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Status Updates posted by Netwit2008

  1. Blessed be to you my friend and thank you for the compliment. I guess I am. I do enjoy making new friends :o) Hey I've got that nude spell and it's made me chuckle more than once, lol
  2. LOL! If you're talking about what I'm thinking you're talking about- they didn't have to.

    And I agree Keanu, not nice at all :o( (of course I could be speaking way out of turn, so forgive me if so, lol)

  3. Hey gotta keep up with my forum buddies, even though I've been MIA now for a couple of weeks myself. Work does have a way of inching out pleasurable activities. At any rate, I'm adding you to the list. That way I can keep an eye out and read your mind better, muhahahaha! :o)
  4. Why did I spend 40+ on this video only to learn I can't upload it at youtube??? Too long and having trouble with the file format. Grrrrrr!!
  5. Excellent videos Mavrosh! I thoroughly enjoyed all three!
  6. Well the top comments show, let's hope the bottom ones do now too. I'm finally showing up on Thor's page, lol I don't have facebook, but Lord is THIS what it's like?? lol Takes a bit of getting used to, that's for sure.
  7. Oh no! Why you cryin? Did the new dvd not work? :o( I hope that's not the case.
  8. Thank you and good day to you Sir! :o)
  9. Can you see my text yet? Am I still invisible, plagued by the Nexus diabolical magicks, lol
  10. Yep, I got the friend bloat, but I'm tickled pink over it :o)
  11. uh oh! Who's got rain?? Cause all we got is "you better stay in the house unless you wanna be burnt to a crisp" heat down here, lol
  12. Aww, sorry to hear that. But I bet you had fun anyway! I'm starting to think that stupid glitch is designed to drive us all nuts, lol Thank God I have a good imagination. I just imagine I'm sitting right now, lol
  13. LOVED IT~LOVED IT~LOVED IT!!!! Hey did I say I LOVED IT?! I got goose bumps! Music was so good. I get impatient cause I like the hip shaking best :o) You did good girl, thank you for sharing that! I swear I want to learn now. That was great. I loved it :o)
  14. Well I just appreciate you looking into it period. I tried that work around I posted on your thread. Didn't work. I'm STILL standing in the middle of chairs and couches, lol So I've been under work for a week, did you get drunk? And don't hit me cuz I don't know who won, lol!
  15. Heeeey! C'MON SON!! C'MON now! I get swamped by work, gone for a week, come back and this place looks totally different AGAIN, lol Who are all these people and why I know all they bidness?? lol
  16. You won't believe this, but I think I still have one brand new, still in the box. I was too eager to buy it before I had a machine that could handle it. Of course when I got one, I got GOTY. I'd be happy to send it to you. No charge for friends :o) Just PM me and tell me where to send it. I'm just glad to know it won't be going to waste.
  17. Oh boy ain't that the truth! (hmmm...did I just say "ain't?? lol!)
  18. Same here, well no there was precip yesterday too. I don't mind, I love rain and thunderstorms. So romantic! Now if only I had someone to be romantic with besides Stoker Wolff!! LOL!
  19. Well you definitely need a video of you. I'd imagine you're very good at it. Now I want to learn! Got enough belly to do it,lol As far as friends go...Are you kidding?! I'm honored to be added as your friend! Thank you kind lady(in my best Argonian beggar voice) :o)P.S. I love your son's name! My daughter's name is Reannon. I liked that better, a more earthy & organic spelling than the original.
  20. If I'm not mistaken, it was the one about the stock market crash, if we're talking about the same thing. This was a documentary on America's history. Very comprehensive and stuff even I didn't know!
  21. I just sent you a PM. I'm getting ready to try what you suggested right now. I'll keep you posted.
  22. Man I can't believe how bad my memory is! I remembered once I saw it. I loved it! Gonna PM you now :o)
  23. BRAAAAAIIIIINNNNNSSSSSS....Oops! I meant, hi how ya doin, lol The msg. you left was NOT the most useless greeting ever I'll have you know, I've seen worse, uh...not here of course lol Glad to have you on the page! Especially since you will be noted in my new video :o)
  24. I saw you want FRAPS, get it! I liked it so much I shelled out the $37 for the full version. Those vids on my page were shot with it. You do have to edit, but Windows MovieMaker works fine. It' easy to use, you'll be surprised it is so easy. Plus if you need help just holla!
  25. I wanna try them, but like I said, I really think it'd be an incompatibility nightmare! Especially with BC or UL. I do want the deserts though. I didn't know there was no main quest. You're right, that definitely should have one. I might be able to help if I have time.
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