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Zanderat last won the day on September 10 2024

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Nexus Mods Profile


About Zanderat

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Playing: Baldur's Gate 3. Modding: Skyrim SE, Morrowind, Fallout New Vegas, and Dragon Age: Origins
  • Favourite Game
    Wizardry 8

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Community Answers

  1. How do I get this back (or at least its functionality)? The drop down does not show the same info, as far as I can tell.
  2. Take some responsibility for your $$. Is it really that hard?
  3. This is possibly a known issue with SSE Engine Fixes. Instead of saying "newest version", give specific version number for your .exe, SKSE, and SSE Engine Fixes.
  4. This whole comment section is TL:DR. But this I agree with.
  5. This new policy seems reasonable. I hope it is isn't abused.
  6. A better question to ask is why is this happening to only you? I left my pc on with Vortex open for over an hour and never observed your described behavior. Temps fluctuate between 28 and 31 degrees celcius (Ryzen 5600X for reference).
  7. They should already be included as part of FOLON. Check the plugins tab to see if they are enabled.
  8. Have you run a full deep virus/malware scan on your pc? You clearly have something going on that is unique to your system.
  9. Use per file conflict resolution (same function as MO2) One for textures. One for meshes. The screen looks like this:
  10. Something like that happened to me. You most likely have an incompatible mod or mods.
  11. @whuber I have no idea what is going on with your machine........ But I can safely say that Vortex does work with Patch 7. If it were me, I would uninstall BG3 and all mods and start over.
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