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Everything posted by Netwit2008

  1. Pat yourself on the back girl! At least you're in it and moving along. I've only compiled ideas, read the tutorial my mod partner developed to teach me to add clutter, and written one book in a love story series quest. I'm long on ideas, short on work, lol I'm just learning to do videos, so I'm all proud and excited about that. At least I'll be able to do video trailers of our mod when..um..."we" get finished :tongue: I can't wait to see what you've done. I think adding something from SI could be very appropriate if placed in the right spot. Skingrad is a little tight on space as far as buildings/streets go. I think your idea of having back yards decorated is very nice! You hang in there, YOU CAN DO IT!! :thumbsup: I sure miss your old avatar btw, it was so kewl!
  2. You've probably already checked for this, if so just disregard, lol But sometimes the simplest things cause major problems. Have you checked that there are no scratches or fingerprints on part of the disk? That could cause areas of the game to skip or appear corrupt. IF it's that simple, then a good wipe with a soft cloth, or CD cleaner will fix you right up. I hope you find a solution so you don't have to buy a whole new disc! Good luck with it :smile:
  3. With many outfits, the scabbard is often floating near, but not attached to the body when the sword is drawn. Bugs me!
  4. Ahhh wish granted MHM! Too bad you have bed bugs and they'll bite the crap outta ya, keeping you awake alllll nite long! :tongue: Hmmm....lemme see...I wish....I wish Oblivion and this dang site were'nt so addicting! :unsure:
  5. Whew! I'm glad that's over, lol! I kept waiting for a big APRIL FOOL'S declaration. Was gettin kinda nervous there, when I didn't see it at the end of the day. Just evil man, just evil, lol :yes:
  6. Yikes to that, lol! Makes Barney look like Frank Sinatra :laugh: What killed me (no pun intended) was the "Scarface for Children" adaptation. Lordy! Lordy! :teehee:
  7. Banning Thor for using zeros and ones instead of lightening bolts. C'mon man! you're a NORD for pity's sake! :pinch: *hehe* Banning Pronam for picking on colors! Haven't you ever heard of "Color My World??" :laugh:
  8. Thanks Razor, I'll try that one. Sounds like a good one. I did see a mod recently that gave you skulls in different colors to collect, but I forgot the name of it. Ahhhh you've struck a cord in my girl, she does so like to be an assassin when folks deserve it :ninja:
  9. Banning Thor AGAIN for making me lmao with his last ban on me :laugh: Banning CC for issuing tickets instead of bans! You ain't tha po po :no:
  10. Hey Rebel Rebel! Just strolling thru saying hi! :o)
  11. I put you on my list, cuz I gotta keep up with those new sigs :o)
  12. OMG SON!! Guezz who's gonna have to buy FRAPS so I can have more time?! Go check out my latest creation. And I'll say it now, cuz I know it will apply---

    C'MON SON!! U know U jealous, lol! :o)

  13. Wish granted! You now have exceptional internet coverage, but you leeched it off the neighbor's unsecured network and he has reported you. :mellow: Go answer the door, some men in uniform want to talk to you....they have guns, lol :turned: I wish I could beat this procrastination and do the work I need to get done by Monday!
  14. Banning Gormonk for banning "him" when I'm a HER, lol! :confused: Banns 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000times over :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: yes this was edited Banning Thor for blatant overuse and abuse of the poor number zero! Cruel you is! :biggrin:
  15. Bans Brokenergy for publicizing Patrick's stutter problem! He is mortified! :pinch: Banning Gormonk for running around in pee pee pants! They're not even squarepants! :geek:
  16. You've probably already done or know this, but make sure she is as far down on load order as possible. I know that even in the readme, it specifies she must be last. I don't have her last, but she's way down near there. Good luck on getting her back in action, so to speak :smile:
  17. Hijacking my own thread, lol But Razorpony have you tried the Oblivion Collectible Cards Mod? That is a great little quest mod and you get to collect cards related to Oblivion. It's pretty fun. You can show them off with specially made furniture. I'm really enjoying that one, as I like to collect things too. Back to topic :tongue: I complete all the quests too for the same reason. Right now I've got too much money actually. I'm almost done with the Mage's Guild. Done everything else except the Main quest. I don't want to finish that one until I get real bored, or I have to, lol
  18. Bans Thor for seeking technical advice for his TV after talking trash AND gobblety gook! :teehee:
  19. Granted! Your wish is not corrupted, however YOU are! Paradoxical effect don't cha know :nuke: I wish I already knew how to use the CS, nifskope and alla that!! :mad:
  20. Thanks for sending me that info! Greetings from the USofA!
  21. I'll admit it, lol And I draw my sword for the first fetcher that laughs ~hehe~ Thanks for yours back! :o)
  22. Granted Trandoshan, but the only place he'll be going is down your gullet and out your.....you know! Take solace in the fact that he has been served to you on a stylish china plate, with a lovely little arugula side salad, and some mango salsa! :happy: I wish I didn't have to teach this beast of a class I have starting next week! :yucky: (I've been dying to use that smiley, his lil tongue is so cute!)
  23. Banning the last two pages of posters because, if I read right, there are no women in here and I have a ban hammer bigger than yours! (yeah, yours too! :tongue: ) If the shoe fits, put it on and strut around with your banned self :laugh:
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