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Everything posted by VesemirTheWitcher

  1. Nooo problem. i'll head for bed soon. 0-0 :turned:
  2. Don't worry that's Aurielius :D diez y nueve ONE LEFT :turned:
  3. "diez y siete"... Are these guys Ok with the way they count? It's HARD!
  4. trece :turned: Victory is at hand but then again, it might be afoot. Who knows?
  5. Oh, and thanks for the help, Granny :D "Once"
  6. Peh, *throws a snowball in Thor's mouth* Awesome Gazillion killing stuff doesn't count :P And you still havent dodged that comet i sent you. http://up.iranblog.com/Files7/870e3bc997024bdd8eb0.jpg i'm guessing it hit you in the head, then. :D
  7. :biggrin: how many of these are out there?! XD ok i wont try @ home. poor kitteh.
  8. 1- You know, I want to keep on posting stuff here to see more Demotivationals. GIMME!
  9. lol. nice post. YAAAAAWWWWWNNNNN. i need rest. see you uncle.
  10. lol. sooo... how does this work? we just keep doing this?
  11. ...“Heh...heh...heh...That tickles...” I said in a stupefied state... ...struck me like a kick to the groin... Loved these parts XD ...but in all seriousness, I. WILL. KILL. YOU. IF YOU STOP. I NEED MORE. heck, i'm even considering animating some parts in 3ds max... THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.
  12. 2- lol this is a nice place to chat. we can call it "Take turns to chat 'n bat".
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