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Posts posted by Moire

  1. Here's something I found awhile ago on a forum. Maybe it helps.


    Removing the Modular Beautiful People 2ch-Edition dependency.


    That plugin is a pain to many. Not only is it huge, it adds hair and eyes that some find rather unpleasant/unnecessary.

    This technique seems to nicely eliminate the requirement.

    1. Place the offending plugin in your data directory.

    2. Fire up Tes4Edit and select only the plugin.

    3. After it loads, go to hair and high lite each non-vanilla hair, pressing delete.

    4. Repeat for any eyes.

    5. Save the plugin.

    6. Now fire up Tes4Gecko.

    7. Select the option 'edit master list'.

    8. Remove the offending esm (it should vanish without complaint. If not, return to step 2. You missed something).

    9. If a custom race has no hair/eyes, fire up the CS and give them some.

  2. I've read the readme, installed Nehrim into a new folder, activated only Nehrim.esm, NehrimData.esp and NehrimEnglish.esp. I can get to the start menu but I can't start a new game. It just crashes after a few seconds. Something else that I don't understand is why my Oblivion mods turns up in the Nehrim launcher unless I disable them all and everytime I start the Nehrim launcher the files there are deactivated. Also, it detects my oblivion save games when I click Load Game and that is also very weird. I hope that's not how it is supposed to be or switching between games will be very problematic. Did I do something wrong with the install or is the problem something else? Any help is appreciated.
  3. Does anyone one know where I can find the Goma Pose mod? I've tried to find it and only found half rumors and broken links.


    So if anyone can point me to a solid download of it, it would be very much appreciated.



    Does anyone know where to find the First and third armor sets there? I think the First one is the White Rose, but the download I found to it was broken. :C


    The third outfit is Luna armor from Hentai Mania.

    The boss that drops it is in Wendelbek and is called, guess what?...Luna! She's level 42 though, so quite a tough one


  4. not to be rude but, ummm are you sure your talking about the video i posted???


    What the... ARGH! I am sorry but Youtube redirected me to another video. I am from Germany so usually I get the "this video is not avaiable in your country blah blah", but I double clicked it and was obviously redirected to the next video in the playlist without that message. Sorry again!


    This kind of behaviour...totally unacceptable...

  5. I've seen a huge number of what I like to call "Noob mods" on tesnexus. These are mods that can be made by anyone who just recently took their first steps into The CS. Examples are "I made this armor with imba stats that uses default models" or "New race that is basically an imperial with Golden saint eyes". Not to mention the worst case with mods like "The omfg mod" that doesn't have a hint of seriousity in them. We don't need any of your noob mods. They are only cluttering Tesnexus, making it harder to find the quality mods and they could be seen as spam actually, because they don't make anyone happy. My advice to people is to only upload something you have put some work into and that you think people will appreciate. This problem becomes especially clear when Oblivion has existed for nearly four years and most people have seen all the wonderful creations out there. So if you recently took up Oblivion, maybe you should have a look around to see what counts as quality before you upload something.


    What would be best is if your mod was forced to undergo a preview by the moderators, to ensure that it adds something of value.

  6. - Nehrim uses assets of vanilla Oblivion. (Remember, this is Total Conversion... I realized how 'horrible' vanilla Oblivion facial textures are when I started Nehrim; I immedietly quit, and installed some texture/body replacers)

    - Speech is in German; you'll have to turn on subtitles when you're playing English version.

    - About Nehrim with mods, there're some threads about that at SureAI forum and official Oblivion forum.


    Well, if the speech is in german I won't play it so no need to post anything else. Thanks for your answers.

  7. I took a look at this mod called Nehrim which seems very extensive and I have some questions about it before I start putting my energy into it. I want some insight from people who have played it preferably. If you can't answer everything, just answer what you can. :)


    1 How do you play it technically? Will you have two separate games that exists parallel to each other or do you have to adjust your install to Nehrim?

    2 Can you use combat mods such as Deadly Reflex with Nehrim?

    3 How are the races done aesthetically? Can I add my own races?

    4 What does the armors for females tend to look like? Do they show some skin or is it the standard chainmail armor like in Oblivion?

    5 Is the speech in German or did they do separate speech for the English version? This will pretty much determine if I will play it or not.

  8. That's not cell-shading. That's the LOD billboard of the trees you're supposed to see at distance. You shouldn't be seeing the LOD version that close though. Unless you have some settings adjusted to very short distances.


    Look at the screenshot below. Notice the trees across the bay look exactly like the ones you posted. But mine change to full detail as I approach them. Try deleting your oblivion.ini and Oblivion will generate a new one next time you start the game. Or you can fiddle around with the different settings to find exactly which one would cause that, since I'm unsure exactly.


