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Everything posted by Rabbit1251

  1. Greetings to you, Mickey!! Welcome to the Nexus. Enjoy your stay with us. The Welcome Rabbit
  2. Welcome to the Nexus, BridgePower!! This would best be asked in the Fallout 4 forums https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3510-fallout-4-mod-troubleshooting/. Good luck!! The Rabbit
  3. Mr. NightmareRex, the subject of this thread is almost 2 years old and would probably be considered well and truly dead by now. The Rabbit
  4. What's a "batman bvs armor" and for which game? The Nexus hosts over 280 different games and mod requests should be posted in the Mod Requests forum of the proper game. If you had mentioned for which game you were asking about I could have re-directed you. The Rabbit
  5. Try posting this here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/117-feedback-suggestions-and-questions/ where the administrators can see your inquiry. The Rabbit Edit: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6180058-mod-search-not-working-properly/
  6. This question would be best asked here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/117-feedback-suggestions-and-questions/. You'll have a better chance of an answer. Good luck. The Rabbit Edit: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6180058-mod-search-not-working-properly/
  7. Wrong section to post this. Try here instead: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/117-feedback-suggestions-and-questions/. The Rabbit
  8. Custom Playable Children seems to be the best choice from what I understand. There is nothing in the way of an anime looking character for Fallout 4 to my knowledge although Fallout 3 has the Shojo Race that's meant to simulate anime. The Rabbit
  9. I do not understand. Do you have a question to ask? The Rabbit
  10. Is PC Gamer still around? Wow, I used to subscribe to it back in the 1980's. Anyway, a big welcome to you, ElaynaLuzia. Do enjoy your time here and if you run into any trouble just ask and our friendly members are bound to satisfy you. Take care!! The Welcome Rabbit
  11. Mr. Moleratman, This board is not a "service or a business". It is a hobby. It is the place where people who like to make mods for their games can come and share their creations with like minded people. Membership is free. The mods are free. The creators of these mods are the only reason for this site to exist. Therefore extra protections are in place to keep these modders from being unnecessarily bothered by disgruntled users who may feel somehow self-entitled as to the mod's use. But we users are not customers and as such are not owed anything from the site's owner nor the authours of the mods. If we appreciate the free access to these mods and the site's owner for providing this access we can show our appreciation by kicking back some payment in the form of Premium Membership to help with the costs of running this site. With that we are rewarded with some minor privileges not available to the casual users. You may believe me when I say that a site like this one is not cheap. I may be unusual in that I like it here and do not intend to intentionally do anything that is going to upset the harmony of this site or endanger my stay here. I hope that this explanation is helpful and has not complicated the issue more for you. Best Regards, The Rabbit
  12. I'm quickly becoming used to it and I find that many of it's functions to be eminently superior to the old. Perhaps too many pop-ups and scroll-downs. To each his own. The Rabbit
  13. Steam should update automatically unless you turned off automatic update. Check your Steam settings to see if you have. Updating can sometimes break a mod until the mod authour updates their mod to work with the new Steam update. This is relatively rare, however. I have my game set for automatic updates and I can't remember ever having an issue. If a mod that you use uses f4se it may not work until that utility is updated. This does not take long. Not updating can lead to issues in your basic game not being fixed properly. The Rabbit
  14. Fallout 4 is a little more difficult to mod than it's predecessors. Just follow these easy to understand guides from our friend Gopher on YouTube. First off install the Nexus Mod Manager: https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/modmanager/. Use it to download and install your mods. Read the notes on the mod that you wish to download and pay particular attention to the installation guide. If it says that you will need F4SE you can find it here: http://f4se.silverlock.org/. Use Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S46KHM2zBM0. View this on how to set up Fallout 4 for modding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgUbpIzdpGY. View this for how to use the Nexus Mod Manager to use your mods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAKcAEn6hLg. These should have you modding your game in no time. If a lowly rabbit can do it anyone can. Any questions just ask. The Rabbit
  15. Rabbit1251


    Greetings to you, RottenPrince, from the Rabbit!! Do enjoy your stay with us. The Welcome Rabbit
  16. No, we don't need this. If you want it then make it. The Rabbit
  17. If you have no mods (and it appears that you don't) get the latest version. I have mods on the original version which may break. That is the only reason that I am not upgrading. The Rabbit
  18. For help with the Nexus Mod Manager please repost your inquiry here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/439-open-beta-feedback/. Someone there should be able to help you. Good luck. The Rabbit PS-Bye the bye, Welcome to the forums Monsterman!!
  19. Is it modable? Does it have Developers Modding Tools available? Without those I doubt that a horde of modders are going to hearken to your flag for a game that few people are familiar with. Sorry. The Rabbit
  20. This is the SITE "Feedback, suggestions and questions" forum. Your question should be asked in the mod's page on the Fallout 4 forum or better yet the Bethesda's forum which has better support for XB1 mods. The Rabbit
  21. Mayhaps it's because you're posting your problem in the Fallout 4 forum instead of the "f***in" Nexus Mod Manager forum, huh? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/439-open-beta-feedback/ Otherwise it's as Demanding has said. The Rabbit
  22. My early experience came with using Windows 7 pre-64 bit not long after the release of Oblivion. We used to warn people all of the time not to put your game in Program Files. Admittedly I haven't heard mention of this in quite some time. Perhaps MicroSoft changed the Windows 7 security safeguards making them less restrictive. Perhaps with the new 64 bit systems this issue has been dealt with. All I know is that it may be an issue that no longer exits. It wont be missed. The Rabbit
  23. Your game will run fine where Steam puts it; however you may run into problems when you attempt to mod it. I don't know about Windows 10 but so far I have had no issues with it. In Windows 7 there were some issues when trying to mod some of the Bethesda games in Program Files with it's security settings. Any game or program that I want access to I now leave outside of Program Files. The Rabbit
  24. The way that it's done here is go to here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/631-closed-accounts/ and request the cancellation of your present account. You will lose your post count and connection to any mods and friends on that account. After the cancellation is approved you may make a new account. Do not make a new account until after the cancellation approval. The Rabbit
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