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Posts posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. Oh Gosh... I know but I can't remember exactly. I wanna say... It's near Orphan Rock, if you've been there. On the compass, Elderdsblood has a dragon icon. Not the Skyrim icon like an Imperial camp, but an actual dragon face. I'll edit this in a little bit after I actually get on and see.
  2. Ran CCleaner, yeah. I tried another reinstall this morning and got vanilla Oblivion to run, and then SI and KotN worked, but as soon as I threw in some mods, it stopped. It refused to run vanilla thereafter as well. BrbtestingOBSE.


    Nope. Not OBSE's fault.

  3. Hi, I'm having a bit of an issue. After a couple years of running Oblivion fine on this computer, including numerous uninstalls and reinstalls as I grew bored and then came back, the game has finally started refusing to run. At first, I tried unmodded Oblivion, installed into a Games directory, and got a CTD before even reaching the main menu. I uninnstalled and tried installing it into Program Files, still the same CTD. Not a single mod currently installed, and I'm installing from the disc, not even bothering with SI currently. Any ideas on why or how to fix it?
  4. Integration. It is the biggest, most unique quest mod out there. And it actually has the quest structure of a proper western RPG unlike the main game and most other quest mods (interesting characters, multiple solutions, choices and consequences, diverse quest types, skill checks, recognition, etc.)


    I actually tried Integration a while ago, and it seemed like it was really buggy, no voice acting, and stuff like that? Am I wrong? I mean, all that stuff is fine of course, I just hoped that a more polished version might be released at some point.


    Additionally, I'll be sure to show off a few graphics enhancing mods (I also use All Natural, I'll see what else I can nab). I seem to remember not being too impressed with RealSwords, though...

    Ummm, it's a quest mod made by one person and it has over 24 hours of silent dialogue. I mean personally I have a problem with some of the voice acted mods where it's like completely illogical, like:



    Also the use of the word "buggy" because of no voice acting? :huh:


    I think I misspoke xD The silent voice-acting thing isn't a problem, I just meant that when I first installed it (this was maybe a year ago or so) I believe it had a promise of an update with voicing and such, and so I shelfed it, planning to return when it was slightly more complete. I suppose it really is a personal preference though... Regardless, I'll be sure to include it. Also, the bugginess and lack of voicing were supposed to be separate statements. But maybe I'm just confusing all of this with some other mod xD


    Also, thanks, Frostcraig! =) I'm going to tentatively say I'll try to do the first expo this weekend, but that comes behind homework, D&D, and actually getting Oblivion to run (and that's in the reverse order of difficulty >.>)

  5. Integration. It is the biggest, most unique quest mod out there. And it actually has the quest structure of a proper western RPG unlike the main game and most other quest mods (interesting characters, multiple solutions, choices and consequences, diverse quest types, skill checks, recognition, etc.)


    I actually tried Integration a while ago, and it seemed like it was really buggy, no voice acting, and stuff like that? Am I wrong? I mean, all that stuff is fine of course, I just hoped that a more polished version might be released at some point.


    Additionally, I'll be sure to show off a few graphics enhancing mods (I also use All Natural, I'll see what else I can nab). I seem to remember not being too impressed with RealSwords, though...

  6. So, in partnership with a friend of mine, CloudfangLP, I'm going to be starting a series of Let's Play videos on Youtube, and I think the first one will be for Oblivion. In addition to the main quests and such, I thought it would be cool to do a sort of "Mod Spotlight" regularly. It would be an LP specifically centered around one mod (or maybe a couple per episode if short) to show them off and get a bit of attention. Obviously, there are some mods that everyone who plays modded Oblivion knows about, but a lot of great mods go overlooked, and so those are mostly what I'm looking for. Of course, the quintessential famous ones such as The Lost Spires will be covered too. I'm posting here, though, not just to drum up a bit of attention but also to get some ideas and opinions on which mods you think would be appropriate for a spotlight.


    Thanks in advance.


    Suggested/Confirmed Mods

    -Enhanced Quest Roleplaying

    -Lost Spires

    -Dungeons of Ivellon

  7. Excellent, I really have next to no complaints! The orange could be changed but I don't think it's a big problem. My only issue is the length of the news section: it seems way too prominent in conjunction with the rest of the site. All in all though, great changes, looking forward to the update! =)
  8. Oh, guess I was wrong - Each person only gets a limited number of invites, I think 15. So, anyone, that can spare a some invites should post in here and keep this thread bumped, I reached my invite limit. Keep track of the number you use, in case there's someone you really wanna invite!
  9. No special benefits or anything, it's just a new social network. In my opinion, it looks like it could be a better Facebook, but I'll let you all make your own opinions. Here, this is the "preview."


  10. I've been mostly gone for a long while, but I just realized that I haven't Slof in a while, nor had I seen her prior to leaving. Did she pull an Oscuro and go on to bigger and better things or what?
  11. So, I'm currently planning out another D&D campaign. In the past, I've used screenshots of different Oblivion mods in said campaign, as a way to provide pretty visuals without too much work ('cause I can't draw at all). So, I was wondering, can anyone recommend some good mods or screenshots that might be good for this? For example, The Lost Spires could make an interesting plot. Or I once used the "cover girl" for a race mod as the picture for an NPC. Anything like that.


    Thanks in advance; Links are greatly appreciated.

  12. First game I ever used a gamertag for was Halo 3, and I couldn't think of anything that sounded cool enough. And then I was having some trouble in the campaign and kept getting killed by wraiths, and thought it would be kinda funny if other people got killed by Wraith Fire too. I just changed the spelling to look cooler (in my opinion.)
  13. Person above me. Er, Retribution. Devin Townsend <3 One of the greatest musicians ever.

    Right now, I'm listening to Panic! At The Disco's new album, about different than what I usually do. Let's see what I can find that most of you probably have never heard of, though. Ooh, how 'bout this?

    Alcest-Ecailles De Lune Part 1

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