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Posts posted by Madcat221

  1. Rooker75, on 15 Feb 2013 - 12:28, said:

    (Role Playing Geekery)

    The emperor is a coward. He fled his capital with his tail between his legs and only found the courage to return when an army of Nords and Redguards arrived to reinforce. Then, after the Nords and Redguards destroy the Thalmor army and retake the capital for him, he surrenders.


    He gives away Hammerfell. He bans worship of the founder of the empire. He allows Thalmor agents to roam the land abducting people and torturing them to death because they don't like their god.


    What use is an empire that doesn't protect its people or land? Screw the empire.

    (/Role Playing Geekery)


    Also, some of those Stormcloak girls are pretty cute. Just saying.



    I think you're misreading the dossier. They tortured information out of him -- information which apparently wasn't useful anyway -- but he refuses to have anything to do with them since being released. Calling him "an asset" is just wishful thinking on their part.

    Wow.... You missed the biggest piece of evidence that he is indeed an asset: The Civil War. By knowing exactly how to manipualte him, they have goaded him into commiting an act of sedition that has torn asunder probably the strongest remaining province left in the Empire.


    As for "The Emperor is a coward who ran away"... What good is standing and fighting if your demise is assured? Nothing, because you just lost the war. He fled, and then came back with a force actually big enough to deal with the Dominion army. Another case where strategy and "honor" are at odds, it seems.


    Besides... where was that "stand and fight" attitude in Ulfric when he got tagged and bagged by Tullius's ambush?


    And as for "The Empire wanted to execute you!""




    One crazy legion officer channeling the Red Queen wanted to execute you.


    "But Tullius was there and did nothing!"


    So the list guy in the next cart over was doing nothing too? He was saying absolutely nothing unlike Hadvar. Tullius was irrelevant to the immediate scene you were in and was being moved into position by the scene manager for telling Ulfric just what he has done to Skyrim. Need I also remind you that the whole Alduin landing scene is off-time a bit, with someone yelling "It's int he clouds!" when he's all but landed on top of the tower?

  2. Bashur, on 11 Feb 2013 - 19:21, said:


    maybenexttime, on 11 Feb 2013 - 19:09, said:

    I posted earlier

    "If you are talking about the simply absorbing dragon soul anywhere there is a simple solution.

    First you need the UDBP installed.

    Than go to your data/scripts and delete dragonactorscript.pex

    This is interfering with UDBP's patch for fixing dragon soul absorption

    Than run BOSS and you should be good to go.


    If it doesn't work you can always restore dagonactorscript.pex in your recycle bin so you really don't have anything to loss by trying it"


    tryy this

    There's no DragonActorScript.pex that comes with UDBP.
    Yes there is. It's a copy of the one from Dragonborn, to overwrite the one in USKP as a temporary measure until the papyrus source files for Dragonborn are released and a proper merging of DB's alterations and USKP's corrections can be made. As such, the bugfixes done to it are undone: Dragons that respawn at word walls you've already visited won't absorb, and there'll be a bit of script log clutter.


    I know, I was part of the mad rush to find out what in Oblivion was going on when the problem was discovered.

  3. Arthmoor worked quick, Unofficial Dragonborn Patch v1.0 is already up.


    when I had the unofficial patches in my game earlier on it crashed at the draw bridge to whiterun shortly after getting a letter from the courier from a friend, I think the unofficial patches need updating!..


    Can't say I'm terribly surprised, also very glad I didn't pre-order. Would be livid right now had I done so.


    Please do not be "livid" with Arthmoor or immediately jump to the conclusion that an Unofficial Patch is to blame. These are the reasons why the comments threads on all of them are closed.


    EDIT: Except for UDBP's it seems. For now... :unsure:

  4. USKP has made modifications to a papyrus script, called DragonActorScript.pex.


    .... So has the Dragonborn DLC. And it doesn't like that USKP has also. :armscrossed:


    This has resulted in the malady of being unable to absorb dragon souls.


    After an exhaustive and frantic search, and much foaming at the mouth towards poor Arthmoor, this has been ascertained to be the cause.


