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Everything posted by WarKirby3333

  1. in solitude, one of the queen's aides will give you a quest to clear out a nearby vampire infested cave. it's a grumpy woman hanging around near the throne
  2. i think just waiting alone wouldn't do it, you'd probably have to visit several other areas so it flushes the old ones out of memory. also the rules may be different ffor dungeons vs outdoor areas. I cleared out Broken Limb camp, and it had more giants when i went back there earlier, so they defeinitely rspawned
  3. i';m storing stuff at my bedroom in the winterhold college. I have a wardrobe there full of dragon bones that's been steadily expanding for several ingame weeks, looks like it's a safe storage space.
  4. i did exactly the same thing. killed a chicken in riverwherever, and i ended up having to run to whiterun and hand myself in to avoid having to kill anyone.
  5. i'm doing the "hitting the books" quest for the winterhold college, trying to retrieve the stolen books from the aforenamed keep. I get there, there's a bit of a hostile presence. once they're dealt with it seems there's two entrances, one to the main keep, which needs a key. and one to the dungeon, which is open. i went down to the dungeon and cleaned it out, killed everyone, etc, but i had no luck finding a key. how am i meant to get in ?
  6. hello everyone. i'm getting beat by wild dragons often, mainly due to being squishy. My character is a Breton so i have 25% magic resistance, but i'm not sure if that counts for resisting dragonfire. anyone know? secondly, i'm eyeing up the Alteration magic resistance perk, which looks awesome. i wasn't really planning to go into that skill tree but i would just for the magic resist. Lastly, i've just found an amulet that gives me 30% fire resistance. So how will these all work together? Would it be possible to combine them to get 85% resistance (25+30+30)
  7. Nope, sorry. But thank you ^^ This is exactly what I'm not looking for. This sort of thing rips out the levelling system entirely and replaces it with something different. I'm looking for something that carries on the spirit of the original system, but just fixes it's horribly flawed implementation. I like levelling each skill by using them. I just want to use them in the proper context. Like levelling destruction magic by fighting enemies with magic, without feeling handicapped if I'm not setting myself on fire constantly. And this just scraps the levelling system and replaces it with nothing. I might as well just type advskill in the console rather than use that :P
  8. Hi everyone. I'm playing a touch spell based character, and trying to make a lot of use of absorb spells. However I'm running into a problem with it's range limitation. To start with, all absorb spells must be touch spells. That's fine. But once active, there's a certain range of a few metres that they work within, and if you and the target get farther apart than this range, the spell instantly and prematurely stops working. This is proving to be a big annoyance when I wanted to make a slow DOT absorb health spell. And it makes absorbing attributes nigh useless. It also means any timed absorb spell is practically nonfunctional against mages, because they love to run away does anyone know of a mod that fixes this range limitation?
  9. hmm, looks fun, but from the description, it seems like the implementation is a bit clumsy. i wouldn't want to cast spells on every attack. Still, an Exploding Fist spell using an AOE fire effect (my monk is a breton :P) would be awesome, so I might use that. as I go on, I'm finding H2H damage doesn't really scale enough to be viable. going to give this a try which looks like it'll help: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2329 It also occurs to me that I'm using deadly reflexes 150% damage ESP, which increases the damage of all weapons. Fists are not a weapon,s o I think I'm playing under an even bigger disadvantage than I thought. It is quite fun being the underdog though :) these look fun. Might give them a try ^^ I guess for the endgame I'd really like the sort of ridiculous power you can get in Fallout, with a power fist. One hit kills with a punch are awesome. Might end up having to mod things myself for that though...
