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Everything posted by Deleted1217574User

  1. Kudos for making me laugh. I disliked this quest too, and the forced ending. Unfortunately, I can't really think of any other solution so as to still become Champion. I wish they'd at least scripted it so you could one-shot him. I mean, it just seems weird, standing there hacking at him, while he doesn't move. Especially for "good" characters.
  2. I just like it for the humor. I do think all the different mods to improve it are kinda funny, though.
  3. Hm... Not that I know of, unless you find a compilation by a specific user, such as Hentai. What you can do is on the main page of TESNexus, find the "tag search" on the right side, and then search for the tag "HGEC Dependent" or something like that.
  4. Thing I always found most odd (and lorebreaking) was how unrealistic the dungeons are. I mean, really, REALLY, did the Ayleids just think that "that swinging ball and chain really compliments the barren walls!" or that vents of poison gas were really "tasteful decor?" And then there's the forts. It musta been tough, considering how there's often no barracks or anything, and when there are, the guards apparently slept on stone slabs or the floor or something. Makes me glad you can't join the Legion in Oblivion, it must be an awful experience with conditions like that.
  5. http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=30094 http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=30457 Top one looks really cool, I think, and I'm even gonna go check it out now. I don't think it's the one you were looking for, though. Neither is the bottom, though it's close, and more Argonian-like. I think I know which you're looking for, but can't remember the name...
  6. I'm having trouble deciding between CM, Share and Recruit, and the others. Which system do you like best, and why?
  7. Unfortunately, if you do find those mods, I'm pretty sure it's against the author's wishes. On TEG's website, the... Head dude, I guess, threw a hissy fit about the modding community and rage-quit Oblivion modding, said he's taking everything down. You may be able to snoop around on Filefront, but that's my best suggestion. Oh, I'm not supporting finding mods against the dude's wishes. He just even said that there might still be stuff on FF.
  8. Haha, two conflicting supports there, I see... Well, unless a mod comments, I guess I'm just gonna have to leave it alone =/ Don't wanna get banned.
  9. I agree, it would be far more practical, but... It's just not realistic. I mean, two or three slashes and you're down would make very few people actually want to play this game. Or at the very least make Block a literal necessity. The difficulty would just be so extreme that I don't really think it's feasible.
  10. The first picture in the post above mine looks really cool, I think. But, what I would like to see the very most is Yuna's outfit from Final Fantasy X. I think it would fit in well enough, and look good.
  11. I mean, I shouldn't see why it is, since it's not redistributing any actual in-game materials or anything... Just reroutes the .exe, right? But I don't really wanna delve into the subject here unless I know for sure, so thanks in advance.
  12. Lost Spires Thieves' Arsenal Midas Magic Deadly Reflex Unnecessary Violence Those are some of the biggest I can think of. You might also check out T.I.E. (Tamriel immersion Experience). It's an overhaul mod, but just changes things a ton rather than adding lots of new content like OOO.
  13. Um... I'm not sure, so don't quote me or anything, but I'm not sure you can offer that. Part of Bethesda's allowing modding terms is that unless they're made by Bethesda, they have to be free. Now, since you're offering to pay, rather than asking to be paid, I'm not sure. I'm no moderator, so I can't quote the rules or anything. Just saying, may wanna edit that there post...
  14. I've often hoped and dreamed of a similar mod. Especially the aeons from FFX. If it were a summoning system like in Midas Magic, where a creature is summoned until you choose to dismiss it... It would be awesome. Unfortunately... Well, maybe it wouldn't be so tough, for some of them. Seems like Ixion, Yojimbo, Shiva, and the Magus Sisters would all be doable, since they're human or horse, and already in-game. Any talented modders out there interested...? Personally, the one I'd most like to see is Bahamut. Maybe using the Balrog from MM as a starting point... Hmm... Makes me wish I could make my own meshes and textures, haha.
  15. Ummm... Don't have a link handy, but look up the mod "Lore Creatures Expansion." Of course, now that I think about it, that could be a werecroc =/
  16. Well, I'll definitely agree with you that the community frequently sucks, but I really haven't heard the level of abuse you've been mentioning. And I mean, you can mute offensive people, as well as using the Psych Profile. And, you can't get booted from a game unless you betray someone =/ Though I agree the new, one-strike policy is kinda unfair.
  17. Alright, sounds good, man. Lookin' forward to it =) Though it will be a while before I can test... =( And I just realized that in my last post, I suggested celebrating a miscarriage... I apologize and promise to work on my verb choice in the future, haha.
  18. Alooooonsooooo? Is this the part where we hold a funeral for yet another modular miscarriage?
  19. Haha, a whole three months, huh? =P Do you not usually stick with a game very long?
  20. Hey! Sorry, internet's been down, so I dunno how long it'll be until I can get on here really. I'm on a friend's computer now. Alonso, if you can send me a download I can stick it on a flash drive and try it out sometime soon.
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