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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Now for me to start off the brainstorming


    I will start by recapping what was going on in old topic I had


    1. The Couches I modeled but havn't textured yet. They will be broken latter on, but I need a nice clean model to work down from, as apposed to trying to fix a broken one








    Im going to texture the leather similar to this






    worn out, but less grimmy than the default Fallout 3 stuff, for a more home like feel


    2. Some character concept work I threw together real fast, they are sloppy 5 minute sketches, but they should convey the idea











    3. The girls are going to be loosly based off of Harvest Moon characters and will be possible companions


    Karen - Security gaurd, standard shoot people up companion, likes it when you bring her good armor and weapons, hates bad quality guns


    Popari - Runs the General Store, as a companion she ups you Barter skill and can search the area you are in and get a lot of rare items and bottlecaps, some items that won't be able to be found in the vanilla game will only be available from her, she likes pretty things


    Ann - Daughter of the other rancher in the town, sells livestock, as a companion she gives you animal freind and can summon animals to fight for you


    Maria - Runs the library and is very knowlegable on repairing weapons and armor. As a companion she keeps your weapons in good shape and allows you to make workbench items anywhere, likes it when you bring her blueprint or books


    Elli - The town baker, she functions as a sort of white mage, she heals you and gives you power effects from her food. She likes fresh bakeing supplies


    4. The barber will be a Super Mutant like Fawkes, that will every once in a while give you the wrong cut, and if you are brave enough you can confront him about it, but he is very intimidating, but overall a nice guy. Mabe he will act all intimadating, but if you insult his haircutting skills he will run off crying... that might be quite funny :biggrin:







    but anyways


    feel free to throw out whatever ideas you have, I will put a topic out if that helps you, but you don't have to limit your discussion to that







    Topic #1 What Buildings Should be in the Town


    I am thinking about 10 buildings


    - Mayor House / Office

    - Tavern / Bakery

    - Blacksmith

    - Carpenter

    - Animal Supplies

    - General Store

    - Barber

    - 3 Houses

  2. Ok, the goal of this mod is to create a town in the Wasteland that you will actually want to go home to and will change and grow as the Lone Wanderer does. It will include dynamic and changeing NPCs and a handful of new quests.




    The town will include the following




    * An upgradeable house for your player, where you can buy additions and furniture, and everything you buy will add to you well rested bonus for sleeping in that house


    * A small farm outside, where you can plant food to heal you, cure radiation, give you power effects, or you can sell for money


    * Another small feild where you can raise animals you buy or find in the Wasteland, milk Brahmin or eat them. I will add Wasteland Hourses if I can figure it out


    * Eight Characters that you can have a relationship with. 5 girls, 3 guys, and 2 of the girls will be swing both ways :wink: for all the guys that play as girls


    * The ability to advance the relationship by talking to them often and bringing them back gifts you find on your travels


    * All the relationship characters could be used as unique companions with unique skills


    * The town will have a Tavern, General Store, and Barber (eventually I will add my own custom Hairstyles to this barber)


    * A carpenter that will add stuff to your house, and sell furniture, which you can upgrade you Tennpenny or Megaton house, and possibly even places like the Citadel


    * A handful of new furniture and other accessory and clothing meshes designed by me specificaly for this mod


    * A blacksmith that will can take unwanted guns, bullets, and scrap and recycle it into stuff you actualy use (similar to the Pit, just a lot more conveneint)



    If you join the town and help them out by completing quests, donating money, and protecting them from Super Mutant attacks, then the town will become better off. I plan on makeing at least 3 different stages of textures and meshes that will change after so many good things you do. So eventualy the town will go from being run down to being in pretty decent shape (considering it is in the middle of a freaken Wasteland)


    The town will have a wall protecting it, and it will every once in a while get attacked by Raiders, Super Mutants, Enclave, and crazy animals. Small attacks can easily be handled by the gaurds, but if a big attack is comeing, the watchman will radio you in time to come protect the town. You can upgrade the wall by adding turrets, and also fix the broken robots in the town, that can be used to help you defend.


    I may even get my M41 Walker Bulldog tank (in my sig) textured and working, and if so, I will have it be the primary deffense for the town.




    The plan for this mod



    Ok, so now you have read through my ambitious ideas, and if you havn't given up reading yet, I assume you are interested in how exactly I plan on pulling off such a complex idea.


