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Everything posted by Relativelybest

  1. Eh, I don't think it's fair to expect Bethesda to release a game primarily as a modding platform. Modding should be an afterthought for them, in the sense that they should focus on making the actual game as good as possible first, and ensure that modding is as functional as possible once the tools do show up. So I don't mind them taking their time with this. And anyway, Fallout 4 may be the first Bethesda game I've played where I haven't really found anything I want to mod. It's actually fun enough on it's own that I don't feel the need to add or alter anything, except maybe a few minor issues that I can live with for the time being. I mean, my character is around level 50 and I haven't even found a reason to use console commands yet. That's how well this game has been performing for me.
  2. Never had it that bad, but I often run into bandits who are a bit slow on the uptake. Kinda like: "Hey, are you new around here? Haven't seen you befo... Hey wait a minute!" Reminds me of the time I got to that one place in Solstheim were you find a dead guard, and for some reason his shield was slowly rising into the sky. I was like: "It is RIDICULOUS what kind of air this thing is getting. Dude come get the ruler check this out." "...Yeah, it's not coming back." There can be only one!
  3. Would love to get the SI madness gear in Skyrim. The madness armor and claymore were my favorites in Oblivion. Amber too, I guess, though I found the amber armor to look kinda dumb. Did use the shield for some of my builds.
  4. This does look pretty interesting. Though, I do hope this city is an actual city. As in, a place where people used to live, not just a large complex of seemingly random rooms and corridors serving to apparent purpose. Really, I'd accept a Dwemer apartment building at this point.
  5. Ah, I was right! So, I guess my game somehow just... failed to load the character, and went with the default instead? Still the strangest glitch I've experienced in Skyrim. Wish I could have seen my own face when it happened.
  6. Well, I could mention the time I went to Rorikstead and old man Rorik just randomly keeled over and died for no reason. Like, I think he had a heart attack or something? Or the time I found a non-hostile vampire running across the tundra, whom I then followed all across Whiterun and into a bandit lair where she ended up just standing around doing nothing. Or I could mention the deer that choose to just stand still and look at me for several minutes without trying to escape. Or the occasional floating rocks, or the large square holes that sometimes appear in water. But by far the weirdest thing was when I loaded up a save in first person and headed into a cave for some adventuring. I drew my stalhrim katana, only to find that it had turned into an iron axe. The hell? I zoom out into third person and discover that my character has turned into... the Dragonborn. "Yeah," I hear you say, "playing as the Dragonborn is kinda the point of the game." But no, you don't get it. I mean I had literally turned into that guy from the trailers. My character was supposed to be a gorgeous female Ningheim decked out in high-level gear, yet the character my game loaded was a generic Nord male dressed in a full suit of iron armor. I checked my inventory and I had a full iron set, a selection of minor potions, a copy of The Book of the Dragonborn, and some other basic items. All my regular gear was gone. Also, I think I was level 5 or something. I quit the game, started it up again and reloaded the save. My character was back just the way I left her. So, yeah. I think that must have been some kind of test character the developers made, but I have absolutely no idea how he ended up replacing my own character.
  7. I'm male, but play almost exclusively female characters for two reasons. First, I prefer girls as main characters in general. I honestly have no idea why - it's not a sexual thing or an issue with my gender identity. They just appeal to me more. Even as a writer, I find myself having a marked preference for female protagonists. Second, I find that it's almost impossible to make a good male character in Skyrim. Aside from the fact that most vanilla male models look like they've been beaten with a shovel made out of ugly, I just really hate that slightly hunched forward posture they have.
  8. Cool. Oh, and I just posted it as a separate request, but while I'm at it: -Making ghosts immune to normal weapons, like they were in Oblivion, leaving them vulnerable to only silver, daedric or enchanted weapons. (Charge irrelevant.)
  9. Would it be possible to make Skyrim ghosts immune to all weapons except silver, enchanted and daedric, like they were in Oblivion? I just feel that it's a bit silly that I can stab a ghost to death (?) with just a normal steel sword.
  10. -Being able to attack while jumping or falling. This was possible back in Oblivion, and I sorta miss it. -Jumping while sprinting. -Attacking overriding blocking, so that I don't need to drop my guard before attacking, which causes a delay. Preferably, enemies should be able to do this as well. That should result in faster-paced fights with a more natural feeling and emphasis on timing. -Using staffs and scrolls leveling the equivalent magic skill, so it actually makes sense for mages to use them.
  11. I used to do this all the time for Oblivion. Unfortunately, Skyrim doesn't quite lend itself as well to hilarious stories.
  12. To be absolutely fair, you need to know a minimum of one spell to complete the questline. (Lesser Ward.) This is assuming you have high enough Speech to skip the first test at the bridge, and use for example frost and fire shouts to make it through Labyrinthian. It's still kinda dumb that you can be made Archmage knowing only a single novice level spell, though. Especially since you mainly get the job because the Psijics said so, and everybody else is like: "Seems legit!" Anyway, at least most of my characters tend to be master enchanters, so I can argue that I'm great at one type of magic. Really, this should have been an option in the vanilla game. Tolfdir is, like, the Dumbledore or Skyrim.
