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Posts posted by Madcat221

  1. I have done some mesh choppin' to the Ebony Helmet, to make it open-faced. It loads in-game fine...


    ... But there's a problem. I cannot for the life of me figure out what subrecord in the ARMO or ARMA records controls face and helmet hair visibility.


    I've tried the BODT records in both of them, splicing in the records from the Blades Helmet as a basis. I've made sure all data in the ebony helmet NIF matches the basis reference (again the blades helmet NIF).


    Still nothing. I'm not sure if it's a module problem, a NIF problem, or both.


    So... if anyone better than me at module record hex-poking figures out how to render helmets visible, you will... well... have the adulation of all of us since me and/or other modelers can now make the ebony/steelplate/other helmets open-faced at long last.


    Here's my chopped ebony helmet mesh, BTW. Just copy and rename it to helmet_1.nif to make it work with the weight slider. It's the female helmet, but it probably will still load (albeit with clipping) if put in the male folder instead. ...Well, if someone figures out the head flags, that is.



  2. Just an FYI: The (AFAIK) latest version of this 3DS Max plugin mis-generates the TanSpace. It does generate binormal and tangent vectors... however it seems to get them backwards. Disable "update tangent space" when exporting so only the Normals export, then in the NiTri, change the "BS Num UV Sets" to 4097, then update the tanspace to properly generate it.
  3. I want to alter the Barkeep outfit (FormID: 5B6A1) so it will show amulets. On a female char, they are invisible despite the neck region being exposed.


    I cannot seem to find out what subrecord controls that. I've fiddled with everything that looks like it would control it, comparing it to the bar wench outfit (ID: D191F) which does display amulets, but to no avail.


    Has anyone else figured out what controls amulet display for outfits?

  4. When I apply a Condition-boosting mod, it seems to retain the old absolute health value when it applies the boost, resulting in a drop in CND as a percentage (example: 75/100 before CND-boosting mod, 75/150 after). Could there be a CND percentage check when the mod screen appears, and then after the menu is closed to adjust if there's been a change in CND as a percentage?
  5. Very nice work, guys. :) I was just testing it out and it works beautifully; I'll definitely be adding a link to this on WMX's Nexus page (maybe once it has a more permanent download location).


    There was only one issue I noticed, and it would only come up in relatively uncommon cases: if a weapon mod does not have an effect defined in the weapon record, the description in your menu for that weapon mod seems to be chosen randomly. (Or maybe not randomly; I just don't know how it's chosen.) The Laser Pistol Combat Sights weapon mod from GRA is set up this way; no effect defined because it's mainly a cosmetic change to the weapon. I did a similar thing with a weapon mod for the .45 Auto SMG in WMX-HonestHearts.


    When I checked them out just now, the Laser Pistol Combat Sights had ammo increase listed for its effect, and the .45 Auto SMG Night Sights from WMX-HH had damage increase - from memory. The mod effects are just set to 'None' in the weapon records for those weapons.


    Heheh.... I was Steamchatting wth Schlangster and I hypothesized that it'd throw a fit over those two null-effect weapmods... :) Sounds like it's not quite as bad as I thought it'd be though (I believe my words were "it would go WTF NO EFFECT *CRASH*" :P )...

  6. Man i am WAY behind on skyrim news. I never knew about dragon armor! Are there screenshots out yet?


    only one ..



    Actually, that (to me) more closely resembles the description of the black Thalmor armor. Do we have undeniable proof that this is indeed dragon armor?



    Care to describe this "black thalmor" armor?


    To me, the leathery parts look like underbelly pelts, and then the larger bits look like scales. And then the horns on the helm.

  7. DIfferent kinds of dragon armor? The claw bits on the ends look very similar... Maybe one's light armor and the other's heavy?


    Light armor folks would probably want in on the armor crafted from dragon scalpings, yaknow. ;)

  8. Welllll....


    The site no longer resizes to fit whatever screen you have. On a widescreen, easily half the horizontal space is unused. That results in scrolling... and scrolling... and scrolling... and scrolling... On the old site, I could see 12 new mods in Latest Files at a time. Now? Three.


    The tracking/comment notifications also seems to be missing. I quite liked that feature..

  9. I always had this nagging suspicion about the methodology behind gathering the statistic that states women are paid less than men. Does it just lump everyone together? Does it factor in women who do part-time jobs or no jobs to raise kids Does it go on a per-job basis and compare pay rates between men and women? The only real way to compare is to control for such factors as best as they can and ideally and compare only on the gender variable. Otherwise the stats are misleading at best, or ulterior at worst.


    As the quote goes... there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

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