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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. HAPPY LABOR DAY to the deep dark south,from over here in the Land of Oz :o)
  2. HAPPY LABOR DAY from over here in the Land of Oz :o)
  3. HAPPY LABOR DAY from over here in the Land of Oz :o)
  4. HAPPY LABOR DAY whereever you are in the US from down here in the Land of Oz :o)
  5. HAPPY LABOR DAY over there in Arizona from down here in the Land of Oz :o)
  6. HAPPY LABOR DAY up there in SC from down here in the Land of Oz :o)
  7. HAPPY LABOR DAY down in the land of Texas, from up here in the land of Oz! :o)
  8. HAPPY LABOR DAY Weather Girl! :o)
  9. While I'm thinking of it, what is that song in the vid you posted for me? We do the Renfest each year and dress up. If I could learn in time, I might do it there while I'm playing my role as the clever Russian mercernary protecting my nephew-the boy king. My daughter is one too. But only I speak w/a Russian accent lol He loves it.
  10. Hey Girly guess what!!?? I found this CD and finger cymbals with a book to train in belly dancing!! I bought it :o) Now I have something to work with. I tried working with one hip so far. When I get time, I'm going to go for it. If, but IF I get good enough, then I'll post for you. You guys have fun & just enjoy each other. I bet we won't see either of you for another 2 weeks or so, lol
  11. Me neither, cause then it's time for OctoberFest at the local theme park. You can do several haunted spots in one location. Then it's also time for the Renaissance Festival! Last year my nephew was "the boy king," and my daughter & I were his Russian accented gypsy mercenaries. We dressed up, man it was a blast! We even had weapons, lol
  12. Ahhh so they say! They give me the big head with all their compliments :o) I appreciate and am very proud of them too!
  13. I'm fine Vesemir, a bit tired, but going to bed & leaving this website would probably cure that, lol Thank you so much for asking, I hope you're doin good 2! Hmm..lemme see, well I'd say that most of my students, since they are adults over 21 are hard working, dedicated & focused. Sometimes I get the random fool, but I like helping fools find their way, so in the end, they come out alright too :o)
  14. Ok, we don't have it that good yet, lol Just 70s and 60s at night, but it does feel good! You have a good labor day too!
  15. I figured you'd have it cool up there, if not cold. I bet you'll get coat wearing weather way before us! Taking? No I teach the classes. This semester, Psychology of Gender, Practicum and Forensic Nursing. They keep me hopping! I'd love to start on my PhD but between two Universities and Oblivion, when would I have time? lol!
  16. You're very welcome! But come on now...if you mean "dirty" as in of a sexual nature, there's nothing dirty about that. Sex is just part of our nature. Of course we'd want it in Oblivion! You keep doing you and the good jobs that you do! :o) I'm glad you came over for a visit. It's been awhile!
  17. Hey Weather Girl- how's things up your way? We've actually had thunderstorms the past two days and the temperature is heavenly! Reminds of my favorite season-fall. I hope all is well and that you have a fantabulous weekend! :o)
  18. How wild! I was just wondering the same thing last night, lol No lie! So let's fix that. Now we're friends as it should be. Pssst! Watch that Shadowmadnezz, he's a character, lol :o)

    I'm so glad you came over to visit, glad to have you aboard my friends list gurl!

  19. True, true. And I graciously thank you back. But I don't suffer from insomnia, I'm just like a little kid. Fighting sleep and trying to stay up cause I don't want to miss a thing, lol
  20. YOU suck at it? No I suck at it! I told you me and the messengers see each other like once a year. Just too much going on usually, especially during school, to do anything but play. But you keep in touch and that's what's important. C'MON SON!! You know we friends by now! Friends are friends no matter how much time passes, they just pick up where they left off each time. So there it be :o)
  21. Meogron, you are one of my favorite modders! I can't believe I haven't got you on my friends list. I hope you don't mind, but I'm adding you now. You are one of the greats that not only does good work, but keeps up with your users to help them when needed. Always a winner and friend in my book!

    Thanks for all your great work! :o)

  22. Thanks Lexx, that's a great thought to go to bed on. It's time for this vampire to head for my coffin, lol I have a feeling you're the same type of great person :o)
  23. P.S. thanks for joining the list. :o)
  24. Hey I hear ya, even I'M mad at the damned system! Sometimes the system sucks!
  25. No thanks necessary, just calling it like I see it ;o) I'm happy to have you on my list of friends. Thanks for the add! You might be a shadow wolf, but you sure don't have to be lonely :o)
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