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Everything posted by urbex
There's obviously influence towards tagging other member's files, but the requirement of five members, especially on older files nulls a lot of attempts. Since premium members are generally trustworthy, this would be a trivial addition.
Might have something to do with the crysis 2 beta being locked at DX9 & medium settings. At least, that's what my friend told me.
Long story short, don't upgrade. Wait until you can afford a new build.
I'm pretty sure most would agree that PC>>>PS3>360.
Understandable, but the i5 should cost around $215 while the i3 is around $115. The i7-2600K is somewhere in the $315 to $340 range. The problem with dropping the optical drive(the brand that I mentioned in the earlier post is about $25) is that most games are installed on with DVD disks and not every game is available through Steam, the EA Store, or D2Drive. With the Operating System, unless he wants to transfer the hard drive from his previous computer to the custom built PC, he'll need that and it will also require a DVD drive to install the OS. If all he is doing is playing games, the dual core i3 would be enough as most games are still optimized for two cores. If he is recording videos as well(like gameanyone.com,) then the i5 is a better choice with the i7 leaving the others in the dust. Both the i3 and i7 have hyperthreading, but only the i5-2500K and i7-2600K have overclocking in LGA1155. You're better off with a Phenom II X4 than an i3. When I built my PC I still had my Windows 7 disk, and I just put my new HDD in it to install windows. I've never found a game that is only available optically.
I'm pretty sure you can use nVamp with Project Nevada. Not sure about fook, even in fallout 3 I didn't use it. FWE's gameplay additions and difficulty increase > lots of guns. That's just my biased opnion though.
Or, you know, just follow the flawless logical increments guide. Newegg is cheaper than microcenter with the exception of intel CPUs. USA only though. Don't cheap out on the PSU, get corsair or antec. 750w is also overkill, go 650w. Have that CPU, it's great but I'd recommended a sandybridge as it's getting dated. Throw in a $30 aftermarket cooler as well as not overclocking would be silly. And replace the ricer case with a coolermaster.
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HD Audio Overhaul - v1_2 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13055 Ambient Wasteland 2 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12602 Improved Sound FX v1_3 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=627 Weapon Sounds Replacement Project - WSRP - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5467 CRL9000 Sound Modification V046 - DLC Edition http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=613 GNR More Where That Came From http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1418 IPip Player http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1559 ///retexture NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12056 Mothership Zeta DLC Retextured http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8260 F3R - Fallout 3 Retextured WIP http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12132 Enhanced Blood Textures v2_22b http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=101 Color Hi-Detailed map and icons http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1789 Better HiRes Skill Books http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3876 UWWUT - 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Just use blender.
simply anything you wanna tell me about FONV
urbex replied to hoofhearted4's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Don't listen to the anti-steam bandwagoners, it's never given me an issue. -
Told you guys these were horrible screenshots. Trailer looks amazing.
Quite the contrary, this is the footer from the website your mention: © 2011 ATLANTIC RECORDS, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | ATLANTIC PRIVACY POLICY | ATLANTIC TERMS OF SERVICE | REPORT AN ISSUE | CONTACT US The phrase "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" means just that. That's referring to the content hosted on it's site. Those are only his two latest singles which are being marketed. He wasn't even signed by Atlantic when he released his other two mixtapes. The bottom line is, that when an artist gets on twitter, post a link to his latest mixtape, and encourages people to download it for free, it's free to distribute.
This is completely incorrect. I really don't feel like getting into the definitions of rights and distinctions of them. To counter the above statement, however, simply consider this: If a song is recorded and ready for distribution in January, but the label decides not to release it until July it is NOT free to use or redistribute from January to June. This also applies to items that may have been discontinued or sold out. Just because you can not buy a copy of it you do not have the right to use or distribute it. Even songs like "Happy Birthday to You" are copyrighted and would get you into trouble if you recorded it for use in a public mod (story here). The best rule of thumb to follow is that unless it is explicitly stated a song (or other copyrighted material) is available for public use by its owner or you're savvy to the copyright laws and all their loopholes enough to do the math from publication dates, it is most likely not safe to distribute it. Having said that, if you can prove you've altered something 20% or more, it is a new creation and the property of the person who changed it - in which case you'd be wise to document how and when you did such a thing unless someone discovers your work and hires a lawyer to defend THEIR right to it since you can't prove it's yours. Such cases have come up and people have been fined and forced to pay back royalties in restitution on their own creations because they didn't think to protect them. Yes, these laws can also apply to mods, textures, meshes and so on. Well obviously leaks aren't free to distribute, but if I go to lupe fiasco's site and download his promotional mixtape, I'm free to distribute it even though it's not stated that it's copyright free.
How can I run Fallout 3 without a disc?
urbex replied to alchmstlva's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
I'm against piracy, but don't call it thievery. You're duplicating, not stealing. When you overly smear something with false claims it hurts more than it helps. -
The Lil B mod should NOT have been removed. You have to understand that mixtape songs, which are not available for purchase, are freely distributable. They're solely used for promotion, not sale. Basically, if you can't buy the song, you're free to use it.
Releasing your mod in the first few weeks of the game's release is usually a surefire way to the Top 100, and once you're on it it's great promotion. Kinda late for that though, heh.
Fallout New Vegas ft. The Capital Wasteland
urbex replied to yoba333's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
It's not a mod database with a forum, it's a forum with a mod database. Deal with it. -
you preferred the Pitt over broken steel and lookout point?!?!?!? btw dead money is the worst thing since horse armor, no wait horse armor didnt suck this much or piss me off this much. dead money means you spend 10 bucks to watch your character's head get blown off a lot and i mean a lot. you WILL die a lot. also you CANT leave till you pass the DLC. you are stuck in the most god awful DLC ever made and i bought ever DLC for FO3 and oblivion and i love them but this!? this is crap. save your money please unless you like to see your character's head blowing up then this DLC is for you. for everyone else you can pass this DLC Someone sounds like someones mad their head blew up.
I think it seems high time for someone to make some mock up comparison shots between vanilla Oblivion and the shots we have of Skyrim. I think the vast improvement will be startlingly apparent. Well duh, oblivion came out half a decade ago.
I'm not saying the game won't look good, hell my fallout 3 looks amazing. Just that at least the last three, especially at that resolution, are garbage.
So we can at least all agree that the screenshots OP posted look horrible, correct?