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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. So much nice beads in your topic, Maharg67 and how could I miss out on such great and creative works? If you didn't create them... then the Druid's Garden would lost one of their powerful warden. :thumbsup:
  2. No wish? It's a (real) shame all your previous wishes are swinging back in your neck like a boomerang now. I (secretly) wish to end up my new avatar and sig today :woot:
  3. , keen to learn about sunny side of things surrounding us
  4. GITS rocks !!! I've seen you're a BfgTech fan too ;)
  5. Woot it's spring, so nice and the best season ever - for us at least ;)
  6. Thanks for the link, Retribution, very interesting indeed. There are some reasons why I could think it is probably a fake and a hoax exposing the credulity of the public and the media... until the scientist community gave refutation about that. Use of vague, exaggerated or untestable claims - "THERE ARE 1100 OF THESE BURIAL STONES IN Dr. CABRERAS' COLLECTION IN ICA PERU. THEIR ART FORM AND LOCATION OF FINDS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE INCA CULTURE, c.a. 500-1500 AD" It's seems slightly odd that pictures containing such detail are not present on any ancient architecture of the time but only on these stones coming from the same time than Nazca Lines. "The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert of Peru. They have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The high, arid plateau stretches more than 80 kilometres (50 mi) between the towns of Nazca and Palpa on the Pampas de Jumana. Although some local geoglyphs resemble Paracas motifs, scholars believe the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca culture between 200 BCE and 700 CE. The hundreds of individual figures range in complexity from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks or orcas, llamas, and lizards." - Wiki. And no mentions about dinosaurs, staggering coming from the same civilisation. Probably seized by Creationists as evidence of humans living in proximity with dinosaurs, believers in Ancient astronauts as evidence of a lost, advanced civilization brought to man from other planets, and mytho-historians claiming them as evidence that ancient myths are literal truths. Skeptics, see Scientific skepticism, consider them hoaxes created for a gullible tourist trade - the farmer was arrested for selling the stones to tourists... and Dr. Cabrera's museum is listed as a tourist site by the Peruvian National Chamber of Tourism. The stones themselves can not be dated due to a lack of organic deposits, and the purported original location of the stones has never been identified, much less excavated by scientists. For more informations take a look at the Robert Todd Carroll Skeptic's Dictionary and more about Ica Stones - The Skeptic's Dictionary (english) and Pierres d'Ica - Les Sceptiques du Québec (french). Use of misleading language - "OMNIOLOGY" and "OMNIOLOGICAL SOCIETY" What does it mean... sorry but they are unknown (or not allowed) in France and even on Wiki, try it... The fact is that they deliver some sort of "Certificate of Omniology" and an "Omniologist is one who studies everything and specializes in omniology" - quote from site main page. Could someone tell me more about their activities, how they are working and what kind of business they make besides - to comprehend Omniology, reading some extra-books and CDs like "The Highest Level of Enlightenment" from Dr H. for example are recomended, talking about Kinesiology. I'm very keen to learn about sunny side of things surrounding us and love to do it thoroughly but sorry for this time it sounds like to be a pseudoscience. - "DERMIL FRILLS AND ROSETTE PATTERN ON THE DINOSAUR" and "DIRMAL FRILLS" (both saying) I have tried to understand what it means and my translator failed to give a coherent response, and as luck would have it, when you make some google search as a result you are prior linked to their site www.omniology.com and other ones such as sciencevsevolution.com, www.abovetopsecret.com or some others blogs. [Off-topic] Be aware of using some kind of software designed to block advertising and malware while surfing unknowned sites - stay safe around the net! [On topic] I'm ok with the word "DERMAL" (anatomy), and "FRILL" (clothing), maybe it's a... of course should I have known better, a soft tissue of a dinosaur? - "THE ENTIRE METAPHYSICAL RELIGION OF MACRO-EVOLUTIONISM IS BEING EXPOSED FOR THE ENEMY AND OPPRESSOR OF TRUTH IN SCIENCE" Creating scientific-sounding terms in order to add weight to claims and persuade non-experts to believe statements that may be false or meaningless. Personalization of issues - "IF YOU AGREE WITH THE NEED TO GET THIS INFORMATION OUT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, PLEASE E-MAIL OUR WEB SITE TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS" Why not sharing