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Everything posted by Fifoo

  1. nice guy. [Edit] Sorry, in France the word is found in one word: "sympa". ;D
  2. Fifoo


    But today the difference here is human hand's fault, not the results of an evolution by a natural way. And this is so true! Life is a gift, a so precious one. This is true for all creatures living on earth, human species include, of course. But what are we making today? A gift well-cared-for our children and the next generations? What sort of legacy are we passing down for those chidren? We have to meditate upon today's facts. If global warming is allowed to continue, then the following things will happen: 1. Melting in North and South poles: endangered species, white bear, polar seal, whales... 2. Rise in the water level: engulfing 40 little lands, causing massive imigrations with alarming consequences... 3. Climate change and anomaly: animals/live storage in danger, lands productions too, buildup of natural catastrophes... According to scientists: we have till year 2020 before it arrives with an 1.5°C temp augmentation. The G20 had determined an objective of 2.0°C for gently giving time to readapt our economy. Politicians are persuaded that scientists and specialists will find responses behind the complexity of the energetics question . It's a silent genocide. Bees are threatened of disappearance in short-run, now they actively contribute to 80% of vegetable kingdom cross-pollination. Today, if we completely stop polluting our atmosphere, 30 to 50 years are necessary for just the beginning of a reversal tendancy. Environmental pollution, abnormal climatic phenomenon, human being illness, impoverishment of wherewithal, surpopulation, starvation, unendurable poverty line... Ecology problems were already layed since the 1970's years, yet it's getting worse for tomorrow... Just for the fun, have you seen the excellent film made in year 1973, Soylent Green? All what I cherishly hope is that all chidren from next generations could even see a beautiful land in reality, and not just a record behind a video screen!
  3. She's gorgeous! Ermm... she likes riding unicorns? :biggrin: Your mythical vision of realm is simply the best, I would love to live in yours.
  4. Fifoo