    That is an easy question to answer, I will do it one step at a time.


    The fact is, I am in no hurry, I don't expect this to be done tommorow, or this month, or even this year. But I will keep following my blueprint and do each step as it needs done untill I reach the end result.


    The first step is the most simple yet most immportant step of all, and it also just so happens to be the one that anyone and everyone can help on, and that is brainstorming. Most mods never get made because people have a great idea, but it is way to broad to ever be made. I just need to narrow things down, so that


    "I want to grow food"




    "I will need to make a script that will have certain areas of the ground outside of my house be able to hold seeds that you find or buy. Once you put the seed in the ground it will in 1 day be replaced with a sprout mesh, then the next day turn into an almost grown plant mesh, and then the final day the plant will be replaced with a full grown plant mesh that will function as a container and you can open it to pick your fruit"




    "I want a town that you can live in and it can be upgraded"




    "I am going to build a town that has 1 Mayors House, 1 Mill, 1 Blacksmith, 3 Regular houses.... ext. And when you donate 1000 bottle caps and complete 3 quests it will trigger a script that will replace the old broken meshes with the new ones"


    so now on to the most immportant part of this topic








    Ok, so you need a blueprint before you begin to build a house, right? so, why should a mod be any different. Know what you are going to build before you build it.


    so, here is a list of things you can do to help me (anyone who helps in the brainstorming will get credited in the finished mod as part of the brainstorming team)


    * Read my ideas for the mod and tell me what you do and don't like about them


    * Tell us your story ideas or character ideas or whatever other ideas, so we can disscuss them


    * Expand on other peoples ideas to hopefully make them better


    * Post pictures of things you want to see in the mod, take pictures with your own camera or just search the net, either one is good


    * Make you own concpet art, no matter how poorly drawn it is (I myself will be putting up quick 5 minute drawings that are quite bad quality, but good for brainstorming)


    * Go in the game and take screenshots of where you think stuff should be, or make a map for the layout of buildings


    Or, anything else you can think of is also welcome




    What I will do



    So now I assume you are wondering what exactly I will be doing other than just throwing around ideas...


    Well, I am primarily a 3D Modeler and Texturer, and my first task is going to be makeing new furniture and other static objects that will be exclusive to this mod. I want this town to be a little more unique then the other generic houses around the wasteland that are all filled with the same furniture and stuff. This will give the town a much fresher look than the stale and overused items world. I am also going to be makeing tractors and such, and possibly upgradeing my tank if someone can help me get it working at least as a stationary turret or something.


    As my skills immprove I will be designing all new outfits for the town, at least 2 outfits for each of the girls you can have a relationship with (probly more if possible, and they will wear different stuff during different times) I may even make a custom body mesh with custom underwear and everything for each one, some being skinny and some being more curvey and such.


    I also plan on makeing unique hairstyles for each girl, mabe even two for each if I really get into it, and some custom hairs for you character as well that will only be available in the town.


    I also want to build a hourse model if someone is able to get it playable as a ridable companion or something.


    But as soon as I get the brainstorming to an acceptable place, I plan on putting the whole town together with the new parts and all.




    What I hope will happen then




    So, once I get all these nice new meshes into the game, and new textures for the houses and new outfits and hair for the characters, it should look quite nice.


    With a clearly written blueprint for what I need script and geck wise to go with the beutiful town, people will be 100x more likely to help make the scripts come to life. I hope people will see my complete levels and character and offer to help finish the thing out.


    If they don't... well, then I will just end up turning it into another Megaton that stays the same no matter what you do in the game (not counting the bomb...)


    But that wouldn't really bother me, I want to make this mod as motivation to get me to practice my 3D moddeling, so I can push my skills to the next level. So even if this mod doesn't turn out, at least I will have immproved my moddeling and texturing, and you guys will have a new but empty town you can download...





    but anyways, on the ranch side of things, I am currently working with Oldwolfe to see if we can get the ranch working, then I can incorporate that into the rest of the town. The link to that topic is right here




    I also have a topic about programming possibilities trying to see what exactly would be possible to do in the mod. It is right here




    If you want to read through my old topic, it is here







    And for anyone that has actually read this far, I thank you for you time, and I double thank anyone that is willing to help me with anything, even just small ideas




    And one last thing, if you want to disscuss ideas on MSN messenger, my account is [email protected]

  3. And what about this, a freindly Super Mutant barber :biggrin:
    That would be great fun.

    Perhaps the supermutant barber would randomly cut your hair in the wrong way (if such scripting is possible).