it to the scientist communities? Perhaps they are not so easily misleaded... Tight social groups and groupthink can enhance the adoption of beliefs that have no rational basis. In attempting to confirm their beliefs, the group tends to identify their critics as enemies. Conclusion Surely the whole purpose of creating a forgery is to make it appear genuine. Friedrich Nietzsche said: “The essential element in the black art of obscurantism is not that it wants to darken individual understanding, but that it wants to blacken our picture of the world, and darken our idea of existence.” We should think about that saying, really... Isn't the "OMNIOLOGICAL SOCIETY" claiming that "The California Institute of Omniology holds to the fact that all theories of Origins, lacking empirical verification, are metaphysical and religious in nature. Therefore, they require and deserve equal examination, evaluation, and, critical review in the spirit of true academic freedom in science." - quote from site main page. Sorry for being rude but they didn't hit the nail on the head here to say the least. :confused:
  7. It's time to sing a song for your happy birthday :wink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsVvLesUw3k&feature=watch_response
  8. Sorry, but... Ack... Ack... Zapped! Surrender, Earthlings, and come back enjoying some terran activities like... washing a Lamborghini :biggrin:
  9. Nice saying summarizing the topic, Kudos given to you, ginnyfizz. :thumbsup:
  10. It's incredible how fast you are adding new chapters in your story! I wish you good luck for your future writing career my friend, and I really enjoyed your writing style, hoping you will sit on the Nexus mushrooms often times for sharing some more good stories again. :happy:
  11. We have our own vision of our own world depending on what level we are involved in it. An opinion unavoidably changes with our own experience of life and what we have to face or fight it out. People must avoid having a one-sided attitude. This kind of positive attitude allowed you to forge a rich and solid experience in your life and the way you could grow in mind. I loved a quote LHammonds made in an another topic saying : "You can fix ignorance, you can't fix stupid." And I personnaly live with that statement from Mark Twain : "What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so."
  12. Believe me or not, there are some way of life we must hide from necessity. *replacing the colt in his holster.* Amazing, you have the same gleam beyond the eyes... I should have known better it's your sister, she's so unique.
  13. Zoned out, eh? Just my way to welcome you... so to speak. *Leaving from the shade an angelic and long blonde haired face appeared in the light. The man slowly tooked off his rounded sun glasses, showing a left eye slashed half-face, and frowned when he asked* I'm looking about for an old friend of mine, don't fool me as I've seen her entering this place.
  14. Wait! *said a frightening male voice in the dark.* Stand still both of you and no wrong move! *Showing a 457 magnum.* What are you doing here with this corpse?
  15. I'm eagerly waiting to see more about this very special issue :woot:
  16. Fifoo's Martian division army is operational again... Ack... Ack... ZAP!
  17. Great improvement, I think it's a better way for reading the story now. Keep up the good work :thumbsup:
  18. Fifoo


    Welcome back Sweet Lady, missed you so much. It's really nice to see you again around here. :happy:
  19. Happy to see your new avatar around here - perhaps it's time for me to change mine too :)
  20. Honestly, I'm personally against violence and war as it's a modus operandi which always means collateral murdering, and who will paid the bill : innocent people and innocent civilians, ever. The present post is not intended to point the finger at just one faulty warmonger but to show that all parties are involved in it. - Collateral Murder a topical example, but warning : this video may hurt sensible persons. - Allied war crimes during World War II - Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. - Malgré-nous. War does not determine who is right, only who is left. ~ Bertrand Russell
  21. five stars for your pp and music - loved it and thanks for your great lounge game contribution - kudos given :)
  22. Congrats (and kudos) for reinstating the Martian ultimate cause... Ack... Ack...
  23. Great work Keanumoreira and I'm eagerly waiting for what happens next :thumbsup: May I ask something : when the characters are talking together perhaps it could be clearer for the reader if the quotes from each of them are in one line instead of a new paragraph. Example : - “I can’t wait that long!” I protested, “I have to go now, its urgent!” - “Roscoe you have to rest, there’s no telling how severe your state is.”
  24. SLK R 171 http://www.optiontuning62.com/boutique/images/slk-r171-r-27-hi.jpg
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