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Everything posted by VesemirTheWitcher

  1. ow, not again. *wipe-wipe* *throws big snowball uphill, it rolls down, increasing in size. goes straight towards radobal.* here's an artist's depiction of what will happen next: http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/85618456.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=A0AC3C93932225A1C1C362BCD248F75D
  2. i searched the web, even those annoying Chinese websites... nothing. you should wait for some good-willing Fo3 modder to show up.
  3. http://www.quailsaustralia.com.au/Images/common_quail.jpg i've got a couple of these lil dudes... what to name 'em? one male, one female. they're called "QUAILS", and they sometimes make a frog's croaking sound, a chainsaw, and a normal pigeon's coocoo.
  4. http://carsmedia.ign.com/cars/image/article/793/793680/classic-concepts-mercedes-benz-c-112-20070601041254348.jpghttp://www.sevenforums.com/attachments/chillout-room/28911d1253562239-you-wouldnt-download-download-car.png=8
  5. COME BACK HERE, MORTAL! MY OMELET SHALL NOT BE YOURS! *does ninja kick on radobal's face*
  6. Awesome. accepted, brother. :smile:
  7. http://content.imagesocket.com/images/LolCatRenderer_415bd.jpg 2 :P
  8. *wipe-wipe* Hey, Watch it, lady! i was making ART back there!! Vesemir, using a small portion of his Witcher speed, throws dozens of peperonis in the air, grabs the omelet before it hits the ground, then catches the peperonis in the omelet. then, he puts it gently back on Satanslilhelper's back. :D *Adds some paprika* now, if you keep still, you might get some of this beauty.
  9. :teehee: that be HOT! let me try something... *Cooks Omelet on Satanslilhelper's back* Mmmm-Hm! that's the stuff... lacks a bit of salt, though... i might put some pepperoni in there too. *The smell of this awesome delicacy takes martin into another dimension filled with hippos. BIG ones.*
  10. OOOOH, hot semi-naked gal with gunz... the terrorist's dream... :D 1
  11. Yeah, that makes sense. >:( Just how am i supposed to find those filters?! Darn it. i think i'll have to contact bethesda and ask them myself if we don't come up with anything...
  12. Hi, Anyone know how to make dremora voices? i think bethesda's voice actor himself made quite a lot of effort to sound like that, but they also added a couple of effects to it... If anyone knows how i might achieve that kind of sound,or anything similar,please reply. thanks! :thumbsup:
  13. -0-0- XD http://www.pixelwit.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/close-cat-4.jpg ↑↑ What IS this poor little guy anyway?!
  14. Orly? http://www.lolcats.com/images/u/07/35/lolcatsdotcom1geqb6k2q2tt53pb.jpg
  15. We still hold this thing? :D hah, that's new.
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