    Anyhow, having such an odd part of the cast is a good chance to put in jokes or scripting gags.


    but I guess this should go back to my other topic, since this one is mainly for programing advice...
    Naah. I think this thread should be the main thread from now on.


    well, more people vist here than the request section, but I really should keep my programming questions seperate from my town brainstorming


    and at the moment Oldwolfe has a topic that we are using for the farm/ranch related stuff


    I think I may make a new topic in the general area for my town ideas though, just give me some time to get all the ideas from the old topic organised and I will get an organized version in the General Mod Talk section called "Dynamic and Livable Town" work in progress

  4. if your talking about realism, you also can't just use a medkit to fix a broken leg and go out and fight more SuperMutants...


    broken limbs take forever to heal, so if you wanted a totaly realisic game, every time a limb got crippled you would have to hobble around you Megaton house for weeks before you could go back to fighting...

  5. I just really want to know if I should leave space to build a barber shop or not


    mabe I should just build a barber shop anyways, and if it doesn't work the way I want, I'll just have them be a regular barber

    Yes. You definitely should build a barbershop.

    I request it.


    I was thinking it might be quite fun to design some new meshes and stuff to make one


    I don't remember any barber shop stuff anywhere in the vanilla game... but I may be wrong


    And what about this, a freindly Super Mutant barber :biggrin:


    but I guess this should go back to my other topic, since this one is mainly for programing advice...

  6. I think the hair/barber problem should be the least of your worries.

    Farming's the thing, IMO.


    that will deffinatly be the last thing I work on


    I just really want to know if I should leave space to build a barber shop or not


    I just want a to make a blueprint of the town layout, right now I can't even make a decent hair mesh, but if the whole thing is possible I will deffinatly do it toward the end of this mod


    mabe I should just build a barber shop anyways, and if it doesn't work the way I want, I'll just have them be a regular barber

  7. well... I don't think a Night in shining armor really fits in to well on a Ranch...


    Okay, changed the sample artwork pic to something slightly more applicable to the world in general. My intent was only to say, I can draw costumes with pen and paper when the time comes.


    I have absolutely no ability or skill to do them with meshes and textures, though. So they're gonna be fairly useless except as concept drawings.




    Did you like the area I was proposing for your town?


    do you think you could take that first picture I put up here, and design something really cool and western for that red part in the back, mabe some cool symbols or something for the armor as well, though I have come to like the armor design bit


    I just threw those together in 5 minutes or so, and havn't got around to doing a full concept for it


    (the red part on the left of the picture shouldn't start till below the belt... didn't even realise I messed that up... mabe I should slow down...)

  8. pretty sure 1 is possible, think i saw that in obliv


    skroo might haqve a point there?.


    iv never played oblivion but you might be able to use oblivion scripts "dont know", put make shure you dont use oblivion mesh's as they arnt allowed & your mod will be takeing down.


    I was going to build my own hair meshes


    but if it is too complicated I will just make a custom race for the people in my town and then only allow that non-playable race to use the hair, but then the player doesn't get a chance to use it


    And as far as the plants go, I would be perfectly happy with just activating the plant in your yard, and haveing it spawn one fruit per day with no growing required, which should be simple enough, but it would be even better if I could get it to grow over time (I can make some models of the plant in different stages that will change each day or whatever)


    And as far as diologue, I know that is going to be a huge task to take on, I am just hopeing that after I get this thing built, that my new houses and items and outfits and hair and ideas will spark enough interest to get some more help, though I will still work on that part myself


    I don't expect anyone to want to help right now, but once I show them that I am reliable enough to get all of the art and item placement stuff done, and get everything else planned to every last detail, they may be more likely to help me


    And if not... well, it will just be another town like Megaton, where people say the same thing the day you walk out of the vault to the day you activate the purifier




    But I have 2 more questions


    6. I want to have my carpenter build custom furniture you can use for you house, whould it be possible for me to also have him give you furniture for your Megaton or Tennpenny house? Or could even possibly have some sort of item in you inventory, and when you use it on some random couch in the Wasteland, the next day it will become the new couch (same size mesh and everything, just upgraded sort of) Like the carpenter comes out and fixes it for you (though he doesn't really come out, he just says he does)


