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Posts posted by The_Vyper

  1. It's not so much a bug as a side effect of the spell setup; Jephre's summon spells are actually scripted spells rather than regular summon spells. As such, the game doesn't register them as 'summons', so you can cast as many as you have(assuming you have the magicka). Vanilla summons will still work the same way, though.



    It says I can't get the GIMP plugin because I don't have a certain .dll file? Also are the dimensions of the picture specific?

    I've run into that same issue. In my case, it actually broke GIMP so bad that I had to revert my PC to a previous restore point. I haven't tried that since. Paint.Net is a good free program, but has lots of limitations. Adobe Photoshop CS2 is great with the free NVidia DDS plugin. Fortunately, Adobe has made CS2 available for free from their website; the catch is that you need to set up a user account (which is no big deal).


    As for getting the texture to work in-game, that depends on how you want it to work. Do you want it to replace an existing texture, or do you want it in addition to those already available?



    Were did you download the plugin from, and which version? Most likely you're running a 64-bit OS. The version in the official GIMP Plug-ins Registry is only for 32-bit OS. Be sure you download it from Code Google.


    The normalmap plugin is also available at Code Google.




    It's been a while, so I don't recall where I got the plugin. I'm pretty sure I followed a link from the Gimp.org website, though. I was using Windows XP (32-bit) at the time, so I don't think my OS was the issue (although that's a very good point to bring up). In any case, I have a working setup now so I'm happy. :D

  3. Hi! I'm new here so please be patient with me. I have alternative arriving by ship mod and I'm currently stuck with main quest. I have no idea where to go or what to do since sewers passage is closed. I hope it's good place for this topic. Please help.

    The amulet is in the inventory of a dead rat that's just inside the sewer. The rat is against a wall on the right-hand side (it's dark, so you may need a light source or spell to see it). You can start the main quest by grabbing the amulet from the rat.

  4. Granted. The instant you arrive, your personal information is stolen, your finances wiped out, and your very identity expunged from existence. You are now permanently stranded in Sochi, with no hope of ever leaving. But you get to watch the Olympics in person.


    I wish I knew the plural form of 'Apocalypse'.

  5. It says I can't get the GIMP plugin because I don't have a certain .dll file? Also are the dimensions of the picture specific?

    I've run into that same issue. In my case, it actually broke GIMP so bad that I had to revert my PC to a previous restore point. I haven't tried that since. Paint.Net is a good free program, but has lots of limitations. Adobe Photoshop CS2 is great with the free NVidia DDS plugin. Fortunately, Adobe has made CS2 available for free from their website; the catch is that you need to set up a user account (which is no big deal).


    As for getting the texture to work in-game, that depends on how you want it to work. Do you want it to replace an existing texture, or do you want it in addition to those already available?

  6. This is actually an oversight by the devs. The 'stairs' mesh doesn't have a ceiling panel attached to it, and the devs forgot to put a standalone ceiling panel above it when building the dungeon. I believe this is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.

  7. Granted, a male silverback gorilla gives you a hug. Unfortunately, he squeezes too hard and crushes your torso, reducing your internal organs to jelly.


    I wish all politicians were afflicted with a disorder that caused them to violently fart every time they told a lie.

  8. There is a way to accomplish this via script; attach the following to your creature (or leveled list, if you're using one):

    Begin OnLoad ;this block will only run when the cell containing your creature loads
      If GameHour >= 20 || GameHour <= 6 ;if it is after 8PM or before 6AM
         If GetDisabled == 1 ;if the spawn point is currently disabled
      ElseIf GameHour > 6 && GameHour < 20 ;if it is after 6AM and before 8PM
         If GetDisabled == 0 ;if the spawn point is NOT currently disabled

    That will make sure your creature only shows up at night.


  9. Granted, but they have to sacrifice you, chop up your body, cremate the pieces, and spread your ashes across every continent and the moon in order for the cult to become official.


    I wish birds would stop crapping on my car.


    Each Khajiit Highwayman (there are 5 in game) is non-respawning. You can change that in the CS by checking the Respawn flag on them. The default respawn time is 72 hour (3 days), but that resets every time a cell is loaded. For instance, if the mountain lion was killed on Rain's Hand 1, it wouldn't respawn until Rain's Hand 4. But that counter would get reset if the cell got loaded on Rain's Hand 3. At that point, the mountain lion wouldn't respawn until Rain's Hand 6. If the cell got loaded before Rain's Hand 6, the counter would rest again.


    You can shorten the respawn time by changing the game setting iHoursToRespawnCell.

    Vyper, do you know if any mods already touch that, such as MMM?


    I don't know if MMM changes that or not. ¯\_(-_-)_/¯ I've made my own mods that change it, but they're the only ones I know about for sure.


    So... can anybody tell how an actor can die and stay dead over dozens of cell-resets to the point his corpse disappears for good, yet his form ID is still usable to bring him back to a perfectly normal life as it was before his inexplicable death & disappearence?


    Faithfully waiting for answers.


    Thank you.

    If the "Respawn" flag is not checked, the actor will not respawn after death. FormIDs from active ESM/ESP files never get cleared, even if the things that reference them do. As such, a FormID can always be used to bring them back.

  11. Each Khajiit Highwayman (there are 5 in game) is non-respawning. You can change that in the CS by checking the Respawn flag on them. The default respawn time is 72 hour (3 days), but that resets every time a cell is loaded. For instance, if the mountain lion was killed on Rain's Hand 1, it wouldn't respawn until Rain's Hand 4. But that counter would get reset if the cell got loaded on Rain's Hand 3. At that point, the mountain lion wouldn't respawn until Rain's Hand 6. If the cell got loaded before Rain's Hand 6, the counter would rest again.

    You can shorten the respawn time by changing the game setting iHoursToRespawnCell.

  12. Each Khajiit Highwayman (there are 5 in game) is non-respawning. You can change that in the CS by checking the Respawn flag on them. The default respawn time is 72 hour (3 days), but that resets every time a cell is loaded. For instance, if the mountain lion was killed on Rain's Hand 1, it wouldn't respawn until Rain's Hand 4. But that counter would get reset if the cell got loaded on Rain's Hand 3. At that point, the mountain lion wouldn't respawn until Rain's Hand 6. If the cell got loaded before Rain's Hand 6, the counter would rest again.


    You can shorten the respawn time by changing the game setting iHoursToRespawnCell.

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