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Everything posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. I think that should just take two seconds. Lemme load up the CS and do this for ya.
  2. Sounds like you did a file search, rather than a tag search. Go here and then under components, check boxes both "Races new" and "Robert's Male Bodybase," and then Submit, and all your results will match those two features.
  3. In my opinion... I hated the soundtrack for FO3, but thought it was interesting in that it had more... Fitting music. It sounded like stuff they'd listen to, as if it was actually part of the game, rather than just an extra layer, if that makes any sense. Sorry for the double post http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif
  4. I always thought Guitar Hero had a pretty good soundtrack =D Nah, really, if I had to pick a series... Probably Final Fantasy. X and VII had some excellent music. Fire Emblem has a great soundtrack too.
  5. I never played much Morrowind, but just from my limited knowledge of Oblivion's system, I don't think that's possible =( Too bad, because that sounds neat, though.
  6. Have you done a tag search? If not, go to the main page of the Nexus, "Tag Search" under "Files" on the right side, and then under "Components" choose "Races New." Maybe you'll find something good there.
  7. The author of the letter sounds like the perfect plot twist. You go through and fulfill his instructions only to find out that he himself is Leer, and you've just screwed over Mundus with that one, player. That'd be your final boss, I think. And maybe, though I'm not sure how you'd do it scriptwise, you can only hurt him when certain conditions apply? For example, pushing the orb into the fire or something makes him stronger but more vulnerable as his tether disappears and he becomes more mortal. Ooh, ooh, how 'bout this? What if you make the orb an actual creature, but give it no AI. It'll just stand there and take it. Orb has maybe, say, 50% reflect damage and reflect spell or something. You have to either destroy the orb or Leer, depending on which you prefer to hack at. When the orb's HP is 0, it triggers some script so as to weaken Leer, and that's your chance to finish him off. Methinks at least that he should be invincible while the orb is alive, thus nullifying what I wrote above. Perhaps just to make it fair to those without healing, have some way to restore health after the reflection. But that's just one battle. One thing I thought was great about... I think it was either Return of Shadows or The Lost Spires... Was this one battle against a ton of small skeletons. They didn't do much damage individually, but swarmed and were creepy as hell. I loved the frenetic sense that gave it and wish you had a task. So, I once thought that it'd be cool if there was that sense of urgency in the face of danger. What if there were, say, a key on top of a tall pillar, and to get it you had to use a telekinesis spell? As you had to do so, there would be the army of lil' skellies nibbling your ankles. But, a few of them would be carrying scrolls with TK spells on them, so you'd have to get a scroll, not miss the key, and not get thrown off by the swarm. Also, I loved the idea of incorporating into a story somehow Gizmodian's Shards of Light. Even the names of the swords, and their titles, made me wanna create an appropriate persona to wield them and to be in the game. I thought maybe slay each wielder and take a key or something. I'm not sure. The mod that best added suspense for me was "Dungeons of Ivellon." You should give it a playthrough if you haven't before. Great atmosphere.
  8. I think maybe something more... Intimidating? There really aren't many places to go for those scary, tough, "my character is a badass" shots except for into Oblivion planes. So maybe something... Rough? I like the sound of the Victorian mansion a lot.
  9. There's a ninja outfit in Hiyoko Store. It's not quite skimpy, but barely within my personal standards. (I personally hate the skimpy armors). Maybe not your thing, but still a good mod, methinks.
  10. The only Night Elf mod I know of is Xenius Race Compilation.
  11. Dude.... Are you clairvoyant? You asked this question yesterday, and this mod was uploaded today.
  12. Look for the Avariel race. I had problems with it, but seemed really cool.
  13. Actually, that's a pretty likely group. I'm not positive either, but any would make sense.
  14. Right? It makes the game just that much more enjoyable. LoL. And I don't even say "lol..."
  15. Nah, it isn't a violation or anything, so long as you don't upload your mod without permission first. You can legally do whatever you want to someone else's work for your own benefit only. Anyway, you gotta open the CS and go to Character > Races or something like that in the top, and then find the race you wanna get rid of. Simply mark as "Not playable" or something similar, and you're good! Sorry the instructions are kinda vague, I don't have the CS myself right now, so... Can't exactly go in and verify, but I hope this helps!
  16. Glad to hear it. I don't really think that's true, about needing a high enough skill for certain effects to work =/ At least, not without mods. What kind of enemy were you fighting? Some enemies have a "Reflect Spell" ability that will reflect the enchantment back on you.
  17. True. I've had a couple glitches with NE myself a couple times, including some that made the game nigh on unplayable (It started with purple butterflies, and things slowly started losing their textures until the entire sky was a block of purple. I'm still not sure how this happened =/) But in my experience, NE is still my preferred of the (admittedly limited) environment mods I've used.
  18. For those of you that don't know, LoL is free-to-play, MMO and RTS. Pretty fun so far, though it's generally not the kind of game I play. Anyway, was wondering if anyone else 'round here is playing it too. If so, my username is Raithfyre. Go figure.
  19. So then, I'm assuming you have CS experience? Load up your mod, and then open the CS. In the Object menu, find the appropriate section for your items (Armor, weapons, etc.) and find the item(s) in question. Right click and choose "Use Info." It should tell you the cell in which you'll find it, if I'm not mistaken.
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