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Posts posted by Moire

  1. Moire, that is an offense. No one steals from Tesnexus because you can't steal anything given for free, it's not really your business (or mine, if that offended you) what policies modders and sites choose and who benefits from it and it's ridiculous to argue about someone not giving you access to a rip.

    And, since what you request is a rip, I doubt it's of any use asking about it here. PMs included.


    Maybe using the word steal was a bit harsh and I'm sorry if that offended you. I just get frustrated when you make an effort to get something and it's only available to a selected few. Actually I'm not sure if the things I asked about are rips(most mods on the site are not) but sending a rip or a link to a rip in a pm is without risk since I'm not likely to report it to anyone. Just to clarify.

  2. I had to make this thread here because the author of the mod cannot be contacted


    I started a game with a Moonshadow Elf and later changed race via showracemeny in the console and I finished with the "Done" button, resetting all stats. Now my new race gets the bonuses from the Moonshadow Elf, mainly reflect damage and magic. Can I simply deactive the Moonshadow Elf mod without risk or is there a better way of removing the bonus? I don't want any bugs later in the game because of this. My character isn't high level but I would still prefer not having to restart with a new character because all leveling takes time.

  3. I have to agree with Calliton. There are many crimes worse than rape, for example murdering children in front of their parents or beating someone senseless but if we can't discuss it here I will respect that.


    Btw...the first mod is also about rape :P

  4. That one actually looks good for females and males. If you can make it happen, I'll test it out if you like.


    Well, not quite what I'm looking for no. Tbh I only want something that makes your female character run with her legs closer together when she has one-handed weapon out because with the vanilla animation it looks like she has something between her legs. That's the only one missing. I liked the ninja animation but it doesn't work like it's supposed to. Some weird direction randomness occurs and it looks like you face sideways when you are running.

  5. I like the armor.....


    The armor is a part of Apachii goddess store located on Tessnexus and it's called White Snake Armor. It doesn't look exactly the same but it's very close. The boots and breasts are a bit on the big side.

  6. This sounds like a very good idea that would add a little more atmosphere and death wouldn't feel so trivial. Aynway, I have another suggestion that is easier to make. When the character dies a pool of blood starts growing under him/her, which would look more effectful than a rubber doll just falling to the floor.
  7. Hmm, I really like some of the suggestions here and I think I'll make a gory, terrifying dungeon when I get the time but now to my idea. How about taking Deadly Reflex one step further and make it possible to chop off arms and legs? Shouldn't be too complicated since it's the same principle.
  8. I'm going to make a horror mod and for that I need some meshes for mutilated female bodies with ripped white gowns, to make it look like they've been sacrificed in some kind of rituals. They don't need to be totally trashed. It's enough if they are bloody with some bodyparts missing and no visible entrails or zombie bodies please. I know that there are some mods out already that could be altered for this but I don't have the necessary skills to do it. I can only do texturing so if someone is up for this it would be great.
  9. You could always download Blender and Gimp and Nifskope, learn to use them, and attempt to recreate what you've seen.


    Haha, I've been thinking about that many times but I don't have the energy to learn it from scratch just to mess around in a game that is soon to be obsolete so we'll see about that. I suppose I'm not in a position to be picky then right? Well, I'm grateful to those people who actually share and I can understand why some people keep their stuff private after reading the comments here but I would release my own work if it was good enough, just for the publicity it would give. Actually I have already released some textures and it wasn't a problem until tessnexus was redesigned. ^^

  10. I like this concept but since it's from a game it's copyright protected and can't be released so you'll only get just another private mod. One more thing, is Robert's female body really better than HGEC? I think HGEC is the most common one at least.
  11. I'm sure you have seen a screenshot of something that you thought looked really awesome. You asked the creator where he got it and get the answer "it's for private use only". I'm not really that picky about armors since we have so many to choose from now and we can't really demand anything from people who have put a lot of work into it. But the thing is, I can't see the point in releasing a mod and make screenshots of things that you want to keep to yourself. It's like holding a freshly baked chocolate cake in front of someone and then snap it back saying "Haha, it's for me only". Faces I can understand. You can create your own face and I wouldn't want anyone to soil my character with their perverted playstyle. I can also understand if it's copied from a game, in which case it's illegal to share. But a piece of clothing or a hairstyle doesn't do much use gathering dust on your hardrive.


    Simply don't temp people with juicy screens if you don't want to get these annoying questions all the time or just upload it and hope that you get positive feedback. We won't miss things that we don't know about ;)

  12. Thanks for taking the time to look and see if you can help.


    I have been trying to learn to use nifskope and have met a small amount of success so I am not entirely frustrated I think I just need to be pointed in the right direction.


    I altered an armor mod, in nifskope everything that I want is right where I want it and everything looks good.




    But then I go in game equip the same armor and poof my characters been amputated below the waist!




    So pretty much I am stuck at this point for two days I have done what little I have learned so far to try and get this to show up in game (I went into the cs reset the paths made sure the correct body parts were checked and so on) but to no avail.


    I am thinking that I do not have it saved correctly as a _gnd file, but I am at a loss so I am asking for help.

    did you add the new texture path with the mesh file in the mod?


    Did you get help with this already? I think I could help since I've done many armors succesfully in Nifscope/CS and I can tell you that it doesn't matter what you name the file if it's for the correct bodypart. _gnd is usually for items that is put on the ground so don't use that. It's hard to tell you exactly what's wrong here but it could be one of many things.


    1. Your armor uses another body mod

    2. You didn't check lower body as biped object. The most obvious one imo but you say you fixed that.

    3. You could try to copy everything from the lower body nif into the upper body nif and make a new armor of that nif, covering both upper and lower body.


    If you still haven't solved it you can send me the files and I'll take a look at them. Good luck!

  13. This is an adventure mod made by a Chinese guy and he has put lots of work into it. The detail is amazing! Unfortunately it's all in Chinese and is not enjoyable without understanding what the characters are saying so if someone with skills in both Chinese and English wants to make a translation of this mod we could all get the benefit of enjoying it fully. It's already been done in german. Here's a link to the original mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31610
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