    7. I had the idea to have the different girls also play as companions, but I wan't to do something totaly different than any of the other companions on the game. I'll just list what I want them to do, and you can tell me which ones would be posssible. None of these four would actualy fight, they would have high sneak and hide during battle


    Popari - If she is on your party, you barter and carisma skills go up. She also would have dogmeats ability to find thing, but she would find rare and expensive items and a lot more caps for you, stuff that arn't in the area origionaly


    Maria - When she is on your party, you weapons would take very little damage, and she would be able to repair them for you for a minimal amount of scrap metal or other weapons you find (repair a 44. Magnum with a hunting rifle) She could also function as a portable workbench if needed


    Elli - She would pretty much be like a white mage off of most RPG games. She would be able to heal you for free and she could also give you stuff that boosts your ability (like free chems with no addictive properties)


    Ann - She would automatically add the Animal Freind perk to you as long as she is in your party, and she could summon different animals to come and fight for you

  9. it is a good area, and if needed, you can always open up the border so you can go outside of the default gamespace


    it is also not far out of the way as well

  10. if you could post some pictures of what exactly you are looking for uniform wise, I could draw out some concepts for you. Pictures are a very valuable resource for comeing up with ideas


    though I am also from Oklahoma, I am not exactly familiar with western style outfits or anything farm or ranch related... I've lived in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arizona, but have always been in the largest city of that state... never really spent any time in the real countryside


    but anyways, this is what I threw together real fast as a starting concept








    these were not drawn attemting to be western style




    But anyways, if you havn't heard of the game Harvest Moon 64, you might find it a bit interesting, it is an old game, but if download a Nintendo 64 emulator (lets you play Nintendo 64 games on your PC) and then the ROM for the game, you can play it for free. I am baseing most of my stuff off of the gameplay from that game


    Harvest Moon Rom -



    Nintendo 64 Emulator -






    and on the space for the town, I know where that is, and I will go over there on my game right now, may take me a few minutes and I'll tell you what I think

  11. that is where texturing comes in


    i am going to have old worn ripped leather


    like this, but about 5x worse




    or this




    right now it is just a mesh with default material on it


    and I can always tear it up as needed, since it is 10x easier to break something than it is to fix it, I could quite easily put some huge gashes or delete some cushions or break the whole thing in half





    I can't beleive I forgot the glasses.... I feel stupid now...

  12. Ok, so here is the deal, I am starting work on my new mod, and I have some pretty ambitious ideas, and I just want to see if they are possible so I can know what to and what not to build for my town


    This is the mod I am working on here




    I plan on building the entire town and makeing new items and everything for this mod, and then once I have done my part and make it look all beautiful, then I will request the help of some program experts


    but before I build certain buildings and stuff, I need to know if some of this stuff is even possible



    1. I want to create a hanful of custom hairstyles, but the idea is that you can only get those hairstyles from the barber in my town. So I want to have my barber only offer my custom hairstyles, but I don't want my custom hairstyles to appear on the regular race menu or any other barbers across the wasteland.


    2. I have a blacksmith, and I want to give him the ability to take all sorts of metal peices, from guns to ammo to scrap, and recycle it into something that you need (just like in the Pitt)


    3. I want to have the carpenter in my town be able to build additions onto your house, is this possible, and if so, could I make it so that each addition to the house adds +1 to a certain stat as part of your well rested bonus, or something similar to that, just so that you only get it withing 16 hours of sleeping or something like that


    4. I have a small farm, and I want to be able to put seeds into the plot on the ground and have them spawn fruit in a set amount of time, and if possible, have it grow in stages (small plant, medium plant, then the fruit appears)


    5. There are 5 girls and 3 guys in my town that I want you character to be able to have a relationship with. Would it be possible to have them react differently if you talk to them every day, and would it be possible to give them gifts that would add to how much they like you?



    so, if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated

  13. http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/9495/img015c.jpg




    im far from a fashion designer, but what do you think about Ann and Maria


    don't hesitate to criticize my designs, I just threw those together as a starting point to see what you guys thought, they are far from a final version of the character


    I was trying to keep things simple enough that I could still model it without much trouble


    I also have some more screenshots of my couches











  14. http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/790/furniture1.jpg




    this is the kind of stuff I will be throwing together to help liven up the little farm town with some fresh 3d models


    it is not textured yet, so that is why it doesnt look old and worn, but trust me, it will


    but if you are interested I will get to work on that tractor for you

  15. The Wasteland Fort would make a pretty good basis for building up on, without having to make too many alterations to it. It already looks more like a farm than a fort, to be honest.


