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Everything posted by jcdenton2012

  1. Well... honestly... you really can't. Hear me out! Hear me out! Essentially we are talking about dds textures, and much of that content is heavily generic so unless they were converted from artwork which requires a permission to use, you really can't prove fault. Stuff stolen from... Devientart for example is easier to trace and prove stolen due to its originality, than something involving a generic blue texture. The only real way to prove that your content is original is pretty much to document the hell out of something starting with when you created the original dds, before supplementing the dds texture with rust, or dents, or whatever else is needed to make it original. Nobody owns the color blue, but it's what you do with the color blue which defines if your content was stolen. This having been said, you can't just copy and paste other peoples textures without their permissions. Now then, where is the line drawn, so to speak. No matter how you approach creating a custom dds texture, odds are that you will be using someone else's work. It doesn't matter if you are starting with 'paint' colors or a dds texture found on google images. Stolen starts when you use something which requires someone else's permission to use. There is artwork out there which can be used as a base for your dds textures without written consent. Most merely require that you credit the original mod author.
  2. I believe in atheist god, because atheist god has a great track record with how he uses his powers.
  3. Soooo... the mod is under review because a SJW felt like demanding to waste Dante's time? Wow... I kinda feel sorry Zeph, because that mod looks cool indeed. I hope he doesn't get banned over something he HAS already fixed.
  4. My character has like 300 packs of radaway... the storms are laughable now.
  5. Yep... waiting on the GECK as well. Kinda getting annoyed from it as well.
  6. Both characters disappear quickly when the game begins, both are the object of a long search before another part of the game begins, both seem to die right in front of you (in the case of Shaun more permanently) and, lastly, both try to leave the player character with a place to live underground where it is safe. There is a pattern, and it could all come together really easily. And this explains a possible purpose for the young synth Shaun, don't you think? And from the perspective of an F3 player, you are actually playing your own grandparent. And if the Courier from New Vegas is actually a synth, for which there is some evidence, then the characters in F3, New Vegas, and F4 are all related in some way. I know New Vegas was made by Obsidian while F3 and F4 were made by Bethesda Softworks but it's always possible that there is a connection. Now if Bethesda does not give a flying mole-rat eyeball about any of this then fine, give us another dlc were we get abducted by aliens or have to settle a dispute between warring tribals. Then again, we can go north to Canada and fight mutant moose and crazed mounties amidst a permanent nuclear winter. If the Courier from New Vegas is a synth I for one would not be surprised at all. Just think of all the badass crap we did in that game. We were a literal one-man-army who single handily slaughtered our way across the Hoover Damn through a horde of Legion soldiers. That's Courser territory, on the scale of deadliness for the Fallout Universe.
  7. They left that last part to, well, our imagination. Dr. Elliot was complaining about the subjects' DNA being too contaminated, so they needed subjects that were less contaminated. We notice in the holding cells with dead Super Mutants that some have children toys scattered about the cell. So what if instead of adult wastelanders, they decided to use children who had a better chance of not being so contaminated? *Sigh* now I just want to blow that place up a second time. As for everything else, as I said, perhaps there is confirmation in the official game guides sold in bookstores for Fallout 4. While it is not exactly Bethesda's word, it's as close to a statement as we will get. For every faction in the game, and enemy type, there is a small paragraph that gives them some flavor. But that is the best I can think of until I go to Barnes&Nobles in the future and pick through it. Dear god you people are some sick and twisted lunatics!! It's just as highly plausible that they used the toys to determine how intelligent the super mutants were, rather than used to entertain children being treated as test subjects. In fact, I will argue that's even more plausible since such techniques are used in actual science for experimentation on monkeys. Furthermore, the cold and methodical Institute whose dedication towards science remains unquestioned, for them to just give toys to children being detained for experimentation is simply out of character if they did use children at all.
  8. Moraelin just brought up another good point. Dude's on the ball!! Most of the notes you come across state some matter of forced termination, or otherwise some matter of physical deterioration from experimentation leading to eventual death occurred to all the test subjects. This... is a case of 'bad writing' which has raised my suspicions on more than one occasion. My point being, its a huge plot inconsistency to kill off all the test subjects, and then say on the other hand that living specimens were teleported out of The Institute and that was how we have mutants on the surface. This leads us to two possible conclusions. The first is that FEV can spread from supermutant corpses thus infecting and converting regular humans on the surface (which is scientifically consistent but not Fallout lore consistent), while the second possibility is that this wasn't well thought out. Regarding the second possibility... I have a lingering suspicion from all the plot inconsistencies that this FEV experimentation wasn't initially 'a thing' for the institute, and it was instead something added by Bethesda towards the end of game development in an attempt to make them more evil because as a faction they seemed far too likable without a negative buzzword like FEV. But that's just a theory... a game theory.
  9. Moraelin, you are correct on the cure thing because it was technically a cure for his strain. That having been said Fallout lore is kinda botched regarding FEV because in order for President Eden's strain of FEV to effectively end all mutation (by killing everyone mutated), the FEV strain itself would have to target a highly selective genetic archetype, meaning that all FEV shares some sort of mutual base genetic coding which can be collectively manipulated and in this case cured. The problem with this is that it also suggests that FEV mutation termination must insert some sort of nucleoside analogues into host cells to sabotage FEV cellular mitosis. There-go any attempt to cure mutation should result in the host body eventually sub-coming to cellular deterioration (cancer) and eventual death. This means that there should be no cure for FEV at all beyond a certain stage of cellular corruption... like Virgil becoming a supermutant. Honestly, FEV being used as a plot point is kind of bad now because the story telling really doesn't match the science of what exactly a virus can and cannot do.
