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Posts posted by Madcat221

  1. The problem is that there is a field pertaining to health that changes function when a creature is set from non-leveling to leveling: "Health" changes to "Health Mult". If the original "Health" value remains (say, 500), then when it becomes "Health Mult", it becomes 500 * (level). so 500 * say... 14 = 7000 health.


    IOW: BethSoft didn't check all the fields when they altered Dogmeat's form data.

  2. I am looking for a pistol(10mm, .32, .44 or custom). Requirements are Scilencer(functional meanning wont give away position), Decent damage(20 MAX), Really low critical chance, HIGH critical damage (Kills most enemies in 1 shot), High accuracy, and No scope. Be creative! Only request i have that if or when you upload it onto FO3 Nexus in the description credit me for the inspiration.


    Laser pistol. ;)


    Ssssshhhh, Imma firin mah stealth lazor


    Anyhoo... do it yourself. It's not hard at all to tweek the stats on a gun in the GECK.

  3. I think three hours wait is a bit much. I think one hour should be plenty for insta-troll deterrence. (heck, ten minutes would be enough to deter trolls that typically have 10cm long attention spans, hyperbolically speaking :P).
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