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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. After not playing Skyrim for a number of months, I decided to get back into it. However, the game refuses to start. If I try to load a save (any save, even my Prisoner save) the game will begin to load, showing a typical loading screen, but then crash to desktop after just a couple seconds. If I try to start a new game, I get this error message, as well as a short sequence of similar ones that come up if I hit okay. At first I thought, like usual, it was a mod issue, but I tried deactivating every mod and still had the problem. I believe I may have traced it to being my update.esm file, as only once could I deactivate that (for some reason every other time it would keep showing up as checked in NMM) and it allowed me to load my Prisoner save. To that end, I tried reinstalling Skyrim, but still no avail. Not sure what to do from here.
  2. Okay. I could be entirely wrong but I think your issue may be RAM. Do you mean you have 3.84 GB of RAM? If so that's a very odd amount of RAM to have and I'm not even sure it's possible. (Again, I could be wrong, that's just what stands out to me).
  3. I dunno if anyone is familiar with the visual novel Katawa Shoujo, but I'm in a fledgling band performing music inspired by it. This is the song written about one of the game's heroines, Emi. If you could also check out our Facebook page, I'd be much obliged. (There is a link to Soundcloud with the first version of the first single available there).


    So what if I'll never be perfect?

    For so long I wondered what that meant.

    Now I can see there is no such thing

    And I can accept that with a smile So what if I'll never be whole?

    You have given me strength enough

    To pull myself together


    Tired of running

    I let you catch me

    And your heart raced

    To keep pace with mine


    So what if I'll never find love?

    I know now that's not true

    For so long I ran from the past

    And without it now I would be lost


    Tired of waiting

    For life to catch me

    I decided to pursue it for myself


    When I caught up

    It wore a face

    That I had never seen before

    It was a stranger

    At first sight

    But a face that I came to love


    So what if I'll never be perfect?

    For so long I wondered what that meant.

    Now I can see there is no such thing

    And I can accept that with a smile


    So what if I'll never be whole?

    You have given me strength enough

    To pull myself together


    So what have you done

    With this chill in my heart?

    The best warm-up I ever had

    The sun feels much brighter for it

    Warming light on the warmest hearts



  4. I'm running Skyrim on Ultra-High graphics settings, with Xenius' Face Mod (I forget the name) as well as FXAA and a couple other graphics enhancing mods. However, in some lighting, I have this problem, where a character's face looks to be detachable, like a giant puzzle piece. To my knowledge, this affects only my player-character, and not any others, though that may be only a matter of context. Additionally, I have this error on multiple characters, including a Breton, Imperial, and Nord (all female; no issues with male characters yet). If anyone knows of a way to fix this, I'd be much obliged. Cheers!
  5. There are actually a number of great graphics mods out there; between those and .ini tweaks you can up the quality of the game 10x. Here, check this out. I followed some of the advice and installed a few of these; Bam! huge improvement.

    Of course, if you just wanna wait for the content, I can understand that =D I'd just personally recommend a vanilla playthrough first, if only to see what you think needs fixing.

  6. I find it impossible to decide such things. Assassin looks fun but I'm not sure on builds.


    building an assassin is very simple.


    1. sneak everywhere. never walk

    2. beeline the Assasin's blade perk.

    3. avoid combat situations early on

    4. don't bother with weapon perks for a good while

    5. join the thieves guild AND the dark brotherhood asap. They each give a full suit of armor that helps a rogue in entirely different ways. expect to be carrying both sets around for the rest of the game, and never wearing anything else.

    6. Enchant a dagger with Soul Trap. you'll get a lot of use out of it.


    What Race do you go for?


    Dunmer's probably the most naturally attuned; either of the beast races work as well. Wood Elf's good if you prefer archery. Really though, you can make anything work. I make my characters based solely off of aesthetics and I've had equally successful Nord and Imperial assassins.

  7. My elementary diagnosis, having only messed around on Oblivion's Construction Set a little bit, is that the "path" terrain has the snow beneath it as well as the path itself, so the shading will always be there unless you were to edit that terrain's texture. So essentially, instead of placing a bunch of rocks over the snow, there's a bunch of snow and rocks placed over the snow. I guess it would probably be possible to edit without the CK, but I dunno. As I said, I'm not even sure my theory is right.
  8. While I support the idea of more artistic sexual content, I almost feel that the Radiant AI defeats itself here. As stated by a couple other posters, most if not all characters lack a sort of depth. Beyond "Follow me, I need your help," the game is full of unquestioning followers who will travel to hell and back for an opportunity to act as your pack mule. "I helped the Dragonborn save Skyrim and all I got was this lousy iron armor" could be applied to Lydia, Aela, Sven, or any of the.... Is it hundreds? of other followers in the game. There's just not much of an opportunity for romance, except in a few individual instances, which is the gist of what I think was being proposed. You'd have to add all sorts of dialogue and such for it to be anything more than "Like this amulet I'm wearing? Let's get married." When I played Dragon Age 2 earlier this year, I was blown away. I was able to look past what a number of people thought were game-ruining flaws just because I truly cared about every character. It's rare when you have a character like Hawke who you can develop yourself and who also seems real and unique, with in-depth friendships. Of course, there were only a handful of people with whom you were that close, which is what I was getting at above. And when I finally began a relationship, it felt real (by video game standards, of course). I even had a genuine affection for Merrill; on a very basic level, but it was the first time in ages I'd actually appreciated a character. I feel that this same kind of depth would have to be put into a mod to give Skyrim the same kind of meaning, even if we do have better resources at hand.


