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Everything posted by Xepha537

  1. LoL ! Sorry, I have no idea what's wrong with your game, but that's the funniest thing I've read all day! ;D
  2. Not really sure which url you talking about, but if you throw the link in here: http://www.urlvoid.com you'll get a report of whether it's clean or not. https://www.virustotal.com/en-gb/#url is also good for checking site safety.
  3. Dynamic Weather is designed to work with Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm This - Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp - needs to gotten rid of. I doubt whether this has anything to do with crashes, though.
  4. Hmm... I may have fixed this since I last posted. Not sure exactly what I did, but I seem to remember unsubscribing and resubscribing to the threads I was watching - maybe unchecking and rechecking the options in My Settings/Notifications helped also. Maybe deleted nexus cookies? (Make sure log-in info is known before doing this).
  5. Err.. Same here. o/ No emails (daily digest) for subscribed threads, yet when I come to the forums I get a bunch of inline (popup) notifications, which are disabled... Something is broken...
  6. I think, after a few patches, even Skyboot turned out to be unnecessary and I don't really remember anything similar for Fallout 3. The only thing that springs to mind is Fallout Stutter Remover .
  7. It's really, really good (if a little short)! But I'm more interested in how you made it? What is that? Software/VSTi/your own personal orchestra?
  8. Can you just clarify what the name of your global is? You start referring to xxGreenGas, then towards the end of your post it is xxGreenFog? Also, in the code snippet you gave, you have "Set xGreenGas to 0". I've a feeling you just typoed, but just wanted to make sure you're not getting yourself needlessly confused. Which mod does this global originally come from? Because the other mod will have to be made dependent on it, so it can "see" the global. With Fo3edit, you would have to have copied (as override) this global variable to the other mod. By doing this, both mods are talking about the same global (same formID), and not two seperate ones (different formIDs) which is possibly what is happening and why the global isn't being set.
  9. You can get lightning flashes to work by playing with the Thunder/Lightning sliders and Lightning Color - http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Weather#Precipitation_Tab But, they won't generate any sounds. You'd have to source some sounds and then drag them in to the sounds tab - http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Weather#Sound_Tab I would analyze Enhanced Weather, or indeed Dynamic Weather - Rain, to see how it's done.
  10. Did this work around thing - Upload Plugin and Archive then Cancel. I have a mod with a script. So I had my esp. Now I've got a .bsa, but I've also got a .bsl - Is this also required when distributing a mod? And would you package it like so: data\mymod.esp data\mymod.bsa data\mymod.bsl ? This stuff used to be easy... :unsure:
  11. Even if I do upload anything to Steam Workshop (which I don't have a problem with) it'll most likely go up on Nexus first. Don't see any reason to abandon The Nexus; it has served me well. It's a bit like home. :thumbsup:
  12. Most would probably say Audacity, but you might find something you like here: http://www.vstplanet.com/Other_audio_tools/Audio_tools.htm Keep meaning to go through all that myself - but more than likely, it's all free stuff.
  13. Only it doesn't. TESVal requires SKSE, Skyboost doesn't. No reason not to install it. Watch out when the Skyrim update comes though, you may have to remove it. It's only 2 files though, so not really a problem. Anyway, apart from the usual fps drops (mid 30's) in towns (Whiterun) Skyrim's running good (mostly 60fps) with 3Gz Core2Duo + GTX 460 on High + Skyboost. :)
  14. Like caramellcube says, if you're attempting to access fEnergy from outside of the script, you won't get the value set by it. You should use a Global if you need access from other scripts. To test you could use the FOSE command printc to spit the variable out into the console, like so: set fEnergy to player.getav Endurance printc "fEnergy : %.0f" fEnergy
  15. For encumberance and more "interesting" weapons and armor I would highly recommend Arwen's Tweaks. Warning - can make the game bloody hard. :yes: Arwen's Tweaks touches on the Repairs by extending the repair lists (ie, you can use more items to repair a particular item). But there's also Repair Rethought Reborn Updated , which has much bigger lists of things you can repair stuff with. Or Haldurs Improved Workbench could be interesting. Never tried it myself though. I would search the nexus for things like "repair" or "workbench". Might find something interesting.
  16. Well, I very briefly investigated how you would go about finding the registry entries in an old OS install and importing them into a new one. And to be honest, it sounds more hassle than it's worth - the general consensus being it would far easier to just re-install the games, rather than risk wrecking another OS by corrupting the registry. What you could do however is, from your previous OS install, hunt down any game saves/config/settings files for those games that you might want, and then copy them over to their relevant folders in your new installs. Sorry, I don't think there's an easier way. The only suggestion I could offer, is to only install them as when you want to play them - rather than sitting there for days installing and configuring dozens of games. I did the same after my last OS re-install - turns out, I didn't want to play half those games any more.
  17. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Sound i.e. Static Attenuation adjusts the sounds volume. Values closer to 0dB increase the volume and you can't make it any louder than 0dB without editing the source file.
  18. Crap... That may be a problem... :/ But! I just had a look in my "C:\Games\Fallout 3\fomm\fomm" folder and there is a "load order backup.txt" file (created only moments ago as I type, presumably, automatically(?) by Fomm? - not sure.). Have a look around see if you have that file. You may be able to import it back into Fomm. Or at least adjust the load order manually looking at the document. :unsure:
  19. I seem to remember you can quite easily move FO3 around. Some people even have multiple copies - one for modding, one for playing. Anyway, you can always try: Installing FO3 on your new OS - I would recommend C:\Games\ Then just copy you old FO3 install over the new one. (Note: Copy not Move, you want to keep a copy - you know, just in case.) You get your registry entry back and all your mods are in the right place. And that should work, unless anyone else has any ideas.
  20. [ignore all i said here...]
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