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Everything posted by Rabbit1251

  1. It would be better for you to post this on the Fallout 4 forum found here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3505-fallout-4-mod-talk/. Someone there should be able to help you. Good luck and welcome to the forums!! The Rabbit
  2. Interesting. I'll have to take a look at this. Thank you. The Rabbit
  3. I guess that there arn't any. That leaves you free to make the first one. I'll be looking forward to seeing it. Good luck!! The Rabbit
  4. Rabbit1251

    Im a noob

    Once, a very long time ago, I was a noobleton. They made me wear a noobleton cap until I got my sea legs. You'll catch on in no time I'm sure. Until then you should find plenty of helpful people around here should you have any questions. Just ask. And a hearty, Chrismassy welcome to the forums!! The Welcome Rabbit
  5. Provide a link to the offending mod and I'll take a look at it for you. The Rabbit
  6. What you say is true Mr. Adipose. I cringe when I see the newfangled so-called Spartan shield with the embossed emblem. Just right for catching a spearpoint and forcing the shield aside or angling it up into the Hoplite's face. I have a book that covers the highly ornate armour found in the Dresden museum, all used for ceremonial purposes only. With real battle armour you want the sort that will turn a weapon not catch it and guide it to the target. The Rabbit
  7. You were right. There doesn't appear to be a description. I found this in another thread there by Darthnorah: "Are you fully sure you are placing the override in the correct folder? Check the program files for the exact location of the Kotor game. Also have you tried making sure that Kotors override folder is not marked "read only" KOTOR/files/override. Might be simple solution or something you've done but it's a first step" I also found two YouTube videos that address the modding of KOTOR. They do not address your mod, but they do cover modding KOTOR in general. You might give them a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L91eFuox25U I hope that this helps. Good luck!! The Rabbit
  8. I can re-direct you to where on the Nexus you may look for help with your game issue, but I need to know the game title first. Maybe you will have better luck here. The Rabbit
  9. The link just takes me to the authour's page. Does the mod's description contain any instructions for installing it? The Rabbit
  10. It looks like it's designed to work and fit in with the rest of the Razor set up. If you don't own that I would just go with a regular type mouse pad. The Rabbit
  11. That's rar/zip, not zap. And what mods are you downloading that contains an executable file inside them? The Rabbit
  12. Sorry to break back into the original subject but were we not just talking about this guy? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6246781-mattsrpg-banned/ The Rabbit
  13. That is good as you will have much better luck getting an answer there. The Rabbit
  14. That's not a bug. It sounds like a mod conflict. You need to resolve that first. The Rabbit
  15. Yes, quite so. If you wish the post to be deleted you must report it to a moderator who does have the means of deleting it. The Rabbit
  16. First off this is not the forum where you ask for mod help. This is where new people (aka Newbies) introduce themselves. Secondly you did not mention for which game you are asking about nor which mods you are having trouble with so I cannot re-direct you. You should post in the forums for that particular game. The Rabbit
  17. Alright. This was funny. I enjoyed that. The Rabbit
  18. This would best be asked in the Skyrim Special Edition forum found here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4050-skyrim-special-edition-technical-support/. Good luck. The Rabbit
  19. The mod description should have instructions for installing the mod. For manual download there is a button on the mod page for downloading with NMM or downloading manually. The Rabbit
  20. Yes, 8396820158, it is "strictly" against our policy. In fact, it's one of the very few insta-ban offenses. (As you would know had you bothered to read the Terms of Service to which you agreed when you became a member.) :armscrossed:   Yes, sorry for not obeying. This account can be locked or deleted once the issue has been resolved, but please don't remove my forum posts. I'll move my endorsements to the initial account. This is not the place to post this as the this thread is over a year old. If you are still having this important issue I would suggest contacting a moderator about this or use the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the page. The Rabbit
  21. I've been around the hobby since before 2006 (by the Gods, has it been that long?). During that time the self-entitled have been ever present. I think that acidzebra pegged it right. It has to do with numbers. This is reflected in society where more and more people feel that they are self entitled to that which is not theirs. I have felt reluctant to share any of my works for this alone. The Rabbit
  22. I don't use the Creation Club but it sounds like your experience is a lesson well learned. Thank you for passing that information along. The Rabbit
  23. Mine consists of quite a number of lovely screenshots taken by our members of their Skyrim game that rotate so I do not have just one. The ones that you two have shown are quite impressive. The Rabbit
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