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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Well we didn't get that second wave, altho they've threatened us with it twice now. Just sunny...but cold, yeeech, lol! No shoveling here. We paid some guy with a blade on his truck to clean out the driveway. My front stoop and steps are death traps, literally, lol We had a bad storm like that once. Ice broke everything down. We had battery TV and candles, ahhh! so rustic!
  2. Thanks for that sun girl, Lord knows we need it! We had some today, too bad the temperature isn't playing as nice as the sunshine, lol
  3. I sense your campaign must be working! I see much less sheepies jumping around on the Nexus these days, lol Sssshh! don't tell anyone, but BE is trying to get me to eat one, lolol!!
  4. Praying to Oprah?? Oh Lord, I'm going to have to debrief you lol She has her own network-OWN over here. I'm sure she showers as many blessings on you as Almalexia did on her followers lol Hey, I could use a good kabob right about now! You'll still have to sell me on the lamb, I'm afraid to try anything other than grilled. Altho CC's campaign must be working, I see much less of them than before!
  5. Yo Yo Yo! How ye be? Been snowy here to the point of being snowed in with no internet! I'm so glad you stopped by. I've been wondering how you are. Lost in Tamriel I bet, lol I LOVE the new avatar! Blessings to you, stay warm and safe :o)
  6. Hey Keanu! I didn't have internet. We got the same blizzard my weather girl partner Illiad got. It was crazy, schools and businesses cancelled for about 3 days and they're saying it starts over again tomorrow. I'm trying to dl all the NV mods I might want, so I'll have something to do if we get snowed in again, lol Sure is nice to know I was missed! I missed you guys too :o)
  7. Oh my word Weather Girl!! We DID get the blizzard too! Shut schools and businesses down for like 3 days! I had no internet, just got it back yesterday. I've been saying Thank God I could play NV without being online in Steam! So are you snowed in too still? We got like 6 inches I think. They are talking about it starting again tomorrow!
  8. Hey I just noticed you're not on my list. I thought I added you ages ago. Rectifying the situation now :o)
  9. I dunno, I think the ASR is making a dent, the number of bouncing sheepies seem to be diminishing. Perhaps you are winning, lol
  10. LOL! He is cuckoo, but sweetly so. On the other deal, I dunno why would that have happened when the person had been here so long? Truth is stranger than fiction, that I do know! (otherwise where would all these sheep come from, lol!!)
  11. Yep, same here, cold as hell but no snow. It is 80% chance tomorrow morning, then 50% chance tomorrow night. Man why are we stuck in the iceboxes of the midwest, lol!
  12. That is really something! So beautiful. I'm jealous :yes: Once I got my ex-fiance a pretty nice telescope for Christmas, cause he said he'd always wanted one as a boy. I don't think he ever even took the thing out of the box. I wish I had it now, I'd be out there. I try to take pics with my camera. It's a good one, but at night, the zoom just isn't strong enough to take fotos like the ones you do. Nice! :thumbsup:
  13. Oh man I would love that! I keep threatening Illiad with a visit if I ever get to her neck of the woods. To visit Australia would be heaven! Who knows, it might happen :o)
  14. You're very welcome :o)
  15. Yeah I saw the one thread. Surely it was more than that. Seemed as though she had already left the admin spot prior that. At any rate, I'm sorry to see her go. Glad you're still here, sheep and all, lol I want a sheep! Oh egads! Did I really just say that?? Where is CC, I gave him permission to slap me if I ever got lured to the wool side, rofl. *ducking and running...*
  16. LOL! I keep meaning to tell you, I'm loving your new sig. Very kewl *thumbs up* :o)
  17. I'll have to give it a try, man you make it sound deeelicious! :o)
  18. I knew I could count on the ASR! Almost as reliable as the NCR, lol!
  19. Well I guess the good thing is he is working. So many folks without these days :o( Now you can feel even worse for me Weather Girl! After that onslaught the other day, they are predicting another one for tomorrow! You can stop sending your snow storms down here anytime, lol!
  20. Well I gotta admit, it IS cute and you did a good job!
  21. I must add you to my friends list, so that I can watch your sneaky ways. I'll look up and there will be a herd of sheep dancing in one of my videos, lol! I miss your old avatar, the eye was similar to mine :o)
  22. Stop trying to lure me to the darkside HM!! I will....not....go.....arrrrgh! :o)
  23. CC then why do I still see sheep lurking about?? LOL! That is something I'd like to try BE. I've always heard lamb and mint sauce was the way to go. The kabobs remind me of crispy squirrel bits in NV, lol!
  24. M...ust...not...be drawn into.....sheeeeeepy maaaadness BAAAAA!!! lol! If I get one of those, slap me! No seriously, I mean it, lol!
  25. I'm feeling a new video coming! I hope I can get Umpa's to work in New Vegas :o)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vvk78


      What's the problem you facing? Can you elaborate?
    3. vvk78


      If your character is able to animate, see if the pose spells are added. Try them on both vanilla NPCs and custom companions. I don't play FO3NV, so I can't debug. Add a msg on mod upload page about your problems.
    4. Netwit2008


      I did vk, and umpa didn't know what the problem was. The poses mod author hadn't responded, so I assumed he/she was no longer monitoring the mod, or just didn't know either. I have a couple more ideas to try. I'm really hoping I can get it working. The dance poses show up, they just won't animate.
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