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Everything posted by VesemirTheWitcher
i voted for "More than one". <rant> well, what are you waiting for?!... oh, my reasons... right, right... well, i do enjoy all of them, provided, of course, that they are of high quality. its like the difference between "moldy green" and "radioactive green", both are "green", but i, personally, prefer the radioactive one. </rant>
think of it this way: what if our governments lie to us about all these clues about the existence of aliens, like those circular patterns in the wheat farms, etc etc, just to be able to do whatever they want, like blowing an anti matter test bomb below seas, then blame it on aliens? they MIGHT be real, but they might as well be fictional scapegoats.
I believe they make people more aggressive. i have felt myself change. and i like the aggression. i'm just too quiet by nature, i need to learn how to step up and be more brave in my social encounters, and the aggression gaming has inflicted on me is quite helpful.
wtf, pegan?! GET A MOVE ON!!
lol. *still struggling on the ground*
lol. i give it the strength of batman, superman, spiderman, optimus prime, aquaman, pacman and his missus, she-hulk, john price, chuck norris, neil patrick harris and a dead frog put together.
i give it big monitors around its head with dolby surround voice. gotta love them monstarz.
*still struggles, thinking xan is still dragging him around.*
lul i'm a sheep.
capn' John "Soap" mctavish, Simon "Ghost" riley, capn' John Price, Corporal Dunn cod 6: modern warfare 2 Woods, Reznov, Weaver cod 7 Guybrush threepwood, the monkey island series Dante,Nero, devil may cry max, sam and max series sub-zero, scorpion, raiden, mortal kombat series leon kennedy, bio hazard 4 Riddick, the chronicles of riddick : escape from butcher bay Ezio, altaiir, Davinci Assassin's creed series (al tair = "the bird". trust me, i live in Iran, right next to Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc etc.) Arthas, Illidan, warcraft Alistair, shale, Dragon age Sand, khelgar, Deekin Neverwinter nights 2 The prince, of persia. he da man. never tires from all that climbing. physically speaking, after each game, he HAS to eat something like 10 cows, to regenerate the energy he used to climb. Psycho, NOT nomad, Crysis wars: warhead Faith, mirror's edge ... will update as soon as all these cob-webs on my brain are cleared. EDIT: DUDE I FORGOT OBLIVION >.< jauffre the old yet murderous blood freak, those big-tummied goblins, sheogorath's cane, the duke of mania, fimmion the ever-hungry, that beloved skooma addict whose name i dont remember, and poor 'ol lucien. (lol he became a zombie in the end)
ROFLOLZ i thought you said "T3sticles". i add to it the skill to cook one helluva dish outta nothing.
i baptize this thing. lul. no, srsly, i give it an awesome Mohawk on top of its head. and some tattoos that glow in bright red, light blue, and sometimes white. ... awesome. :smile:
o.o lol wtf. "logiclessly" vaporizes everyone, and respawns them, then re-vaporizes them, then re-respawns them. times infinity. does all that so fast, no one can move, yet they all feel an indescribable pain.
Family guy 100th Episode special. Peganwannabe's 7024th word since his childhood. Commandercrazy's iphone crushed by his sledgehammer.
i add to it telekinetic abilities. if that hasn't been added already... =.=
GAAAH!! *gets buried. again.*
o.o lul, i just have my old snoiper. ... ... AND I FREAKING LUVES IT. *shoots one at hollowman's face. he opens his mouth and eats it whole.* ..Ookay.....ftw. *Shoots another at ub3rman. He couldn't eat it.*
i add the ability to transform into a beautiful super car, like a pagani zonda R. man o man if i had one, i would take her to a nice movie, followed by a five-star restaurant, and then i would take her back to my place, and start fooling around a little bit... and then i would tell her that "i want to be inside her"...and of course, i would "open her", "get inside" and just "drive". http://www.zcars.com.au/images/pagani-zonda-r1.jpg *deep sigh*
lul, mage or not, you forgot to cast shield too. *shoots another snoiper snowball at martin's nose, which immediately breaks and bleeds* :laugh: hah, i F***ing luv this.