    But what about the solution? Clean-Save USKP out?



    NOOOOOOO DON'T DO THAT!!!!! :wacko: You'll just FUBAR your save file! You should know the phrase by now: "Clean Saves Aren't". We can't do that anymore in Skyrim like we did in Oblivion/FO3/FONV. Unless there are specific instructions for a mod's uninstallation, it is generally a Very Bad Idea to just yank a module out. And even then, the module still leaves bits behind. Witness the mess that Sounds of Skyrim caused.


    A formalized solution has just been provided in the form of Version 1.0 of the Unofficial Dragonborn Patch. If you used my stopgap measure, delete the DragonActorScript.pex from your Scripts folder and use UDBP instead.


    Download it


    The following is the now-obsolete stopgap measure, saved just in case within a spoiler hider.



    The solution is to extract the Dragonborn DLC's copy of DragonActorScript.pex out of Dragonborn.bsa and into your Data\Scripts folder.




    There are probably many tutorials out there already to extract things from Skyrim BSAs, so I'll let you figure that out on your own.


    Arthmoor is planning a UDBP that will have a temporary fix as well. From the sound of it, it'll be something akin to this but bundled into a BSA, since we can't edit Dragonborn scripts yet on account of no source files.


    So implement this fix, and rest easy.


    Here's the discussion topic where this was figured out on BGSF.


  5. i think i got a theory why people porting illegal content........


    maybe they do it to became popular with a quick way (lazy) rather than making a custom model from scratch. there are many example of illegal porting such as images with mass effect content or halo armor.........


    Seeing how quickly ported assets from games on the porting white-list shoot up on the Hotfiles, this theory has high plausibility.


    Which is actually a kinda sneaky trick by Bethesda, in restrospect, to give you and empathic reason to go Stormcloak.


    (Chosing Ralof also gives you much better loot, though that is neither here nor there.)



    Going with Hadvar means five free respawning ingots of steel and iron each at Uncle Alvor's smithy, as well as many more ingots inside and also iron boots and gauntlets, so it evens out in the end. :P


    As for Captain Red Queen... People focus on her, only on the immediate situation. But think for a second: Why did you get tagged and bagged in the first place? Because the legionnaires were waiting for Ulfric. No rebellion, no ambush, no bagging of the Player Char.

  7. We’ve put a lot of time and thought into this new system. For some the Nexus is too strict, for others, our zero-tolerance policy to trolls and general riff-raff has been one of the biggest draws to the site.


    I am squarely in the "Others" category. :)


    It's a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine to peruse the Forum Rules and Strikes forum (or the "Forum of Shame" as I call it).


    Also, now that it's live, are you all gonna stop whaling on poor NormalMember? :P

  8. Why? Lawyers. Not all of the assets are generated in-house; some are generated by outside contractors and thus the devs don't have carte blanche rights on their use. The dev studios' legal divisions say to play it safe, and Nexus complies. Unless a dev house says explicitly what rules of usage beyond "use only in mods for the game they were derived from* " there are, that's the default rule. Kinda like how the default rule of using assets from other mods is "No you cannot".


    * = or packed with... FONV's a weird case, it packs a lot of FO3 assets virtually unaltered.

  9. It would be pretty easy to make an image that did not violate any of the rules of the Nexus imageshare but which was otherwise completely reprehensible. I'd like to think that in that case a moderator would make a judgement call and remove the offending image even if technically it doesn't violate the letter of the rule.


    Likewise, I think it would be possible for an intelligent and mature moderator to look at an image that does technically violate that rule and make a judgement call that it's in no way offensive and allow it to stand.


    This is of course a site where it's apparently perfectly acceptable to upload a mod that is nothing but screenshots of nude women as a menu replacer after all. Post those images to the imageshare and they're banned, but in the regular uploads I guess it's OK.


    The lack of willingness of the moderator team to use discretion is almost as disappointing as their seeming inability to recognize that it's a problem.



    Well... yasee... those mods have adult flags on them. Negligence to properly use them is just as much an infraction as uploading a nudie image to general imageshare.

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