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Posts posted by Moire

  1. It's an alternate Moonshadow elf texture, the creator's a bit reluctant on releasing it publicly even though it has the PERFECT amount of eye shadow IMO...


    I agree...and it's a pity the people who are making superior content for Oblivion think they are more superior if they are the only ones who have it. Some kind of egolomania(yes...I just made that word up) :down:

  2. What race is this? I know it could be an altered texture etc but I still wanted to see if anyone knew about a mod like this. It deserves a big picture in this thread because it's one of the most beautiful characters I've seen...



  3. Since Sayaa has quit taking requests I wonder if someone would consider making BBB for Tona's Airy Lily. I think it will look really cool, especially the armor with the plate cuirass on. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29090 The top left image is the armor I'm talking about. There has already been some work done on BBB for Tona but all the modders has quit working on it for various reasons. If you are interested you can look on tesnexus and see if you can use their work somehow.
  4. I am looking for some mods, I found pictures on website, but it's in French?I don't know how to write to the person with the picture. I am wondering if someone can help me find them please, when I google for them I get "her" >.> . Sorry.


    Weapon: http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1p0PalbjeVy5afgSd9V_1jpn7a1P2p9Z5efJlGxVBuTe1I9410QLSI6gj00hXbVXpWfxNkzOUi4ydLt_sGQzGXzg/Aisha%20clothes%20and%20axe.jpg?psid=1


    Thank you!


    It's in this pack http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NR5M5RCM (I don't remember where I found it)

  5. I'm talking about the hair sites, not hair names...


    I appreciate your effort but that doesn't help much. I'm trying to find hairstyles for Oblivion and not Sims...




    Don't underestimate the power of ...


    It's a Sims 2 hair ported into Oblivion. I'm pretty sure that's what ziitch was getting at (find the original Sims 2 hair mesh and someone else may be able to convert it for you so you don't need to look around for it).


    Okay, I will see what I can do

  6. I'm talking about the hair sites, not hair names...


    I appreciate your effort but that doesn't help much. I'm trying to find hairstyles for Oblivion and not Sims...




    Don't underestimate the power of ...

  7. I don't know if I'm allowed to ask this here, but...

    I'm looking for a mod that re-balances the total magicka a character is allowed to have. (e.g. Multipliers, extra magicka per level, etc.) I know there are a few out there, I'm just looking for something streamlined that most people use. I probably overlooked a few major ones already, so if anyone could point me in the general direction or recommend something, it would be appreciated.


    You could try this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4229

  8. I want to use the Lop-ears elf race that requires Beautiful People 2ch edition but I don't really want that mod to mess with my game and I don't need the extra races. I found an article about this awhile ago but now I can't find it. How do I remove the BP dependency while keeping all the eyes and hair for my race? Is it recommended?
  9. I just reinstalled Oblivion from scratch and made a new character(Lineage Elf) but whenever I initiate conversation with any npc the game crashes instantly. Before that I was having problems with crashes when I entered a new area and I don't really know what was causing it but I managed to get past it by disabling a few mods. I have played with these plugins before and 200+ in total without these problems. The only difference is that now I use OBSE v19b instead of v19 but I doubt that is the issue here. This is my loadorder after uninstalling all my obmm mods http://img207.imageshack.us/f/loadorder.jpg


    Please see if you can detect something that will cause the CTDs above so I know what to do next time I install. All help is appreciated.

  10. I only install mods that doesn't have obmm support manually because it's faster than converting them or reorganizing the file structure but well, I guess people do as they like. Is BAIN better than OBMM and is it easy to use?
  11. Does anyone know an Altmer height mod?

    I'm looking for one that makes their height somewhere around 1 to 0.9-ish like wood elves, thx :D


    It's very simple to do it yourself. Open the CS, go to race tab in the menu, click Altmer, click body tab, then adjust the height to what you want it to be. Save and activate the plugin. Go party!

  12. Many people who upload mods put them into a catalogue with the mod's name, for example if I download a mod called DMC Stylish and unpack it I get a folder called DMC Stylish where the actual files are located. But that method just makes it harder for people. So please next time you release a mod, consider putting the files as they would go into the data folder. If you have to reinstall the game it is very cumbersome to install 200+ mods when you can't unpack directly into that folder and have to move all the files manually and then delete the leftover folder. Let's say you have made an armor mod. Then the structure should look like this when you open the rar/zip file:






    Not very hard is it? A minimum effort on your part can save a lot of frustration for others. :)

  13. Hello I'm looking for some armor I found on this chinese site (you'd think it'd be imposible to get but I have seen many armors there in screenshots that can be found on texnexus).


    The first one looks like a HGEC imperial guard conversion, but it looks awesome:

    -Scroll down to last picture to see the armor in more detail:

    Armor 1


    On this second set of pictures I wonder what are all of the clothes/armors used, so if you can recognize one of them and know where to get it I'd appreciate it very much!


    Armor set 2


    Thanks in advance!


    Does anyone know what mod the monsters in pic 1 come from? We don't have any epic mods like that on Tesnexus. :(

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