    Don't ever do this guys. If you do keep your old ini as backup. I had to reinstall my game because the graphics didn't show in game.

  9. I can't get Deadly Reflex 6 to work. My game freezes when I try to start with it. I have installed the required mods and OBSE v19b so technically it should work. If someone can help with this I am grateful because this seems like a very interesting mod.
  10. I'm looking for the armor on the blue chick in this image: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1322648-1289970226.jpeg


    Also, I'm trying to find the updated version of Queen's Armory/Ice Queen armor shown in this image: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1322648-1281390827.jpg In the normal ice queen armor there is just a plain black thong that looks like crap, which is the only reason I don't use that armor.


    Annnnnnnnd, this one is sort of like the Ice Queen armor, but not quite: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1322648-1275271696.jpg


    If anyone knows any of the three, I'd -really- appreciate it!


    The last one is an edit of White Rose armor. Download link in the above post(Dancing Shadow Rose pack).


    Looks like they've replaced the skirt with adventuress skirt from KFChapelShop and the rest is from Diano 2. It's a nice mashup.


    Anyway, I'm looking for this armor http://shy.jsphr.net...mg/ups20084.jpg The name might be enough if you know what they call it


    Like others have said that's a mashup of a few sets. Just to add to the melange of mashery I think the boots look like a retex of the boots and leggings from Bisca's IBSet. That mashup is a cute ensemble, for sure.


    The belt and boots is from Bisca's set but not the leggings. I think they are a retex of Sinblood's work. :)

  12. Moire: that's a combination of mods, namely HS-Armor and a few of Q-TAs sets.


    Eweyr: I know what you're talking about, but from what I can tell it's an additional alternate of the Black Rose for Dancing Shadow Rose. But, it's from the 1.2 version; I don't think there's a link to it anymore.


    I found the HS-Armor pack but where can I find Q-TAs sets?

  13. My post got buried, so bumping this:


    I've been trying to find the orange-black colored version of DSR armor pictured here, but I can't seem to find it. I'm guessing that it got buried inside the uploader site. Can someone help me with this?

    Before anyone asks:


    -No, they are not Black Squall Knight, but Dancing Shadow Rose. I have both, and I know they are different.

    -The recolor doesn't come together with the final release.


    That's just a simple retexture. I tried to make something similar that took only a few minutes. It might not be the exact same colour but it's hard to tell with a screenshot. The thing is, now that I've put so much work into this I WON'T SHARE IT WITH ANYONE because I'm so special! I'm just telling you this so you can dream about it at night. Just kidding...here is the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7L2X5PDM


    It's only the textures so you have to place them in the right folders yourself.

  14. Hi there. is there any place where i can find this sword http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1873764-1289065509.jpg


    Sorry wrong pic.

    this is the one I'm after http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1873764-1288057748.jpg



    ok, im tired of everyone wondering what my sword is, its the Sparda from DMC, im not releasing my sword no matter how many PM requests i get. ok?


    Jeez, fair enough if you don't want to share your work but try to chill a bit. You posted a screenshot and then you have to be prepared that people will ask about it.(I don't want it though)


    Anyway, I'm looking for this armor http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups20084.jpg The name might be enough if you know what they call it

  15. I've been running with Mounted Combat for awhile now and it worked fine but suddenly I start hearing a weird sound when I increase the speed of my horse(mounted steering). It's a loud booming sound, just like the sound when a spell hits an opponent and it keeps looping if I hold down the forward key. I tried moving my entire fx folder to see if there was a conflict but the sound is still there and I've installed so many mods that I have no idea if a mod is conflicting. Please help if you have an idea what can be causing this because I really like Mounted Combat and that sound is really annoying.
  16. I'm looking for a zombie race that uses body parts from Robert's male body or any other good body mod. My requirement is that it has decayed flesh that is torn in some pieces so it actually looks like a zombie and that it has a skeleton that can be animated. The only good mod I've found is this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10688 but I have to use the default meshes or the textures will be out of place. An alternative is if you know an easy way to force the race to use another mesh than what's used for the other races. I don't intend to play it, I want it for summonings and quests if it makes any difference. If anyone found such a mod or just the resources I would like to know or if you by any chance would like to make a race like this I would be happy. :)
  17. Just a little word of advice if you want people to help you. Don't post so much at once because it's hard to get a grasp of what you are actually looking for. The first 20 links could be deleted because most of them doesn't work and the rest is rediculously low quality that no modder with any self-respect would model from. The rest is okay I guess, though I didn't look at them all.
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