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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. Beach knickers. What's your favourite car?
  2. @ LHammonds : It would be wise to add those new steps in your list as sometimes you will be faced with some unwanted effects and problems if you make a new install - especially when the anti-virus program is a different one. The best is to have a complete clean-up before making a new anti-virus install. :wink: @Omeleter : here's a link to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware but it's a shareware and you have to pay for full protection features. Key Features: * Support for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista (32-bit only). * Light speed quick scanning. * Ability to perform full scans for all drives. * Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Protection Module. (requires registration) * Database updates released daily. * Quarantine to hold threats and restore them at your convenience. * Ignore list for both the scanner and Protection Module. * Settings to enhance your Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware performance. * A small list of extra utilities to help remove malware manually. * Multi-lingual support. * Works together with other anti-malware utilities. * Command line support for quick scanning. * Context menu integration to scan files on demand. It would be usefull to download and install it for cleaning your PC from unwanted files but you have to register for being protected. Hope it could help.
  3. Wish granted, and now your topic is so overflowed with all Nexus member's posts that it will takes you an eternity to find the key of your problem. I wish I could stay clear from X-14's Cheese Alert unwholesome effects forever. :rolleyes:
  4. "... Poor... Earthlings... disorganized... easily disheartened... Ack...Ack" http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/9652/martian.jpgzzzzZAP!!! Countdown back to - 0 -
  5. "... ? ... Earthlings!..." http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/9652/martian.jpgzzzzZAP!!! Countdown back to - 0 -
  6. Granted, but this very special kind of cheese is not for everyone's taste. http://www.jasperfforde.com/specops/images/cheese_alert.jpg I wish I could live like an Avatar.
  7. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    http://i995.photobucket.com/albums/af76/jdj8callaham/Lois/Lois/funny-pics_animated_ak47cat.gif BAN-BAN-BAN ! Ban Thor. because he made me lose my self-control.
  8. http://www.laptopspirit.fr/wp-content/uploads/new/corsair-ssd-128-go.jpg
  9. Thanks Maharg67, but it wasn't necessary to put the colours on normal state, just try an other when the chapters are longer. Thus far I must say that your work is a good one and on top of that, very creative.
  10. I like to soak hot croissants with almond paste in my cup of coffee... so good :happy:
  11. Fifoo

    This or That?

    Nothing is more important than living in peace with yourself - being poor or rich don't change that fact. The deal is to enjoy it to the hilt... during 60 years, or more. :wink: To be rich and sick or poor and healthy?
  12. Can't stop playin' this song in loop mode... Gives me shivers. :thumbsup: (better quality) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4jYr4502M0&feature=related
  13. Agreed. The success and expansion from FaceBook and MySpace made that they are sadly both a chosen target for all hackers, pirates and malware criminals. It's not intended to make you paranoid, only to tell you that it's a real war against organized crime who have decided we are fair pickings. Forewarned is forearmed. :yes:
  14. Few... It tooks a long time for me to read your story, sorry for the late feedback. Well, it's really an impressive and incredibly hard work you've done in there. Remains me when I discovered the great LOTR from the Master J.R. Tolkien - a masterpiece with a complete and reinvented world, a richness of details, beyond quality - tooks so much time to read it entirely. Just one minor thing - aesthetically I find the text color a little "harsh" to my taste. Otherwise nothing to say than : :thumbsup:
  15. Good point Vagrant0. It would be a good idea after that to make repeatedly scans several times as AV viruses signatures are often updated (sometimes hourly) and even in safe mode or with a clean bootable CDrom tools - before that, use CCleaner (free) to clean-up your system, make a complete AV scan then completely shut-down your system to purge memories banks. Power-up your PC, enter your Bios Setup to configure the boot sequence on CDrom, save your Bios Setup and launch the boot procedure with the safe bootable CDrom tools in your Disk Drive and scan again your HDDs. Just obey the simple rules, look before you click, keep patches and definitions up to date. Safest policy is to always backup your computer, you may have to start from scratch if the infection is too bad, but you at least will have your documents.
  16. http://i995.photobucket.com/albums/af76/jdj8callaham/Lois/Lois/funny-pics_animated_ak47cat.gif I WIN !
  17. Sounds it's time for us to buy a fully high cap Hdd chain now... :biggrin:
  18. Good question but a hard one for various reasons because it could be a matter of opinion and they are so much factors involved in it for making a choice. Plus, there are plenty of great examples of tacticians who have proved their mettle in conflict. Even though we must never forget that every successful military commander has their strengths and weaknesses. You win battles with tactics. You win wars and build empires with strategy. "A great tactician ignores conventions, traditions, formalities, chivarly and honor, :ermm: and wins at all costs." (unknown). The capacities of leadership, and to take advantages, win battles in spite of your weaknesses or inferiority and even when outnumbered, would be my personal criterias for making such a choice. I personaly think that making a selection depending on the period would be a great idea too. Ancient times: Hannibal - (tactician), strategically he was unable to take full advantage of his victories, but tactically they make him the greatest. Medieval times: Genghis Khan - (tactician), he didn't care how he won, so long as he won, remember that Mongolia is a sparsely-populated country and he annexed mostly of the Asian empire. Modern times: Napoleon Bonaparte - (strategist, tactician), a military genius and wised politician. Rommel - (tactician), very competent, he fought impossible battles and somehow found a way to come out victorious. Note: My choice of Napoleon Bonaparte may not fit to every one tastes, but he was one of the greatest empire builder and only a few men had spark off so much contradictory passions as him. :happy: "Napoleon's campaigns are studied at military academies the world over. While considered a tyrant by his opponents, he is also remembered for the establishment of the Napoleonic code, which laid the administrative and judicial foundations for much of Western Europe. Napoleon has become a worldwide cultural icon who symbolises military genius and political power." (wikipedia).
  19. Fifoo

    This or That?

    Whales, because they are peaceful animals. The blue whale is the largest known living animal by volume and weight, an endangered species whose official record length is 33.58 m (110 ft 2 in), and weight 190 short tons (172 metric tons) for a pregnant female. (wikipedia source). Books or movies?
  20. "... Ack - Ack..." http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/9652/martian.jpgzzzzZAP!!! Countdown back to - 0 -
  21. Witchblade #126 I've waited for that, thanks... :woot: http://www.comicbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/w126b.jpg
  22. Seasons could run very quickly in our virtual world... but it depends on you, Earthlings :blink: http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/9652/martian.jpgzzzzZAP!!! Countdown back to - 0 -
  23. Love this one so much... Spirited away - Chihiro theme ( Day of the river) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSk6z74Z3nY&feature=related
  24. Great story, it's worth the trip - (Lol) - :wink: It's easy to identify with the hero, and it's not the minor wishes I could make here. Take your time for the next, we are not in hurry. I personally think that releasing a complete chapter in one time would be better for the reading.
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