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Everything posted by urbex

  1. The Nexus isn't the only relevant modding site, no need to be an ass.
  2. this is how sites die what's next, gateway ads?
  3. Not sure if it's been mentioned, but not over clocking hardware as nice as that is silly. Drop $50 on an aftermarket cooler and you'll be able to hit 5ghz on your processor.
  4. why is everyone on this forum struck with paranoia if anything he'd get slapped with a silly c&d
  5. hence why he's not marketing it
  6. Yeah, the video card is pretty bad, and considering it's a prebuilt you won't have much room to upgrade. Just go ahead and build yourself a nice $600 GTX460/Phenom II 955. It will blow that system out of the water. tinyurl.com/falconguide
  7. I'd personally go with the MSI Hawk 5770. The cooler on it will allow you to greatly overclock at low temps. Worth the extra $15.
  8. While Bethesda's Gamebryo games are basically unplayable without mods, I have high hopes for the new engine.
  9. Without a decent video card it'll look pretty bad when you preview, you'd have to dump the preview to a lower resolution. The processor affects how smooth the preview window is and obviously how long it takes to render the final clip. You don't need a GTX 57000XXXXXX though, any 2010 HD card will do the job at 1080p.
  10. The best you'll do with $400 is a 5670 and a Athlon II. I recommend spending at least $600 for your purchase to be worth it.
  11. Metro on max settings, well, would require an entirely new build. You might be able to manage FNV on high if you updated your graphics card, but then you'd have to upgrade your PSU as well and your CPU/RAM would bottleneck it. I'm not sure if your card is actually failing, do you have any other evidence of this? If safe mode is fixing your problem it could very well be a driver issue.
  12. Quite true. While initially playing Oblivion I had an amazing time and really enjoyed it, taking a step back I realized all the screw-ups they made to make it more accessible for console gamers. In the end, I won't be surprised if Skyrim is lacking in the immersion and depth areas, but I know I will still love the game. everybody else complaining about Oblivion would have been disappointed at the outset, something which very few people were, really. debatable
  13. I was under the impression the distant land bottleneck was VRAM?
  14. Twentyfive cell MGE distant land at 60 FPS. That's a pretty high requirement. My GTX460 only pulls 30, maybe a 580? That's pretty overkill for other games though. I wouldn't go with 4850s, they're last gen.
  15. Well, you managed to make no sense whatsoever.
  16. my lian li case has a huge blue led display behind the fan :3
  17. It is part of windows 7, comes up on system properties. It gives the over all score as the lowest asset. But it is a little flawed, to get above the 5.9 on hdd it must be solid state.....I needed a little more storage so I am using a pair of 1.5tb wd caviar black in a raid 0, for faster speed of data retrieval in game. Have a pair of 5870's in xfire, and 12 gigs of ram coupled with a 920 quad core. This rig is under a year old and was maxed out pretty much from Alienware when I had it built, stayed within my budget for a tower of 3500.00 and am quite pleased with how it does run games. May upgrade it later this year, but I don't see a great need as it should meet my needs for a few years yet. May by a new case and psu from alienware just for additional drive space ;and transfer everything over to an area 51 alx case when I retire next year or may just order a new one as I have not decided yet. Micky Alienware? Why oh why...
  18. I would imagine that will be fine, if that doesn't run it then they won't be selling many copies for the PC. Please accept my Kudos. I'm not worrying about it anymore due to this post. Judging from what you said, I'm guessing my computer is pretty good... ---- Buddha has a windows score of 5.9 (Most of his stats are above 7.0....) I can't even get mine past 5.5 despite tweaking, and I will NOT overclock my graphic under any circumstance. So..... What do you mean by 'Squeeze bye' Buddha? What's your exact graphics card model? Judging by that you really got ripped off, my last build form September was only $700 and outperforms yours. Oh, and you really should be overclocking. There's really no risks whatsoever.
  19. 1000% more dialogue than oblivion. No compass markers and quests that blatantly tell you what to do. No level scaling at all. Magicka doesn't regenerate. Blessings from altars cost money. You can fail at casting or attacking. Leveling up increases attatck precision, not damage. No fast travel, forced to use immersive and fair silt strider system. No magically essential NPCs. Given death bounty if you're wanted enough. NPCs don't magically know whats stolen. The list goes on and on, basically if you play morrowind for 10 minutes you'll realize how much better oblivion should of been.
  20. Discussion of piracy isn't allowed here, but nevertheless, I'd go with the Acekard as it has smoother multimedia functions & a more stable NES emulator.
  21. Even if they use something like .cra for the creative engine it will just be container file. I don't think bethesda would develop an in-house modeler when 3DS works perfectly fine.
  22. Considering how much they ruined oblivion, I'm pretty sure it's impossible to dumb it down any further.
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