  13. Also something I found out early on. Notably my character in question fights exclusively with the Ghostblade, and I had to abuse smithing just to get it strong enough to be a decent endgame weapon. Even then I tried to wear him down while avoiding power attacks, but there was no difference in outcome. I don't quite recall but I may also have tried fighting him with an even weaker weapon. Basically, any fix you might find googling the bug or reading the wikis, plus any suggestion previously mentioned on this thread, I have probably already tried.
  14. That was literally the first thing I tried. The problem is that there are apparently multiple ways this bug can occur, so what works fine for one person may not work for someone else.
  15. I have two questions about the Daedric artifacts, and I decided to put them in the same thread rather than make two of them. Question 1: How recognizable are the artifacts, in general? I mean, obviously scholars who have studied them might be able to identify them, but what about everyone else? Say if your Dragonborn walks up to Ulfric Stormcloak carrying for example Volundrung, would Ulfric be able to tell that it's Malacath's artifact, or would he just think it's a particularly cool hammer? Or, would an orc who actually worships Malacath be able to recognize it? Etc. Question 2: As part of the main quest in Oblivion, one of the Daedric artifacts had to be destroyed. Do we have any idea which one, lore-wise? At first I kinda assumed it was Goldbrand, since it doesn't show up in Skyrim, but supposedly Titus Mede II used it in battle a later date, so I guess that may not have been it. For that matter, you have the option of letting another one be destroyed in Skyrim, though I sorta suspect it will turn up again in future titles. That makes me wonder, can they even be permanently destroyed, or do the Daedric Princes just recreate them when that happens?
  16. In retrospect, the next location may depend a bit on how far Bethesda wants to take the Thalmor thing. They've gone out of their way to establish the Thalmor as bad guys, and a game set on Summerset (no pun intended) will almost certainly use them as important antagonists. Now that could mean they'll be saving Summerset for some kind of finale, or they might want to get the Thalmor out of the way so they can move on to new ideas with the other settings. Honestly, the next game could be set in any of the remaining regions depending on exactly what they have planned.
  17. I find that it helps to have a long-term goal. With my current character, I've decided to master all sword skills, reach level 80 and kill the Ebony Warrior. Also, earning one million septims.
  18. Playing with girls might be a cultural thing. After all, their world has an extremely high level of gender equality, so it would make sense if kids in Tamriel don't really consider gender a factor when it comes to making friends. As for sword fighting, I believe that historically, boys were typically considered ready to train with weapons around the age of fourteen. That said, it is a bit weird Balgruf won't even give his kid a wooden sword. Well, then we do have some canon on it, at least.
  19. But.. But... mah artifacts! ...Actually, I guess I wouldn't mind if they were treated as upgrades. Like, reforge a unique weapon into a different, stronger unique weapon of the same type. Provided I dig the look of the new ones, anyway. Goodness knows most of them could use it. It's definitely doable, anyway. Some mods already do something like this, letting you forge a two-handed sword out of a one-handed, etc. The trick would be finding someone to actually, you know, make all the assets and get them into the game. It sounds like quite an undertaking.
  20. Just wondering what age you guys think the Skyrim children are supposed to be. A matter of individual interpretation, I know, since they seem meant to be just generically child-like. Still, I'm curious. Their size and proportions suggest they are supposed to be fairly young, but at the same time they're all oddly precocious, so I have a hard time pegging their age.
  21. Honestly, I've completely given up on picking a side - I hate getting politics mixed up in my adventuring. I only played through the Civil War questline once for completionism, and all it amounted to was Whiterun getting wrecked and, I think, Eorlund getting killed. These days I just let the sort it out on their own. There seems to be a bit of a discrepancy between the game mechanics and the lore when it comes to the shouts. According to Skorm Snow-Strider, a young, fresh-faced Voice Master was able to break the siege of Forelhost where Skorm's entire army failed, implying he shouted the main gates down. That suggests Unrelenting Force (presumably the shout used) is supposed to be the sort of thing that can demolish entire buildings. And, at any rate, it is a blast powerful enough to catapult a grown man through the air, often killing him on landing. That's like being hit by a large explosion, which do frequently dismember its victims from the sheer force. So I think it's fair to say it should be able to tear someone to pieces, only the game mechanics don't really support that.
  22. At the very least, I would like it if staffs and scrolls leveled the equivalent magic skill, so that using them is not actually detrimental to your development. It's almost as if they're meant to be used only be non-mages, except your magic skills affect how well staffs perform, so that doesn't really make sense. o_O
  23. A new rule for my current character is that she refuses to use black soul gems, and collects them exclusively so she can stash them away in a safe location so others can't get to them. This is because she Kind of an inversion of my standing rule regarding not feeling bad about killing nords, since I'm just sending them to Sovengard.
  24. I had a feeling I'd heard the word used in the game at some point, but I wasn't sure. It's surprisingly rarely mentioned.
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