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Everything posted by LordTenaim

  1. What ho, thanks Azir for ERing my hatchlings.
  2. What Ho, all clickethed, If dragon be dead show respect, if dragon be alive show even more. :thumbsup:
  3. Clicked, More to do with the fact I am self harming too much right now and have memory loss when in severe lows. can use scissors but only if another adult is there!!!? :confused:
  4. Philosophically clickethed eggs! but alas am not allowed to continue to learn to drive (medication making me to drowsy) or use sharp implements (doctors can be so irritating).
  5. Life, the Universe and everything, Awesome concepts, Mind boggling concepts. Is the answer to that great question 42? Can we explain, can we not. Philosophers argue, bamboozle and question. But what is the question anyway? :laugh:
  6. All clicked, long time no see. :biggrin:
  7. There is a pleasant field with grass all tall, glinting golden in the sun. The wind catches and makes it wave, this knee high sea. Reds and blues sweep across that field, as if painted by some giants hand. Hints of green flash through out, as a breeze sneaks by. Birds loop and swoop in the sky, their cheerful singing fills the air. Butterflies flit among the blooms abundant, all in that pleasant field.
  8. Yep, that's right.
  9. Okay now but have some extreme lows, esp. after getting dumped by text!
  10. And some of us who are native english speakers can't pick out the correct way to spell something even if it hits us over the head with a 50 lb Sledge hammer.
  11. Have clicked them all, Will click some more, Just to see them hatch And grow, What fun are these Mighty Dragons, Will Support them More. :biggrin: :biggrin: :thanks:
  12. Thank you Balagor, I admit that I say all this here because there are people like you and Maharg who lend an ear and are happy to discuss this sort of thing and also because everyone seems friendly and this site has a friendly atmosphere to it. :thanks:
  13. Great beard, and I can't wait for more of the cosmic opera. Brought a smile to an otherwise gloomy day. :thanks:
  14. Thank you Maharg, I partially wrote this just to help myself and then decided it might be nice to post it up so others could see and hopefully understand what we go through. The hardest thing for me has been the fact that most people who live around me don't seem to understand this condition and are not that supportive or are down right repressive about it. The really interesting thing is that the initial attack of depression that changed my diagnosis happened at work, were I was found curled in a ball and self harming, didn't end up in me losing my job especially since I am working at a stable.
  15. Yay, it hatched ;D thank you Ytsejam for seeing to my egg :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: All clicked
  16. All Clicked, I wouldn't mind changing my title to Grand Dragon Mystic. It will Probably look better on the Scroll of Members. :biggrin: :thanks: :thanks:
  17. Thank you Balagor, I was attempting to express my self and BP for others to see. Hopefully this will touch other peoples thoughts.
  18. I feel so great, I feel I can do anything. So much energy, so little time, Who cares about Sleep. Continuously moving, Not wanting to be still. Laughing and smiling, That's what all I want to do, I don't care about anything. I feel so bad, I feel I can't do anything. So little energy, So much time, I care about sleep. Curling up in a ball, Not wanting to do a thing. Sinking and hurting, Blood all I see, My life I want to end. A poem I hope expresses some of how I feel after having a very sudden and illuminating attack of depression, which led to me being diagnosed with Bipolar. :thanks:
  19. Hereby place formal request to rejoin since beginning to collect more eggs.
  20. Have dropped in and clicked what I could. Hmm May have to rejoin and get more eggs, be warned Mad Man is more a description then title, Have just been diagnosed with Bipolar (manic depression). :biggrin:
  21. It's strongly hoped that he is breathing though it's debatable if that is any longer a requirement for life.
  22. Great to see you back Aeryn, should probably put retired ((for health reasons whibble)... optional) next to my title. As promised will try to click all dragons, eggs and hatchlings when I can. ALL CLICKED :biggrin:
  23. Grand Dragon Mad Man Hear-by requesting permission to step down on grounds of mental health and lack of time to click all dragons!!!. Will stop by to click dragons when possible. :(
  24. Yes I like it to, the inspiration hit after catchin up on readin the Manga Bleach. :biggrin:
  25. Time the great leveller, The thing all bow to, We all answer to time, But what is Time. Is it just a sensation we have Is it a real thing. Scientists argue. All I know is We all See it's will. Hope this isn't thread necromancy. :unsure:
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