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Everything posted by LordTenaim

  1. you are correct royal that is why seeing the end as in that photo is so rare. you can get triple rainbows were two are arcs and the third is a complete circle and this is not common but is seen more than the end of a rainbow!
  2. ban ancient aeon for having 22 kudos
  3. then I'd go from mildly insane to totaly insane. if is was a dragon i'd...
  4. I know what you mean little fairy, sometimes I think these are written by my subconcious with no help from mine concious mind. oh yes I liked your response to my Monty Python poem.
  5. Quite possible species5478 still was also trying to get other people to also ask since could be intresting to see their thoughts.
  6. The most amazing thing I have seen is also one of the rarest, I have seen the End of a rainbow, the circumstances were coincidental and I only saw it briefly about 2ft from me but I can safely say there were no leprechaurns or a pot gold.
  7. Get well, get well, get well we all wish a speedy recovery.
  8. Monty Python that marvoleous thing the sereal humour the wacky cartoons debate other christ or Brian the holy Grail Ni to all who fail.
  9. clicked,greetings Aeryn great to see you.
  10. Get well soon Dezi, Druid's garden is a poorer place without one of the insperations for us all.
  11. Thank you little fairy but i still not certain what triigered me to write that last one, admitedly had been sitting at a cafe watching the world go by. :biggrin:
  12. What is it we see? When we sit and watch all those who go past, What do we look for, Is it guy, is it girls, is it neither, is it both. Do the men watch the women, do the women watch the men, I watch the men but do they watch me? Does she wtch women, do they watch her? We look but don't see or we look and do see, but can we see what they see? all are different but all the same ist it possible for us to be so? that'l get the little grey cells working, it has mine for what on earth do I mean? o_O
  13. aye and you have brought back more life to the order, we love to have more members and esp. ones who give us something that brightens the day.
  14. Have just caught up :rolleyes: but can't wait to read yet more of this work, the Duke sounds intregging, I also can't wait to see more of yours and Hurculine's works on the nexus. So keep it up. :biggrin: :biggrin: :thanks:
  15. Then I'm a monkies uncle (have a phobia of heights, grounds and flying) if I wasn't gay...
  16. All clicked, should come more reguarly! Dragons the great ones, flying high, the wisdom of ages gone by, gold they hoard, cunning are they, yet great in all they do, amazing colours, scales that shine, magic are they, Thanks to the Draco Nobilis.
  17. Thank you little fairy, good to see your egg has hatched. Dragons the great ones, flying high, the wisdom of ages gone by, gold they hoard, cunning are they, yet great in all they do, amazing colours, scales that shine, magic are they, Thanks to the Draco Nobilis.
  18. Severus Snape or Lucius Malfoy, so hard to choose, or even Qui-gon. ,runs wailling unable to choose>
  19. Hmm, Josh you are deffinitely doing a grand job keep it up, who cares how long it takes it is what the finished piece is like so take as long as you like. also more, more! :biggrin:
  20. Hehehehe, thanks species5478 and all others who are contributing to this thread. Life that great thing, always something new, something fun, something funny or just wierd. Life that awful thing, Something bad happens, Darkness caused by hate, we ruin the joy of life.
  21. Hmm, not just mine random thoughts. What is sport that strange thing people run and kick some ball or just run they throw a ball a javlin or Put a shot. they toss a kaber wheeze a marathon (why wheeze a battle) why notjust sit or walk? WHAT IS GREAT ABOUT SPORT
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