  10. I know that this is going to seem slightly egotistical, but I wish I could bring my collective work into Fallout 4 from New Vegas. Already having a couple of major cities designed, ready to rock-n-roll, would be great for the modding scene.
  11. I keep seeing this thing about the FEV research being done by The Institute and I keep thinking that people are being a little bit 'unfair.' Yes, they did do FEV research on live human specimens, but when you actually explore the FEV labs... well... assuming the research continued right up until Virgil fled for the Glowing Sea, one could state that the FEV research was certainly either: off the books, or severely underfunded, given the state of the labs themselves. Those labs... were rundown ruins filled with rust and leaking water. Furthermore, the research being performed was never exactly specified; however, what we do know for certain is that Virgil did numerous unethical experiments on people... and somehow managed to develop 'A CURE' for FEV. Not a counter virus meant to kill everything like the Enclave, but a cure. Despite the methods being employed to develop a cure, I can't help but feel as though the sacrifice of a few innocent people might have been worth a peaceful end to the Super Mutant threat by making them all human again.
  12. If this gets made... I will build the castle for Fallout 4.
  13. Like horses... except with sharp claws and big teeth.
  14. "I'm going to need a really sharp ice-cream scoop." XD
  15. So your spouse's corpse is still frozen. In my case it's a 'Natesicle.' So... though critically injured and almost dead, what is stopping you from taking their brain when they do die and using it to make a gen-3 synth with all the memories and stuff.
  16. Early this year could mean anything; however, pretty much I consider this anytime within the next 2-3 months.
  17. Regarding the comparison one thing that you guys haven't talked about is the map design. Not the map size, but the map design. What I am talking about is why Fallout has fewer dungeons because in actual reality you require a surface structure in order to justify an underground network of tunnels i.e. (a dungeon). For the Elder Scrolls no such limitation exists since lore validates the existence of hidden Dwemer ruins or other hidden underground tombs without there requiring an above ground structure. My point to this being, the Elder Scrolls games have a vastly superior capability to pack in more ruins per-capa-cell than Fallout by design rather than by map size. If you were to compare these things, you might find 1-2 obscure tunnels which lead into hidden vaults, but only in an Elder Scrolls game are such things far more frequent, averaging 10-20 such large dungeons per game and hidden by such means.
  18. I hope so because... I really want long hair for my character (he must look like a ninja d##n-it). Kinda curious why it's such a problem, and why most Fallout and Elder Scrolls hair is some variant of a 'buzzcut.' I know 'buzzcut' is something of a generalization, but... you rarely see anything below the shoulders in hair length.
  19. Did anyone else notice that this Bethesda game actually did have hair physics? Might be something worth looking into...
  20. The only way you can use assets from another Bethesda game is IF your mod uses an asset converter, and there-go the person downloading the mod already owns that content on their end, and uses the asset converter to convert the game assets from game one, to the game your mod is being downloaded for. You cannot strip, repackage, and redistribute game content without written consent of approval from the game publisher even if it is between two of their products. This is why 'Tale of Two Wastelands' get's away with it, because you already own the content on your end, they just supply the converter. This having been said, unless you have detailed knowledge on computers as to draft a converter program of your own... you're screwed.
  21. Seriously, use Bulletstorm for your 'language research.' Bulletstorm Shaft Montage
  22. So this is a little idea that I came up with. You know how you have the Silver Shroud radio? Well, how about Dunwich Radio? It's a radio station which specializes in horror stories and horror music. I was thinking about getting some voice actors together to record some horror stories and when the GECK get's released package all of the lines together. Would anybody be interested in helping with this? In concept, we would both be doing actual horror stories like Edgar Allen Poe, and "modern" stuff from in-game submissions. For example on the later, maybe ghost stories regarding death claws entering people's dreams to kill them (Freddy Krueger), or a zombie ghoul wearing a hockey mask who emerges from Lake Quannapowitt to kill people camping on the coastline. I also had another idea for short stories being read... but I'll need Someguys permission first.
  23. If you really want to get creative might I HIGHLY recommend looking up a little game called "Bulletstorm" for some "unorthodox swear language?" I think it might give you some ideas.
  24. There are a few realism things that I would like to see. 1) You have to use the bathroom at least twice a day, but the community can barely handle boobs so taking a dump is probably pushing it a bit. 2) Parasites that make you sick. Drinking non-purified water, or eating raw meat may give you an intestinal parasite that you will need to see a doctor to heal. Assuming you go to long without being healed you die. 3) Shaking hands from cannibalism. Yes, this is a homage to The Book of Eli. Pretty much, the more acts of cannibalism you commit the worse your iron sights aiming becomes. 4) More pets. Dogmeat is cute, but... I want a pet Deathclaw. So, I was thinking that you can steal animal eggs or small animals after they are born and raise them with the creature thinking you are its mother. Pets need not be followers, you can assign them as villagers. 5) Not wearing power armor and being impelled upon a Deathclaws talons is an instant kill. 6) Ghoul zombie bits. If a ghoul bites you, you get an infection which requires a doctor to heal or you slowly lose health over time until you die. 7) Radioactive rain peels the paint off of your power armor.
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