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Everything posted by jcdenton2012

  1. I can actually relate to the 'Big Projects' stigma. Five years ago... "let's build Los Angeles," (laughs and cries a little). However, if you do intend to go all the way with this it might be best to ask Someguy for some advice. Not necessarily help, because... well... I know that he is already making plans for Fallout 4 on his own, but... advice none-the-less from him would be golden given his track-record.
  2. Honestly... I want a Detroit DLC. I know that sounds weird, but... I think that it would be a lot like The Pitt except with a heavy automotive theme. However, the most likely candidates for DLC are: Toronto, New York City, The Pitt (again), Portland, and Philadelphia. In fact, of those candidates I want to call it right here and now. Because of the Minutemen and general feel of Fallout 4... Philadelphia will be a DLC.
  3. I wish Dante would lock this thread as well... all we're doing is beating a dead horse just like in the other one. :blush:
  4. Because Cait is more awesome... and Irish... she is more Awesomely Irish.
  5. The games were ok. In fact, I have some rather fond memories of playing them with my parents when I was a little kid (18 years ago... god I feel old), but I can't say the same for the Game Shows. In fact, the more Game Shows they made with the franchise the worse and worse they tended to become. That having been said, a side mission where you actually have to help Lupin III steal something before she can would be kind of fun... but I'm weird like that.
  6. I know... I know... and I've been reading similar comments about people's concerns regarding the Hot Files images being filled with boobs and vaginas. Look... this is just a phase. Nexus goes through it every single time a Bethesda game first get's its porn mods. Give it roughly 1-2 months and things will get back to normal.
  7. It's just a phase. For about a month every time a Bethesda game get's its porn mods released they all hog the Hot Files section. Just wait it out...
  8. I am actually kinda impressed by this mans meticulous nature to go so far off the beaten path for something so very trivial. Also, it does sort of bother me how little room their was for talking down certain characters. Kellogg is a good example. I thought you should have been given an option to talk him down... but... nothing, gotta kill 'Mr Clean' and steal his brain-meat.
  9. You know... I actually like this idea. In fact, may I make a suggestion to make it even better. As you dig the bullet out, if your scalpel starts to vibrate from being to far off point... your character starts to scream in pain and pant from the agony. Crap like that will help with the immersion and make you NEVER WANT TO GET HURT because you might just further harm this poor bastard you're playing as.
  10. (JC sits down at table) Hi... I'm waiting on the Fallout 4 GECK to drop before I start making promises, but... depending upon the assets in the new GECK it might be possible to duplicate some of my earlier work in Fallout 4. I can't make you any promises because I frankly don't know what is going to be possible right now, but it might be worth keeping me on tab in the not to distant future. In short... I built this once, and I can probably build it again.
  11. So, I've been wondering about this. Like all things involving the internet and the PC Master Race, considering the hoops needed to be jumped through in order to get a mod downloaded onto a console... will consoles remain PG13 only while PC will always have the capacity to go rated R? In short, will the PC retain its mod superiority because companies won't be willing to sponsor R rated content (porn mods) for download onto consoles.
  12. Exactly what it sounds like. Enemies wearing power armor and using their jetpacks while they fight you.
  13. :sweat: Funny thing... effectively immediately in Fallout 4... pipboys are your primary means of accessing secure vaults. Without a pipboy to link with a vaults internal and isolated computing network it's not possible to open a vault without the usage of high explosives (Enclave way). This is a minor lore tweak which went largely unnoticed by the community.
  14. OK, you know where you watch all those synths being built? As in, 1 synth every 2 minutes. Well... where are they being sent when you consider that all the synths you ever encounter never look like those guys being built? I mean, The Institute has access to teleporter technology with a reactor capable of giving them a huge advantage in power output. Sooo... what if they are sending them back in time as actual terminators. Also, all those synths being build all look exactly the same, big muscular male... (Arnold Model).