    Thanks for thinking about a few of us... :whistling: Well, I saw the film's preview, effects are amazingly made for the theme of an eventually apocalypse, I suppose that a pair of human would survive at the end of the film for giving some future hope in the story and so on... :unsure: But it's only a story. In facts, things are worrying today: 1. Wars and conflicts are becoming uncontrollable, and diplomatic attempts are mostly vain... 2. Melting in North and South poles and the consequences for our environment... Some animal species are today simply condamned! 3. Climatic variations and buildup of natural catastrophes affects us, see what happened in Malaysia, Philippin, India, etc... just for examples. 4. Pollution, pandemic and bio-hazard, I even spoked about nuclear shots and wastes that doomed our life-expectancy. In Europa our hospitals are full of childrens having lung cancer, skin cancer, leukaemia, etc... :verymad: I will stop here the list as all of those ugly things drive me mad and highly strung!
  5. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    Thanks. I love it too, that's why I would buy this one: see The link :whistling: Sniper-cheytac-m200-desert (also available in black v.)
  6. Hmm, Mexican are wearing sombreros mostly times. But I hardly think your avatar looks like a Latino one. :woot: ... an Italian Cook gloating over his discovery of making spaghetti "all dente".
  7. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    Thanks. I agree... and being feminine too! [Off topic] Airsoft fan, dezi?
  8. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    ... and so is the way I understood it, sweet Lady :happy:, my apologies if I fooled someone. That's why I spoke about "positive focusing". You friends known my position as I've explained it on previous posts: "girls and boys are equals, but differents" and I just wanted to share it with anybody, rob_b was here as an example of conclusion, showing us a way to share our passion. I'm not used with posting in internet forums and well experienced with online games, just sometimes in private Lan party with my friends as yet. Sorry, I look like a prehistoric man and must be more careful with words then. :confused: Girls gamers rocks! And Boys too, sorry Herculine (Lol). :P Our perseption of the world is changing deeply now with internet, things are going very fast in your life today, too fast sometimes, and new ideas are shared all upon the world. New generations must grow with them now, and accept this fact: video games are not the men's monopoly! A beautiful picture I found on the net by googling "Girl gamer", here The link, enjoy it! http://api.ning.com/files/RN8HUb-6tVFcRVBWo3BmmrAzFNxmtZtYlE46ACdlXOFEM9urO9Tj9lVKnUU9LatuoOcwbTX4PG8CV*8qAYjXuMcsb8q3Ww7I/Girl_gamer.jpg
  9. ... :wink: ... A Mexican who finded a good place for resting (Lol). ;D
  10. Thanks for your kindness, but no rewards needed as I simply do my job for what it intend to be... Oh, and don't be drunked too much a time (Lol) :)
  11. I agree, those things are only material ones, you're a nice person for thinking about, and your attitude deserves a kudos point, because every cloud's got a silver lining. In some way or other, man never take something material in heaven when he/she died, I'm ambulanceman and first-aid worker, so I see all around me joy, pain and misery in everyday life... The only precious thing that affects me is when I lost kith and kin or lover, but what we can do then is to honor them in memory of all moments of happiness they have shared with you, and go on... :sleep:
  12. Last night, after shutting down connections between digital realms, a strange call inside has drawned my mind and smoothly pushed me to open my door for going outside. After walking a little through my real realm, I don't know why, but I stoped there near a field, looking up the sky... I opened my eyes, and saw that a new lightning star was coming out in the firmament... This new star is your beautiful poem, putting me on cloud nine. Thanks for sharing your talent, Little Fairy... :happy:
  13. :blink: reminds me I have one in the oven (I made a promise to a Little Fairy)... I would be very happy to see more of yours.
  14. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    :woot: A "game" party is starting! Girls vs Boys! But two against one... No chances for us on the paper boys... But with "positive focussing"... Let me coach you my friend! (Lol) :biggrin: I welcome your insight my friend - I still have a lot to learn, I'm just a kid for crying out loud. :S The deal is not to win, but to play the best we can... with esteem... and fun!
  15. Bravo! Sorry, I wanted to make comment on your great story until the end was ceased... I can now regain my breath and approve heartily! Thanks my friend. :thumbsup:
  16. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    :woot: A "game" party is starting! Girls vs Boys! But two against one... No chances for us on the paper boys... But with "positive focussing"... Let me coach you my friend! (Lol) :biggrin:
  17. A heavenly one, a sweet atoll wall in by a turquoise sea, just for walking on a hot and white sand seashore at sunset and waves playing with bodies... A white Unicorn, no doubt, a unique one, just for having my beautiful dreamgirl sit astride my hindquarters and riding naked along the beach. :biggrin: The sense of touch, just see above question two why I made this choice. :whistling: Joan Of Arc, see topic "What would you do with a time machine?" for knowing why, "Click here". The power of "Healing by Touch"... :biggrin: And thanks for your wonderful topic, you put nice dreams together in my mind. :thumbsup:
  18. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    Huh, really? Thanks... Hairs are shortened yet, because of my job, and I'm shaved (Lol) :biggrin: [Edit] Oops, please understand: "shave off", sorry, bad translation :whistling: And I would loved to be as long-haired as my avatar... but this is off topic.
  19. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    And how much this is major matter to discuss for showing a path which lead to the greatest rewards IMO. I've made the same background as trainer and coach too, by rising to the challenge of rolling up a table tennis club, with upon 30th members aged 7-25th years old. Funny to see that some members -mainly the youngest ones- were first so agressive and rude against other team players in the department league meetings and tournament. It wasn't so easy but by using well training methods based on positive focussing, and by showing respect to others, results were not bad years later* with a junior department champions league, a great guy (thanks my friend, you helped me a lot). It's the same way in quote life and also with games. :biggrin: Nexus is a real good place :happy: :no: I don't believe so, but thanks for your kindness. This is the biggest gift you could give to anyone. [Off topic] * You don't need to take a look on this picture unless you want to see results (and where I am, in the middle part) :whistling:
  20. Hmmm, I like cooking, and when good ready meals give sensual pleasure... and what do you think about music healing ur spirit... But the must for me is to share precious moments with a love partner and make her feeling well... that's so cool :biggrin:
  21. I love X-Ray Dog Here's my prefered music piece: The Power of One- X-Ray Dog
  22. Shakin' hands from France, I would be proud to meet you if I came to Canada one of these days :)
  23. Fifoo

    Girl Gamers

    short,sweet and to the point Kudos' for you And now rob_b, you're entering in my friends list. This is for what games are intended to be. Kudos too. :thumbsup:
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