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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. Hi everyone.


    I was wondering what mod contains the robe/hood that the character in the image is wearing:






    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    It also looks like it could be a Daedric war-robe, from, uh... Ya know... That one mod.... I think either Tegeal's Robe Pack or OOO adds something with that similar texture. Or it could be the Vermillion robe, been a while since I ran that one.

  2. Eh, if that's what you mean by real-time, then I dunno. I guess not. Though, I dunno if there's a PVP aspect in the game or not. It really does get redundant quickly, and is more or less the old "make it look pretty" tactic, with the less-than-negligible aspect of the Source engine. When I first started the thread, I was taken in by the very high quality graphics, and fairly in-depth environment, but I quickly grew tired of it. I'd still say it's worth a shot though. Coincidentally, I first saw the ads here on the Nexus.
  3. dose fcom cover all of mmm and francheros cuse when i had thos mods be for ther were maltbal peses to them and ech one of thes mods wher biger then this fcom


    Erm... If I understand your question... Then yes. See, all that the download for FCOM itself is is the files that unify everything. All the actual resources (meshes, textures, etc.) are part of the individual mod downloads. FCOM just unifies it all.

  4. If you need something done that doesn't involve either creating new models and textures and/or scripting, I can do it! Anything using only vanilla resources or uploaded modders' resources. I hope that this will help ease up some of the work being set upon the more experienced modders, and it's the least I can do for the community here that's done so much for me.
  5. So then it's impossible to position them? Is it possible to force-rotate them in the CS, so that you can at least have some control? Otherwise, they seem to jump in the air when you load a cell with a "dead" NPC in it, which messes up the placement.
  6. Is there a way to add in a static corpse, for a necromancy or DB mod or something? I tried creating an NPC with 0 hp, but it's impossible to really position. I know you can come across "dead" skeletons, how do you do this with corpses?
  7. Alright, will do, for the enchantments. I would have Arquen give it to you, but again, I'm not quite sure how to do that =/


    This is COBL. I'm going to go ahead and make the mod dependent on it, unless you strongly object. There are so many other mods that require it, I consider it to be almost essential. It adds lots of extra content, including an alchemy set that you don't have to pick up, things from other games, a clock, and a few other things.

  8. It's really an MMO, similar to WoW in that you can quest on your own, or group up to tackle dungeons with a party and whatnot. Entirely real time -- It isn't even auto-attack, you click to attack, press a key to cast spells, hold space to block. I haven't gotten out of the starting town yet, so I don't know if there's even an open-world or anything to explore, but you can hop on boats to different dungeons on different quests, as stated solo or grouped. Actually, it reminds me a lot of Dragon Age, both graphically and in terms of gameplay, just with more people.


    The biggest problem (in my opinion) is character selection. Not even creation, but selection. Basically, you choose from one of three (two more to come) characters that have a different fighting style. There's a mage, a DPS, and a sword-and-shield character. While you can choose things like hair style, eye color, and expression (And also chest size on the women =/ =D) You can't change the sex of your character. So, essentially, you'll see large packs of three different people running around, all with slight variations. It works well enough, though.


    There are also a couple balance issues, which are to expected as I think it only moved past Beta a month ago. For example, the mage character has a "magic shield" that protects you from damage, until it is worn away, at which point you begin taking actual health damage. However, it doesn't wear away very easily, and recovers over a short amount of time. I had a friend who reached level 10 without his health ever once dropping below maximum. I've yet to see any other similar issues, yet I'd be surprised if they aren't there.

  9. Yeah, so I noticed =/ That's generally my problem with MMO's; after a while, it ceases to be exciting. That's why I prefer PC games the most, you can keep modding and adding on, to the point where sometimes, it's an entirely different game.
  10. Alright, can do! A couple things.

    -What enchantments do you want on the weapons?

    -Is it okay if it's COBL dependent, for the alchemy table?

    -I'm not sure if I can do the Dark Guardian thing, since I'm not very good with setting up NPC's. I'll see what I can do, though.

    -Have you completed the entire DB questline? Since it is the Listener's quarters, it stands to reason that you should have to have a key or something in order to get in, so I was thinking of leaving the key in the Night Mother's crypt. However, that's slightly problematic if you've already been there once, since you can't revisit.

    -Also, I can't really say expect to have this done tonight. Making a new room, and making it good can and usually does take a while, plus I must devote a third of my day to the misery that is public school, so I don't have a ton of time. However, I will absolutely have it done by the end of the weekend, if not sooner.

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