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Everything posted by Yamcakes

  1. I'm pretty sure it comes from the original pixie package, there are 3 optional versions of it
  2. Spamming sir? You can quote more than one person in a single post. Also, I'm very sad to hear she is gone. She and Kikai are my favourite modders. I've been working on something like a graphic novel I would have liked her to see. :c
  3. Oh noes, you scared the dolls away. :c They're afraid to leave my harddrive now. :c
  4. It's true. Their pieces can still move. c:
  5. Eww! They wouldn't eat your face. That's a horrible thing to say. Faces can be greasy, or filled with facial hair. It's terrible to accuse them of something like that. :c They are cleanly and pure dolls. They go straight for your heart. c:
  6. "my western rpg", i bet i just responded to a somekind of troll post but no one asks you to download them if you don't like them in your game. :) I don't like extreme anime mods because i think they are creepy (i saw some doll mod and i didnt know what to think xD) but if you say moonshadow elves is an anime mod then you have no idea what some japanese sites are sharing. I hope you're not referring to me, because my dolls aren't inspired by anime. :c
  7. I know for sure that Armamentium has EC support, as I use it for myself. Remember, any mod that uses HGEC, Exnem EC, TGND, etc all use the same UV maps, so they are all intercompatible. That's not a word, but it works. c:
  8. The HGEC body and it's variants. Personally I would use the TGND or THEC variants. The author of the THEC body's character is rather thin inthe racial settings, so I would look at the user uploaded images to get an idea of how it looks on vanilla races, and most you would download. I also use the textures below. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19021
  9. Yew liddo feef! >:c *chases*
  10. Well thank you for the add! I feels appreciated. c:
  11. That's actually one of my creepier porcelain dolls races. She's still creepy when not annoyed. http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/7084/tesconstructionset20110.png They aren't complete yet, and parts of their their body textures among other things are from other modders with no permissions to release. I might share it secretly one day, but they still need a lot of work. :P
  12. I would very much like those clothes too. c:
  13. Goobmorning. c:
  14. The outfit is a new file. the Seraphim Armour, or something like that. I can't seem to access the latest files page right now, but I'm sure if you visit it you will see.
  15. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but since I don't know what is causing the problem, I don't want to have to post it all of the relevant forums. There are some weird black splotches on my weapon. They seem move around randomly every second, probably in relation to the animation. I'm not sure. Here's a screenshot. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/5438/oblivion201101290924229.jpg
  16. LOL. That made me chuckle. cx
  17. Also remember, this is a place to ask for help finding mods that you know already exist, just needing help to locate. If you want to request a mod, you can do that in this nifty little forum. c: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/forum/266-oblivion-mod-requests/
  18. I had that happen to me once, when using a race with a mesh that didn't have either any tri, or egm files. Make sure to check all of the files that race is using. If these are vanilla races, you may have a another mod that changes what meshes they pull from, having them look fine in game, leaving their unused default files in a shambles.
  19. I tried googling it, but without really understanding what I was looking for, I didn't have solid search terms. I looked at guides for taking good screenshots, but the information wasn't present. I'm aware that there is an ini setting that affects the free camera when you use the 'tfc' command. What the setting does, (Or rather, what I want it to do) is allow it to get close to a character or object without piercing the mesh before actual contact, and showing you it's hollow insides.
  20. The only lolita race I had found in 2ch were just imperials with cat ears and tails. I don't see the appeal, lol.
  21. I think I've seen something similar to this on SHY before, does anyone know where I can get this japanese styled clothing with very long sleeves? http://www.carpatina.com/Kimono.JPG Any kimonos I search for are either a minor edit of vanilla robes, or a coat of some sort.
  22. Right here. c: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36563
  23. It's nothing extravagant, but sure. xD EDIT: Apparently I can't send you a message. :c So um, here. *poof*
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