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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Hello wonderful YOU! lol How ya been? I've been fooling with the CS and trying to learn to mod an NPC. Needless to say, it's rough going, lol School time already? But it's on my heels too. Start teaching on campus I think on 8/24. Good thing I love my job :o)
  2. Holy Smokes Cor!! You cut that out! I'm glad things are better. No I don't have things like that, but hey, we each have our trials and what not, it's how we handle them, yanno? :o)
  3. It's hunky dory on my end. How have you been? Better I hope!
  4. Loving the new pic of you!
  5. Thank you Pushkatu! You know your endorsement means a lot! :o)
  6. Well it will be good to see you back! The Imperial Waters have given my IC much beauty and joy. I'm so glad you liked the video. It was kool to see the waterfalls animated and to be able to show them off to others! :o)
  7. Thank you for the add! Glad to have you aboard and vice versa :o)
  8. Hi Granny! That's what my daughter and nephew call their granny :o) I've just been seeing you pop up all over the place, so I wanted to say hello and welcome to the Nexus community. You're a gamer, you're alright with me ;o) Come and visit anytime. I don't have popcorn, but I've got entertainment, lol
  9. I like that one too. I always feel like a teenager, so not too much difference there. Besides, that's what keeps us young, so it's a good thing ;o)
  10. Yep, even with the scribbles, lol
  11. Cristian-Hola! Grazie per l' osservazione ed il commento sul video. Stavo sperando che godeste. Grazie per l'articolo inoltre, lo mi ha dato l'aiuto per il video seguente. Siete benvenuto usarli in qualunque momento. È la vostra creatività che li rende fantastici! Grazi! ed hugs! :o) I hope that wasn't too hard to understand, lol
  12. I'm so glad you liked it! I consider that an honor coming from a discerning gentleman such as yourself! :o)
  13. True, true change is sometimes hard, but good. Get the .wmv version it is like 91.4 mb unpacked.
  14. Well I can't blame you one bit. That IS a kool sig!
  15. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for taking the time to dl and drop me a note abou it. That Sierra was born to look good and dance, among her many other talents :o)
  16. I'm so glad you liked! Thanks for taking the time to not only dl, but to leave a note :o)
  17. Thank you Girly! You too :o)
  18. Thank you! I'm glad to be on your list and glad to have you on mine :o)
  19. LOL you'll need it. The file takes like 8 minutes to download on this quad core! At least it's not 3.41 GB anymore, lol I think you'll like it. I asked Keanu if he beat you up to get that sig, lol I loved that sig! Your new one is kool too tho :o)
  20. Well you be safe girl! I wish it was raining here. Did a few days ago and man was it intense. A microburst flew through here a week or so ago. Everything seems so much more severe this year. So you be careful. The video ain't goin nowhere, so just peep it when you get a chance. Have a safe and DRY weekend, lol
  21. Greetings Nich01as! I featured The Emporium in my latest video. You are in the credits. I'm inviting you to come see it when you return to Nexus. Thank you for a great shop with magnificent clothing! I hope you enjoy & approve of the video. Cheers to you!


  22. Greetings Mag1c! I have featured you in the credits of my latest video, which you are invited to come view. The waterfalls are so gorgeous, they make a beautiful addition to the ambience of the video. I hope you like and approve! I also hope you don't mind me adding you to my friend's list. I'm very glad to see you're not gone for good! :o)


  23. Growlf I have used your wigs so much! I wouldn't know how to play without them. I've featured you in the credits of my latest video, which I'm inviting you to go see. I appreciate all the fine work. I hope you don't mind if I add you to my friends list :o) I also hope you enjoy and approve the video!


  24. As I told HeavyWaters, the light sabers are my companion's only weapon of choice. I credited you guys in my latest video since the sabers were so plainly seen & added to the ambience. You're invited to take a look at the vid. I hope you enjoy & approve. I also hope you don't mind being on my friends list, where all my favorite modders go :o)


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