    TL;DR: I think it would be best to just have a couple options with whom you can form a real relationship, rather than utilizing the Radiant AI to seduce a character of your choosing.

  9. Wow, I feel like a terrible player because I have so much trouble in this game xD On Adept difficulty, even. For example, any quest or dungeon which requires fighting more than one enemy at once... On every character but my heavy armor wearing, sword-and-board Nord, these kinds of rooms are a death wish. Even with a companion, they die quickly and then I have to run like a madman trying to kite a pack of Draugr. Never thought I was the only one to do have to do so, either =P
  10. I often play a female character because I like to roleplay and write out a story for my characters. I have pages upon pages of Oblivion and now Skyrim character stories. Sometimes, a particular situation works better with a female than a male character. For example, the only time I've ever heard of a guy lamenting that he was going to be married against his will (a common enough story) was in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and in that case the guy had a good reason to be upset =P
  11. @Tilda What do you mean by spell use? Could you be more specific please?



    Val's Crafting Meltdown - Allows arrow fletching, as well as the ability to melt down armor into usable materials.

    HiRes Roadsigns, as well as Readable Road Signs both improve graphical quality of, well, roadsigns. Whichever one you prefer =)

    Additionally, there isn't yet a mod (that I know of) that adds male genitalia. There are, however, a number that make females naked. Of those, this mod is the most popular, currently.


    Hope this helps!

  12. One of the most longstanding and helpful threads for Oblivion mods was the Oblivion Mod Detectives thread, wherein you would post details about whatever mod you were looking for but couldn't find, and then have the knowledge of a whole community backing you. Even now, before the CK, there are already several hundred Skyrim mods out there and I've seen more than a few people looking for mods, or types of mods. So, if this could be stickied like the OMD thread that would be great, otherwise, let the hunt begin!
  13. 1. The reasons why, for me, vary. If you take a mod like The Lost Spires, it's so popular because of the story and the simple feel of the dungeons: like all good ancient horrors it came with its own texture set. The rewards were great, sure, but I didn't download the mod just for those, I got it for the promise of adventure. I think if the story is presented well enough, a player will put up with it even if the reward is nothing too great. And in the case of Skyrim, even something vanilla like a dragonbone helm or Daedric sword could be enough of a reward.



    2. I really don't see any reason NOT to include side-bosses. Considering they don't intrude upon the players who just want to run through, killing what they have to, it provides an extra bonus for those of us who like to explore every nook, cranny, and tunnel that usually has a deathly trap at the end.


    3. Situational, and depends on what you're going for. In Dungeons of Ivellon, the preliminary questing really help to set up the feel and the reason for the dungeon, so by the time you actually got there, you had enough of an idea of what was coming so as to anticipate it, but still unknowing enough to have the pants scared off of you. Conversely, returning to The Lost Spires, one just simply walked into the Archaeology Guild and that was that.


    4. I've never seen this before, but I actually really like the idea. Not only does it add in a great feel of continuity, it gives a reason to hold onto that priceless gem. I imagine it'd be like a cliffhanger at the end of a chapter: you're trying to figure out what will happen, and dying of curiosity, but there's just nothing you can do about it. And hey, it practically guarantees downloads on your next release.


    5. I would. I know a lot of people don't though. Please, though, for the love of Akatosh, spell check if you do write any books to throw in there. /O.C.D.


    6. Both, to a point. In Oblivion, boss battles were terrible because they were just more hack n' slash until one of you died. The only decent battles I ever came across were modded ones such as in Uberman's dungeons or a couple of the larger mods. If you can make the fight engaging as well as challenging, then there's nothing more satisfying than winning. As far as puzzles go... I, and I think a number of other people, really like the IDEA of puzzles, and will argue vehemently for them. However, in context, more often than not they end up just being frustrating as one runs back and forth for hours trying to find out what was missed. Or maybe I'm just bad at puzzles. Challenging is one thing, but infuriating is something totally different.


    As far as examples go, one of the best dungeons I've explored so far has been Bleak Falls Barrow, actually. How it starts off as a quick and easy bandit run, then there are all the tunnels and paths down through different environments and whatnot. I really enjoyed it. Also, (very minor spoilers)


    If you do the Thieves Guild quests, eventually you have to go into the East Empire Warehouse

    which was a different and refreshing take on a dungeon. When you take the time to admire just what Bethesda was going for there, it's impressive.


    Hope all this helps, good luck!

  14. No idea if it carries over in Skyrim, but the fix for a similar problem in Oblivion was to save while the race menu was still open, and then reload the save file. Again, dunno if it would work here but still worth a shot.
  15. I dunno, I kinda think it was done pretty well. Though I swear to God if in ESVI they kill off all my allies AGAIN I'ma be mad. My two main disappointments were the loot (seriously? Blade of Woe and some gold that barely covers the cost of making the Sanctuary livable) and also the last assassination. It was fun and all, but I feel like my epic sneak through the ship and assassination of the Emperor should be more... Pivotal. I mean, I didn't hear it mentioned once afterwards; that the emperor had been assassinated again.


    Maybe I'm just too picky though.

  16. My first run-in with a giant involved my getting knocked sky-high. See, the E3 demos led me to believe they were non-aggressive. A quick whack to the back of the head dispelled me of that illusion.


    Also subsequent giant encounters involved them as allies against those damn dragons, where I'd have no chance otherwise. Now, I respect them, and just leave them alone.


    Unless of course, there's a dragon after me =)

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