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Everything posted by LordTenaim

  1. In many cultures Death is seen as (and described as) the great leveler/equalizer, also if you don't take into account the emotions of people, the greatest equalizer that is a weapon (emotions can be used as a weapon hence mine qualifier) is the crossbow. The crossbow is the great equalizer because it required no training, and where a bullet is defeated by bullet prof armour a crossbow bolt will go through as it will also go through anti-stab vests due to pressure on a point (much finer then a bullets).
  2. I join my voice with Herculine's to say I can't wait to read the next part of your latest work. :biggrin:
  3. I really like your poetry especially the last one and I cannot wait to see any other works you have done. :cool:
  4. then I've taken over the world. If i wasn't mad
  5. There is a porpoise to every pun.
  6. Of course insanity wins, it's more fun to start with (whibble), but it is possible to be Evil and not Insane just it is extremely rare and more often then not evil will lead the person to insanity for evil makes the mind change and the changes it breeds can ever lead to a clear but twisted view or a spyrul down into insanity.
  7. "the problem with common sense is it's in the hands of to many pushie people" Quote from Last Of The Summer Wine (longest running english sitcom). Yes Common sense would give alot of good guidance unfortunatly most people seem to ignore it or misinterprit what it might be or just confuse it with personal wishes and wants and a more incompassing thing. (hmm this i fear could turn into a rant so will now shut up).
  8. hehe, great one calliton :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :thanks:
  9. Have just Looked at this it is wonderful to see, esp. as many of us have been inspired by Dezi, heres one of mine for you. Hehe Haha, life is great, Love is here, Boy is he great, Always there, Never down, A smile to lift. A hug he gives, A snuggle, A kiss, He I would miss, So don't let it end. May not quite work, But I don't care. He is there, That is all I care. That was from mine Pillow Book Thread.
  10. Have added you to friends list, sorry for delay.
  11. MythicDawnAsassin you were not the only one wondering about that I think the response from Quetzlsacatanango is most intressting and explains nicely.
  12. Me fears this is a becoming a rant if continues will ask Admin. to lock this debate.
  13. As you say hols are a must. have caught up on the contents of the druids garden, you poems as baeutiful as ever and just what I need at this point.
  14. Cleverly done and deffinetly a good read.
  15. Why is it painful when you go. what have I done why did you go Is love conditional Is it unconditional all I know is to loose you is pain beyond all. one of mine from another thread, boyfriends can be as painful when you go sepperate ways as anything else but to find that they have used you is even worse.
  16. Wonderful Dezi. Why is it painful when you go. what have I done why did you go Is love conditional Is it unconditional all I know is to loose you is pain beyond all.
  17. Theres nowt like a good pun!
  18. Hope you had a great holiday, v. necessary at times yes?
  19. "menomana, dodoododo, menomana, dodododo." Menomana the Muppets, by Jim Henson. (the greatest puppet show on earth) "'Inane looking Parrot' is no way to refer to our Ally's national emblem, Grandma" The caption of a Giles cartoon from 7 August 1980 (in the Express).
  20. Intresting, hope to see more as and when you want to shaire them. :thumbsup:
  21. Dash this monkey, where's the monkey king he's sure to sort this little monkey.
  22. Argh, Wob you know this sorta thing turns me brain to jelly, at least it is working now.
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