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Everything posted by VesemirTheWitcher

  1. 3 under yer nose, Beefyh :teehee: ...bee? :confused:
  2. 2...are you actually trying to murder our motivation with all this? it aint working. :biggrin:
  3. "...ow, my foot." was Vesemir's only words as he looked at MTM with contempt. :dry: "Don't play with fire, kid. it 'aint good for you." vesemir then took a step back, and relaxed, knowing the falling infernal asteroid summoned by his will won't hit him, but poor thor... http://up.iranblog.com/Files7/870e3bc997024bdd8eb0.jpg
  4. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( EARTH, YOU CAN STOP TREMBLING NOW.
  5. :D corlan's in iran now. :turned: Earth, TREMBLE!
  6. ... :whistling: this is some kind of a marathon, right? we can keep on doing this till either the server burns up or we all get banned for attempting to burn the server :D lol cyberhorde.
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