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About MasterChitlin

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    United States
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    Elder Scrolls series, Mass effect series, Diablo 1&2.

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  1. Its actually really simply you just type a bunch of brackets with words and slashes in them and it comes out looking pretty ,...lol...seriously. I can't begin to guess the voodoo that goes on behind the screen thats just the user end.
  2. Haha thanks for pointing that out...i've used that mod for a long time and never new that was there >.<
  3. There is also an option for "Only last kill in combat" or something to that effect. Meaning if you are still in combat with someone (another guard coming after you) then it won't play so make sure you uncheck / check that box as well.
  4. Generally texture and mesh replacers do not need a plug in file to work (a check box in data list) if they are replacing something that already exists in game. I'm curious to know what textures / meshes exactly you are trying to replace. Could be you are not putting them in the right folder if you are installing things manually or if you are using an installer perhaps you are missing a required mod to be installed first? (Like a texture replacer for a certain piece of armor will have no effect if you do not have the mod that actually installs the armor). Give more specific examples of what textures you are trying to replace etc...
  5. I use Firefox and it has lots of plug ins for BBCode that make it really easy. Otherwise you can google BBCode and there are lots of guides and templates out there. I use BBcodeXtra and it basically just lets me highlight a word right click it and there are options for different things. Not sure if other browsers have something similar but you could look into that?
  6. They already do, thats why I thought it would be kinda easy because the animation already exists. Bandits and draugr do it.
  7. I really liked this idea and started browsing the CK to see if I can just make an ability and give it that animation but I'm stumped lol...can't quite figure it out. Hope someone with more know how than me can figure it out....would be cool.
  8. I'm not a professional 3d artist or anything and I can't even make my own textures yet but I picture a mash up of necromancer robe with thieves guild (black) armor? I could probably throw that together but it wouldn't really look like the picture lol...just be similar.
  9. Ok cool I can either leave the guild belt and knee pads on too if you like...your choice. edit: Also do you want me to make it and upload it so you can download and use it or did you want the nif file so you can retexture it?
  10. Here's something I threw together real quick if this is what you're talking about.
  11. You talking male or female? Vanilla body? And you just basically want the nif of the two together as one outfit?
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