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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. Life is something that we must be well-cared-for and sometimes little sacrifices made that being better in future days. Have a good landing Antonkr, and see you soon on the next flight. :wink:
  2. Fifoo

    Ban for Fun

    Ban Omeletter for having none avatar :tongue:
  3. 7. :ninja: Booby-trap n°5 engaged :ninja: And Happy birthday tooo youuu Sarya! :whistling:
  4. 2. :ninja: where are the Martians? I neeed them to work on some booby-trap :laugh:
  5. Fifoo


    I loved that Balagor! Lol :laugh: I think it's not that easy as we could find a lot of other examples in your quoting days, like TV, cellular phones, cars... etc... and the subject is not limited to internet activities, of course. Seeing this on our everyday life ground, I would give just one example. Football world's cup is coming and also new 3D TV for watching the match game as you were there. It will cost you 1500 to 3000 euros for having such one piece. But besides you must pay for having some special glasses (50 to 150 euros). Good morning the bill... For that price you will be able to see the world's cup and nothing else because others 3D programs are not ready yet (the TNT is only set in HD... in France at least). Blue-ray drives aren't 3D compatible. You will need then to reequip yourself soon and trend your Blue-ray drive like you have throwned your HDVD drive two years ago! Buy, throw, for buying new and industry will run smoothly. With this business-model when you buy an high-tech product it is already outdated and his successor pushes behind. You may say it's only some material stuff of course but something strange appears then : something vexing for some people... no? Especially when your neighbouring is coming to taunt you : "Uh, you've buyed it, it's a shame, you'd better have to wait for, the new version will be released in three months." We also could stay calm and purchase the same devices at minus 30% of the cost after the world's cup when the sucker crowd passes by. :wink:
  6. 7. :blink: a little annoying don't you think? but ok for the great battle, I'll go for it :biggrin:
  7. So be it :biggrin: We gonna have a tough fight with Aurielius and Fifoo again! But we will show them :biggrin: You did me proud today Keanu...... Thank you :biggrin: Have I missed something?
  8. That's not quite easy as that as CommanderCrazy have a single ticket for holding the zap gun - being a nexus member in May too - Lol. Ack... Ack... ZAP!... 0!
  9. http://news.3yen.com/wp-content/images/dontpanic.jpg ZAP! Ack... Ack...0
  10. Fifoo


    Did you heard about neo-mania, depicted as a modern illness which consist in wanting to be a pioneer in all and always buying the last device model whatever the cost of it? The high-tech industry perfectly uses this snobbery because it's an incredible driving force behind selling. The technologies saled on the market today will be outdated in one year and the products obsolete. It's a business-model of all this industry. Do you think it's a real illness affecting our modern lives and to what extent are we concerned about it?
  11. Happy (young) birthday to you Sarya :)
  12. Dragon Wars - A modern re-telling of a classic Korean legend, movie footage from the DVD released in 19th May 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI9n_TqsXEc&feature=watch_response
  13. So be it :biggrin: We gonna have a tough fight with Aurielius and Fifoo again! But we will show them :biggrin: You did me proud today Keanu...... Thank you :biggrin: Congrats for the win! :thumbsup: But now you'd better have to give of your best until being transformed by our new armament - Ack... ACK! Happily I've poped a lot of extra pills suitable for those special occasions :laugh:
  14. Thanks for sharing a so rich and well made story Maharg67, looks like I'm falling in a Quentin Tarantino's incredible Pulp Fiction movie, and I loved your references about GreyMaharg and Dark0ne :laugh: Good improvement for the text trim size too :thumbsup:
  15. Granted - But your mind is quartered between infinite branes now... :laugh: I wish having more vacation for better Nexus forums enjoyment.
  16. http://caraphoto.caradisiac.com/s/a/salon-geneve-2007/159/IM-67112-159.jpg
  17. Ack... Ack... You don't need more Elections after Martian's complete invasion...
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