  15. Honestly... it depends upon how the Dev's would have played it. For the most part Bethesda like's it's variety by not keeping its players shackled to mandatory in-game relationships. It's always been that way, you are simply never in a relationship from 'game start/to game end.' This placates character romances with NPCs thus allowing you to, 'porn whoever you want to porn.' That having been said... I do feel as though an opportunity had been missed here to experiment with keeping the couple together during the game as they looked for their kid. I say this because you could have had all sorts of unusual fun with that dynamic. For example, the starting options could have let you pick your spouses personality type ranging from: laid back, to hyper aggressive, to sarcastic. Then, you and your spouse could have played off of one another during the course of the game; bickering back and forth like an old married couple, or sparring rapier wits with sarcastic verbal shives. Then... well... what if your marriage falls apart during the adventure? Should you regain your spouses approval would we get a fade-to-black 'hot coffee' scene? My point to all of this is that you need not start fresh to have a love in this game. If you do things right... the main character could play a married man/woman traveling with their spouse.
  16. Luckily, The Gunner's Faction has numerous bases on overpasses or other open spaces which would make such combat missions rather fun. In order to script such a beast might I recommend looking into how "Show No Mercy" is scripted with its triggers forcing the vertbird to circle the battlefield... when the GECK is released that is.
  17. Look kiddos... don't worry about the maps. I'm looking forward to the F4 GECK because I have plans to expand with several new locations, and if you think this is all talk... do check my Fallout New Vegas profile... In fact, while I wait on the new geck I've reverted back to New Vegas to finish off my Magnum Opus before fully going over to Fallout 4 for modding. God, tomorrow is going to be such a pain. I've reserved 10 hours to design a single building.
  18. EA games... (shivers) "There is no greater naivety than the belief in the patriotism of capital. A capitalist may be a patriot, capital is not." (Iron Stom 2002: 4K Studios)
  19. You know... all we really know about Nora for certain is that she has a law degree. It is also possible that she could have been Army Reserve, and the relationship with Nate could have proceeded her military career.
  20. I think I can give greater context to my prior statement. In 48 hours I had explored 1/4 of the total map. My main complaint is that the map is bigger, but... it's also very shallow in content. This is coming from someone who also in 48 hours only explored like 1/6th of Fallout 3's map. In fact, most of the big exploration zones for Fallout 4 are mostly located in the heavily dense urban areas. I also have my complaints about the fast travel markers. Claiming to have hundreds of fast travel markers and then saturating the map with close proximity markers irks me because instead of making fast travel a pragmatic means of traversing the world it seems to make it a quota for, 'ewe look how big this game is.' When I consider how the actual map is designed it seems as though they scaled the city in the overlay phase to be to small, and as they laid out the surrounding areas were forced to compact a lot of the nearby ruins. There are two reasons this might be the case. It could have been an error when scaling the cities design, or it could be because of cell load processing. Given how many objects a cityscape can contain in the F3 and FNV GECKS before CTDing starts to occur, I think that it's highly possible that the main urban areas might have been scaled the way they are to cut down on processing power and increase game stability. However, this is mostly conjecture until I get my hands on the GECK and see for myself. No matter the case, the map outside of the major urban areas seems very sparse of ruins and buildings to explore. Thus, exploration tends to be largely limited to the major urban areas detracting greatly from the gameplay. This is not to say that exploring the wilderness is pointless... it's just from a loot perspective less rewarding.
  21. Honestly... the games current story is frankly as shallow as the map size. I feel as though both needed to be significantly larger for this game.
  22. Yeah... I honestly favor no level scaling though it's become pretty crucial to guarantee long play-times, continued exploration if you will, long after you've finished the game. Skyrim is a good example of this (though levels don't scale in cleared dungeons). Mostly, level scaling appears to be in games which are relatively thin of explore-able content (like Dead Island). Sorry, but I always hated those damned level scaled zombies...
  23. Oh yeah.... I forgot about all that Deadric armor they carry. I ended up hunting those bastards down until I had AAA set of armor. Later on did a bunch of self enchantment stuff and ended up with 60% damage resistance, but that's besides the point.
  24. Well... the GECK creates a 3d interface where you can easily place an item into the game world. It's kind of hard to place an item into a game world where you can't see the world, to interact with it. Now, there are a few programs which allow similar immulation to a GECK, but the key word to that statement is 'similar.' Similar as in, 'it might work, but could easily jack up your game similar.' Therefore, most people air on the side of caution and just put it in another characters inventory to purchase or add it as a craftable item since altering those variables is slightly less dangerous than altering the game world itself.
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