter where the exterior is. See here for how to link doors. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Door_Markers_-_Connecting_One_or_More_Doors_Between_Cells Of course you'll have to recreate the exterior in it's new location...ie anything like gardens, outside buildings without doors (if they do have loading doors follow the same procedure), and any other landscaping etc. You could change the exterior to your own taste anyway if you prefer something different to the existing one as long as it's for personal use. You can either move the map marker or delete it and create a new one which would probably be a better idea. If you move the existing one you will also have to change the location it's linked to as well as details like whether it's visible on game load, can fast travel to etc.
  8. That kind of rainbow effect can happen if you're not using large textures in the game video options. It's something to do with how the dds file is compressed or something like that, and can cause corruption when using small or medium texture options. I'm not a texturer but I know a couple of mods I have used to have that problem for some people..ie the Blackwood armour in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and certain icons in MMM, but they were fixed a long time ago. The temporary solution before they were fixed was to use select large textures in the game options. Are you using any other mods? Texture replacers? Does your video card support shader 2.0? With little information to go on it's difficult to offer a solution.
  9. I haven't watched the video on map markers so I'm assuming it tells you what you need to know. Here's a Basic Landscaping tutorial which is easy to follow. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Intro_and_Landscaping As far as I'm aware you can't enable the grass in the render window, but if you select a particular ground texture in the render window with the editing window open (press H) it will show if it has grass or not when the name is highlighted. For example...any texture without grass will have NoGrass at the end of the name and these are what you'd use for paths and around your camp tents. Edit: There are only a certain number and type of ground textures you can use per cell, but the tutorial will tell you that.
  10. Depends on what you mean by custom traps. If you want to use the same traps as the vanilla game in your mod it's not that hard really as you can do some unique things with the default resources. If you want new models that's another story. The main things you'll need to know about are activators, parenting and triggers. You can also check through the CS and look at the scripts for existing traps to see how they are done. Look under Activators in the CS and then the script each one uses. Then you can see what it is linked to. For example, this is where parenting comes in. A door or trap would be parented (linked) to the lever or switch, and they don't even need to be near each other as long as they are in the same cell. Much like the Ayleid ruin doors with remote switches. Basic start for scripting. Just follow the links for extended info. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Portal:Scripting Tutorial for casting spells from an activator http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Casting_Spells_From_An_Activator This tutorial is for light switches, but can be applied to anything that uses a switch or lever etc. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Light_switch_tutorial I don't know how far you've gone with your mod but this might be helpful. It's the My First Dungeon Tutorial, but it has a section explaining how to set up traps. Start here and follow the links to the next page etc: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Category:My_First_Dungeon
  11. You get this in the vanilla game at Journeyman Marksman level. Press the right mouse button and you get the ability to zoom in.
  12. The other option is to download the mod LFact linked and make your own plugin with only that armour. The full mod edits a lot of the vanilla dungeons and isn't compatible with other mods I have so I don't use it either. The way it's setup there's no guarantee of getting the armour by fighting an NPC for it. You have a "chance" of getting it by replaying the dungeons over and over, many times.
  13. This one has a collection of different style hats. It's very good. if you search "hat" on Tesnexus you'll find a few single hat mods as well. pale_rider's Hat Collection http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11014 From the mod description... The Hats are: Model Captain Model Farmer Model Mariner Model Napoleon Model Panama Model Priest Model Robin Hood Model Sombrero Model Texas Model Van Helsing Model Zorro New in V2.0: Model Cowboy Model Featherhat Model Gandalf Model Indiana Jones Model Musketeer Model Pimp Model Pirate Captain You should find something you like among them. :smile:
  14. I did a Google search out of interest to see if I could find anything on this issue since I've never heard of this one. There's plenty about completely white screens when the graphics card isn't supported by the game, but the only reference to your specific problem I could find is here. About 2/3 down the page. Graphics bug when Casting spells or under Certain Light http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion_talk:Technical_Support This is a partial quote and the poster is also using an ATI card but a different and older version I assume. I use NVidia and know zero about ATI cards. It sounds exactly the same as your experience, but unfortunately the only reply was it sounds like a driver problem. When you changed drivers did you remove all registry entries before installing the new drivers> A good program for removing all traces of removed programs and drivers is CCleaner. http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/features Also you could try different drivers even though you have already replaced them. Graphic drivers are sometimes buggy like any program, and it may take a few versions to find properly working ones, including rolling back to older ones. Since the problem persists despite everything you've done it's also possible it remains in your save games. Have you tried a new game and new saves? Deleting the Oblivion ini (backup first) and allowing the game to create a new one as Tomlong54210 suggested is also a good idea especially when changing drivers.
  15. You might want to remove the part of your post related to a certain patch. It's against the TOS and can get you banned as well as anyone helping with that particular situation. As far as unpacking any of the Oblivion BSA's there's absolutely no reason to unless you're using the files to create a mod. The game won't run any faster or better with the files unpacked than if they are intact. If you do feel the need to unpack any of them, make sure to remove the BSA(s) or the unpacked files to a folder outside the Oblivion directory altogether, otherwise the game won't know which files to reference and all sorts of problems can happen. Unlike mod added data, these files will all be duplicates. To answer your question about the size of the files unpacked: Oblivion - Meshes.bsa is 659mb and DLCShiveringIsles - Meshes.bsa if you have SI of course, is 116mb.