    That was kind of the idea, that it'd look more or less like a farm that had been converted into a makeshift outpost that one could live in. If I had access to a junked tractor model or something I would've put it in the mod as well to show more of the past of the place, but alas Beth. didn't decide to make one.


    The problem with working within the existing wasteland worldspace is that there are not many out of the way locations that havn't already been taken over by something else. I choose that spot as the location for it due to the fact it was one of the few out of the way places I could find and actually expand some in. Sure I could have created my own worldspace, but I'm not too sure how to create them so it'd be hit or miss on the quality.


    I like your idea though Oldwolfe and I support it 100%. If there are things that I could do to help just let me know. However my scripting skills are non-existent, I'd be limited to creating the buildings, clutter, navmesh, and lightning. I'd also be limited by the fact I am actually working on a farm and we are just begining harvest. But if I could aid in anyway gimmie a ring and I'll see what I can do.

    if I am not mistaken Oldwolfe was just makeing a request and doesn't actualy plan on makeing it himself (correct me if I am wrong here)


    but I could deffinatly use some help on makeing some buildings for farm village


    I can even make a tractor model made (can't be any harder than the tank model in my sig), as well as several other new furniture and other models, and if there is anything certain you want I'll see what I can do (we are going to have a farm and a carpenter and mill that sells furniture and all sorts of cool stuff)


    Me and the rest of my brainstorming team are still somewhat working out ideas right now, so we can get an overall blueprint working, but if you are interested at all in helping build anything for the town, even if it is just one building, I would greatly appreciate it


    if you want to stop by my topic it is here




    maybe you could at least help us find a suitable location for our eventual 10 or so buildings and lay out a sort of blueprint or something, I know I want it in the Wasteland worldspace, but I may build it right outside the borders, since there is a mod out there that allows you to go outside the usual game borders

  16. well, I tried to make the hourse but it turned out looking... well... not very much like a hourse to say the least


    I have been trying to get better at organic modeling, and am going to see if I can get a tutorial that may help me out or something....


    im still new to 3D modeling, but give me some time and I will get a mutated hourse model done


    then I could put raising hourses onto my Harvest Moon mod :D

  17. I could always use help on that


    I just didn't ask because I know moddelers arn't the easiest to come by, and I know that I can make a lot myself


    but the more new models the better, two people working on it means twice the new furniture, or it would just give me more time to fine tune since I don't need to make as much



    And as small of a thing as it may seem, haveing some fresh furniture in the game as apposed to the same chairs and couches found in almost every house in the wasteland, will do wonders for the overall look of things


    plus, I wanted this stuff to be a bit cleaner and less grimy than the vanilla stuff... still old and warn, but less dirty, just to give it a more home like feel (well, they will have dust, dirt, scratches, and tears, just not looking like a Super Mutant threw up the person he ate for lunch all over it)



    the chair above was done specifically for the Mayors house, but I will probly do multiple textures, black leather for the mayor and something less bussiness like for some homes



    I really don't know much about 30 and 40s furniture, so if you have any good references it would be cool if you could send me some, otherwise there is always google

  18. as far as the fort goes, im probly going to be building a lot of objects from scratch, since 3D modeling and texturing is what I do, but I will download the fort later and see it for myself and see what it has to work from


    I have no idea of your modeling abilities. I wasn't trying to be offensive. Just throwing out ideas.


    I never thought for a moment that you were trying to be offensive


    I just figured that you didn't know that I am primarily a 3D modeler


    I plan on using a lot of new stuff I make, enstead of using the in game assets, just to give my town a bit of a fresher look to it, since a lot of the furniture and house designs used in the origional game get really old after your 3rd play through

  19. as far as the fort goes, im probly going to be building a lot of objects from scratch, since 3D modeling and texturing is what I do, but I will download the fort later and see it for myself and see what it has to work from
  20. well... I have never actualy put anything into Fallout


    I have never used Nifskope either...


    but I will give it a try, but I really can't guarantee anything


    mostly what I do is just build meshes that I never really use for anything...

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