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Posts posted by Madcat221

  1. I had the theory that the Soul Cairn is a fragment of a previous Kalpa that Alduin missed. It's why Dagon used it as a staging area during Jagar Tharn's little stunt, because he remembers stashing it away before he got turned into Dagon by Alduin when the drac found out what he and Lorkhan were doing.

  2. by "catching more errors", Roy actually means "actually activates the error alert system". That it is deactivated in the NVGECK explains a lot of things about the construction of the vanilla game. The main use of this is actually having syntax error alerts when compiling scripts.

  3. I must agree with the OPer on visual quality control. Hands-down, BGS made better meshes and textures. One merely needs to look at the visual quality comparison between the Plasma Rifle and the Multiplas Rifle for an example. Good god, the Multiplas rifle's UVW map layout is a travesty. :ohdear: There's a reason I did a massive overhaul of it for Plasma Rifles Awesomefied (which is also in Weapon Mods Expanded). I don't think they did any geometry baking on a lot of the normal maps either.


    There's also simply more embellished locales in FO3 as well.

  4. To the OP: Why that?

    Why did ED-E magically copy himself and then head in a direction decidedly away from Navarro?


    Why were the nukes in the Divide so fail-deadly that all it took was some random device to cook them off?


    Because Chris Avellone wanted to nuke the wasteland again and Sawyer wisely told him he couldn't, but he threw Avellone a bone so he could nuke the wasteland, create plot holes so big a super mutant behemoth could charge through, commit rampant comma abuse and completely neglect subject nouns to his heart's content.

  5. Several download servers are saying "file is synching" for me. I also am no longer privvy to the premium servers. NMM will log in for me, but it is also is giving me the "Go premium" nag smiley.


    EDIT: ...And I apparently do not have a "premium" tag here on the boards either, I'm just a Supporter now, according to the system. I had a perma-premium subscription (which thankfully still shows up in my reciepts in my Client Area). Should I put in a formal support ticket, or is the cause of this already known?

  6. The schools of magic are gameplay mechanics passed off as arbitrary labels. Witness the demise of Mysticism and the diaspora or elimination of all its effects, or how Light and Paralysis spells are now Alteration effects when they were Illusion effects in the past.


    Using fire/frost/lightning to inflict harm is the most prominent use of "Destruction" spells, especially the higher-end ones, but as you said there'd be practical uses.

  7. Do you have ENBSeries? If you press shift-F12, does it disappear? Did you recently switch out your ENB settings?


    IMO, far too many ENBseries have this obsessioon with BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM MOAR BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM LOTSA BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM BLOOM, and it results in such haze that if I had that in real life I'd have my eyes checked for cataracts. That may be what you're experiencing there.

  8. I can't use the unofficial patches. Scripted events frequently stop working... such as the first dragon you kill, at the watchtower near whiterun, it doesn't give me a dragon soul and the quest never completes with the unofficial patch installed. Without it, it works fine.



    Your problem is not USKP, but one of three other causes:


    1: You have Dragonborn DLC but no Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, or the two Unofficial Patch files are not in the proper load order. Install it and ensure that Unofficial Dragonborn Patch loads after Unofficial Skyrim Patch, as all the Unofficial Patches are meant to work together with all official modules you have, and loaded in the same order as their associated official modules. The UDBP combines fixes that USKP does to the scripts (cauterizing debug messages, making subsequent visits to word walls result in the dragon giving a soul as they should) with the additions that the Dragonborn DLC makes.

    2: You have loose DragonActorScript.pex or MQKillDragon.pex script files. Delete them.

    3: You have another mod altering one or both of the two aforementioned scripts that breaks the Dragonborn DLC additions to them, and thus breaks the rest of the script as well.


    Dragon soul absorb problems are well documented and the focal point of the problem is well known. USKP's involvement with them was diagnosed and corrected in (IIRC) a day after it was discovered during Dragonborn DLC's release. If the Unofficial Patches are properly installed, then they are not the cause.


    why wouldnt you want a free dlc? :blink:

    Because whatever Steam did putting the DLC into the mix crashes a highly modded game that's been stable for moths. And I'm not into the "twilight series".



    These aren't Twilight vampires by any stretch of the imagination. And you are more than welcome to join the Dawnguard and get yourself a sweet stake launcher crossbow to kill them with.

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