  16. When you say you disabled or even removed all of your mods did you actually remove all of the files that came with them. For example DMC Stylish and Deadly Reflex both add new animations which will still affect your game even if the esp is disabled. I don't know the Return of Shadows mod and whether or not it adds animations. Check in your meshes\characters\_male\ folder and if there are any .kf files there delete them all. There shouldn't be any there unless added by mods...ie DMC Stylish and DR. If you use pose mods their animation files will be within their own folders so will have no effect on the player in normal game play. Remove this folder "DeadlyReflex data" also from meshes\characters\_male\idleanims\ Also in the meshes\characters\_1stperson folder remove the files added by Deadly Reflex. These could be the ones causing your problems. It also says in the Deadly Reflex description that if you're not using the hotfix you can get stuck in slow motion or have freezing issues among others. Quick saving or quick loading in the middle of an attack would surely have caused problems and is a bad idea at any time, especially during dialogue and combat even without mods. Assuming you did it accidentally, it's best not to do it at all. Try deleting your quick save altogether and create a new one. If you also hard saved with this issue present, then it will be inherent in your saves and you'll have to go back to before the problem started. There is no way to fix this kind of problem when it's part of a save. The save will always be damaged. If the problem persists in a totally new game are you still using the old saves? I'm asking this because someone else had a similar issue awhile ago and even though they did start a new game, they didn't create completely new saves, which defeated the purpose altogether.
  17. Yes, that dead link is Wrye's own page, but has been out of action for some time. The actual program has everything in it's help files that's on that page anyway. In HTML format. At the bottom of this page I linked previously is a basic outline of what to do for the Bashed Patch. It's really all you need to make FCOM work. http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcominstall.html Plus this page has a more in depth description...towards the bottom under Bashed Patch. It mentions an older version of Wrye Bash but the principle is the same. http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/convergence.html
  18. That's very helpful so people know what not to suggest of the 50 or so you have tried and will reject if suggested because you have already used them... :whistling: The armour categories at Tesnexus would be a good place to search. As easy for you as it is for anyone else. :yes:
  19. @ Fonger I already said that... :yes: Also for a quick exit you can open the console and type qqq. You'll get a message back in the console saying Goodbye after pressing Enter.
  20. That link is wrong by the way, but I eventually found it. You have http:// twice in the address. The link should be: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30371 I searched Black Knight before and this one didn't come up for some reason. Oh, well, not too worry. The file is too big for me to download. I probably would if it was something I'd use but anyway, since the cape is animated it's as I said in my previous post. There should be a skeleton.nif file in the meshes folder, it should be like this: meshes\characters\_male\skeleton.nif If it's not in that path and is added as an extra in a separate folder, you just need to place it as I've said above. Allow it to overwrite if you have a meshes folder from other mods, otherwise just install as any other mod. The skeleton allows for movement in the cape and won't affect anything else. The default skeleton is in the Oblivion -Meshes.bsa so you won't have it in your data\meshes directory unless you've installed other mods that add NPC's, some custom races and a few armour or clothing mods that require it. Just to note the armour mod is dependent on another animation mod according to the description, so you will have to download it as well.
  21. It's a common problem when using mods and even when not. I believe I read somewhere it was partially fixed with one of the early official patches and then reborn with the latest one. There are a couple of mod/utilities that help to solve the issue. One is called Windom Earle's Crash Prevention System, but I've never used it. You may get some help from it, but it's mainly for preventing crashing while in game. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22282 Then there's Exit Oblivion With No Crash - might be more what you're after. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21416 In most cases crashing on exit doesn't cause problems except when changing new video settings so... Open the console in game and type "saveini" without the quotes after making your changes. Press Enter and then if your game crashes on exit the changes will be saved.
  22. Because you can't do it that way if I understand what you're saying correctly. With the main Wrye Bash window open showing the list of your mods you can check or uncheck them there. Doing it under the Saves tab will make changes you don't necessarily want and could damage the save game if you don't know which mods should be unchecked and the Master's they depend on. You may be better off using OBMM for setting load order and which mods to use. It's easier and you can view which mods affect each save by going to the Utilities tab, then Save manager Click the save you want and then Synch Active Plugins.
  23. Yes, two mods that do exactly the same thing would most definitely conflict. Did you remove the textures and any other files that came with the Color Map first? Remove the files belonging to Color Map completely from the data folder then install Elven Map Redux. If you're using some form of archive invalidation like OBMM you don't need a text file. It's the map I use so I know it works.
  24. Pink Floyd mostly, it puts my brain into the creative zone, especially for writing. :smile: Or trance like Delerium and Conjure One. At other times one of my favourite artists Warren Zevon or a compilation of 60's and 70's protest songs. Then depending on my mood, heavy metal like Nightwish, Judas Priest's Nostradamus or my all time favourite Alice Cooper, especially his Brutal Planet album.
  25. There are tools that are essential for some types of mods, especially ones that alter loot and other leveled list tables or make other huge changes to the entire world. Many mods don't require any utilities to use, but the more you add the more chance you will need to use at the very least OBMM(Oblivion Mod Manager) to adjust load order. The mod loaded last takes priority so changes made by one can override the other. This is where load order is so important to avoid these problems. That's only one of OBMM's functions however. Anyway, it would be helpful to you if you read through this FAQ at the Construction Set Wiki. It's about where to get mods, how to install, tools and utilities and much more. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ The male body replacer is Robert's v4. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14942 The type of mod you'd like to use is entirely up to you. There are so many it would be difficult to advise what you should use. For example, many like an Anime style game and others prefer to stay close to the stlye of the original game. You can browse the categories lists at Tesnexus or the Top 100 lists to get an idea of what's available. Be prepared for an addictive experience! The very least you should have though are the Unofficial Patches that fix many bugs and omissions in the base game. There is also one for Shivering Isles and for the other DLC's. Unofficial Oblivion Patch http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5296 Unofficial SI Patch http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10739
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