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Posts posted by Moire

  1. Ok I have been looking for this http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=69281 dress for weeks now i have gotten nowhere. I would be the happiest person on earth if someone could tell me where to find this, seriously I'm tearing my hair out over this. Thanks :thumbsup:


    Have you tried messaging the uploader about it? That's usually the best way. I've seen several dresses that look similar though, like this one - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24412

  2. That's a retexture of the Lady Elegance outfit by Krista, and knowing of the above image author will be for private use only. Can't post a link to the original here. Not sure about the body but the hair is an SKS Ren release by stephenkang.


    Maybe that texture is for private use but the mod isn't...I doubt they would find out even if she didn't have permission. I think they have better things to do than poking around on this forum :P. It's a very pretty outfit so I'm glad she made it :)

  3. I feel a bit noob for asking this but since it doesn't work I had to. I made a spell in the CS and added it to a merchant but it doesn't appear in his spellist. I even tried loading the mod after my bashed patch but still no result. What do I have to do to make him sell it? I just need a legit way of adding it to my char without using the console so if you have another suggestion I'd still be happy.
  4. That didn't help sadly and I'm using the latest version of Nifskope. I tried disabling everything in that box but it still crashes. Actually I need 10.9 to have AA in the game so I guess I have to live without nifskope for now. :(


    Edit: I discovered that it works if I disable Catalyst Control centre. I had set antialiasing there, which made the program crash.

  5. Hi, I'm playing the game with Bloom lighting and I set antialiasing to x8 both in game and in Control Center. Nothing helps, there is still no antialiasing because you can clearly see that the edges of every object in the game lacks smoothness. I have a ATI Radeon 4850 HD. Any help is appreciated.


    Edit: I updated my drivers, changed to HDR and hardware AA and now it works! Strange but I'm not complaining :smile:

  6. Hi


    I know this is not really about Oblivion but that's the only thing I use nifskope for and I have to register to post it elsewhere so I will try here instead. If you have an ATI card and use nifskope regularly you might have noticed that if you have the new drivers, either 10.8 or 10.9, it crashes when you click the render window? This is very annoying because I have to use an old driver to work around it. Is there any solution to this?

  7. Damn intelligent and loyal creatures those horsies..."Hmm...my owner is a much worse rider than this one...I better report this to the guards!" :tongue: Anyway, I saw a chariot mod in this blog - http://rembrandt2.exblog.jp/ but cba searching for it now. You can find it if you use google translate or google chrome. I have no idea if it allows many passengers but it might be worth a look. And just a thought about this thread in general. How can information about horses be spoilers? It's your right to know before you pay for a crappy horse!
  8. I didn't have this problem before and I ran the game with 200+ mods installed. Sometimes the game just freezes when you close the inventory screen and it doesn't matter what cell you're in so I'm guessing it's an ui based problem. I tried removing some plugins that affect ui, like pluggy HUD and some minor mods but still no change. The other major plugins I have is Oblivion XP, Darn's Dark Darnified ui, Improved hotkeys, Unnecessary Violence and Deadly Reflex but those worked fine before and I'm not playing the game without them. Any ideas what can be done about this? Would defragging your harddrive help? I didn't do it for a long time actually but it's going to take several hours.
  9. I never denied it's hard. But even with that "select few" it's not worth the effort... in this case.


    And I actually meant that you are risking by asking, not others ("risking by asking", what a dread >_<).


    You seem to know a lot more than you let on, hmm. :P

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