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Everything posted by LordTenaim

  1. Nice one, congrats on the win.
  2. Some go for looks, Some go for Mind, Some go for Both, others go for none, But love makes the world go round.
  3. Pagafyr Your measly attempts to get Me the Sender of the Four to Submit make me laugh. Thor your hammer appears to be broken. BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  4. Just think if Ronnie Corbbet fired a revolver from the hip he would take out your knee caps (part of a sketch done By the Two Ronnies.).
  5. Actually, not all the time. It has been proven that if in a herd, an animal with a distinguishing feature is always picked off first. So if all your friends are short and you are tall, you'll be picked off first! Now that is making me worried! HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!
  6. Well done Calliton I so hate Trolls, but alas for you I WIN.
  7. when the world was young, what did it see? what things happened, was it hot, was it cold, was it bright, was it dark, all these things I want to Know. when the world was young, was the sun bigger, was the sun smaller, did Sol begget it, did drift in, when the world was young.
  8. Greetings Pyreforge, I welcome you to the Nexus Forums. :biggrin:
  9. not any more, unless you want to help against pagafyr?
  10. Pagafyr you cowering brief mortal, your very soul will be mine sustanence from thou wilt I win this. BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  11. ROOOAAARRRRR, Feel mine wroth brief mortal! Pagafyr every time you post on this you will post for me BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  12. Greetings to the nexus.
  13. the evil will win, i.e. ME bwah hahahahahahahahahaha
  14. And now one of the insane win hehehehehe
  15. are deadly, it's quite true when you take it in to account what can be done by a well written article or summing up for murder in some countries. after all the pen is mightier then the sword (if the sword is very small and the pen very sharp. Terry Prattchet).
  16. Here's a ninja There's a ninja everywhere there's a ninja just not when you want one.
  17. Dash who is this ninja, who throws things from a tree, when I look where is he? fast is he for when I turn is he there no he's in some other tree That Dashed Ninja in a tree.
  18. Have got round to putting you on friends list sorry to so long, didn't check e-mails or friend list whatsit till today!!!!
  19. I am about 6ft but more of my friends are shorter then me and I actually have more respect for them then quite a few taller people, maybe their hieght (those who are taller) makes them seem ridcullous in fact I feel safer with short people probably because their fists are at the perfect hieght to get really irritating tall people who we all do not like (right in the family jewels hehe).
  20. Paranoia Why do people look? What is it about me? Am I a freat, What do they want? Are they out to get me, are they not? Can I hide, Is there a dark corner. Will it hide me, Will they still stare? Why do people look?
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