  10. Hi everyone. The levelling system in oblivion has always struck me as odd. I'm cool with the whole "level as you do it" thing. And I'm even find with how that does bring about strange grinding, like hopping around to level acrobatics. But this does feel in character. However, the system as implemented, has lots of flaws. Everything is based on low cost grinding. For example, acrobatics levels purely on the number of times you jump (as long as you're moving forward at the time) rather than the quality of those jumps. Therefore, the best way to level acrobatics is jumping around like an idiot in someone's basement, constantly whacking your head off the ceiling (to do more jumps faster). Rather than say... leaping around the rooftops of bruma, which is much more fun! This philosophy extends to a lot of other silly things too. Combat skills level purely on the number of hits, rather than the damage dealt. This means that the best way to level any combat skill is to find something with tons of HP that won't fight back, and just spam weak attacks on it all day. Using power attacks is incredibly bad for levelling as they give the same xp per hit, but kill the enemy faster. Surely this system could be improved to reward actual combat, perhaps giving more XP for using a variety of attacks, and for killing blows with a weapon. Spells too, are based purely on the number cast. So making high cost spells hinders you in the long run. This leads to silly things like making a spell that does 1 fire damage on yourself, and holding down the cast key while you walk around to train destruction. I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point by now. The oblivion mod community is quite mature now, so I'm hoping someone will have taken a good hard look at this problem. I'd really like to see a mod that keeps the idea of the "level as you do things" system, but makes it deeper, more enjoyable and more rewarding, like the examples above. I've seen mods that rip the whole tyhing out and replace it with an xp/skill allocation system. I'm not looking for that. Anyone have any advice, or could point me towarrds something good?
  11. Hi everyone. I decided to try something new. Right now, I'm roleplaying a Monk character. This character has a few specific focuses, and restrictions that I'm sticking to. 1. No weapons. A monk's weapon is his body. So hand to hand skill is a must 2. Almost no armour. Right now, the only piece of armour I'm wearing is heavy gloves. I chose heavy to level endurance faster which feels necessary for survival in Deadly Reflexes. May or may not wear boots in future. Definitely no helmet, greaves, shields or torso armour. Excessive abuse of shield spells is necessary to survive in close combat, too. 3. A focus on non-aggressive magics. I took restoration, illusion, alteration and mysticism as primary schools. I'm deliberately avoiding most conjuration because of the variety of unholy beasts, demons and undead within it, which seem rather un-monkly. I'm using only some parts of destruction magic, it's too good to pass up entirely for spell creation, but I'm mostly relying on absorb spells for offensive magic. 4. Non materialistic. While it's pretty hard to get by in tamriel without at least some money, I'm keeping things as basic as possible. I don't take most loot unless it seems suitable, and I spend all my money on non-material things - ie, training and new spells. 5. The spirit sustains me. the monk focuses on being self sufficient and not relying on outside forces. In practical terms, this means I don't pick up potions, alchemical ingredients, scrolls, torches, or anything else where its job can be done by magic. 6. Be kind, selfless, and forgiving. I never chase fleeing enemies, always give coins to beggars, do any quests that involve people in need, and keep infamy down. If I get a bounty,I generally turn myself in and pay the fine. I'm also staying well away from the two dark guilds. Undecided on fighter's guild yet, but the mages guild is a definite one. 7. A monk should make pilgrimages. I plan to visit every shrine of the nine, and every daedric shrine at least. I'm trying to think of things to add to this. So far I'm finding it incredibly fun. My damage output is a bit low, but the combat style of touch-spells, paper thin healthbar, and deadly reflexes enhanced boxing makes things rather enjoyable. I'd like to ask what the community thinks. Does this experience sound fun? Are there things you recommend I do that seem in character? Mods I should try to enhance the feeling? I'm currently running OOO, deadly reflexes, and kvatch rebuilt. fairly basic. I'm thinking I should get midas magic too.
  12. A better way to look at it is that they sold you a truck with a new, more efficient engine, that does the same as the old one but is smaller. Then you open the bonnet and complain about the wasted space inside there because the engine is smaller. I'm sure bethesda will sell you another engine soon to make your truck go faster, but I don't see any justified reason to complain about that.
  13. New vegas is one of the buggiest games I've ever played, and on the Xbox you're stuck with it. I would strongly advise returning it and exchanging it for a copy of the PC version, as there are at least lots of bugfix mods Regarding your crashing issue, is that the only place it crashes? Does it crash when you try to go into any building, perhaps? Something to try whenever you're having crashes of any sort: 1. Make a FULL SAVE from the menu (menu > Save > New Save) 2. Commit suicide somehow. Like throw a grenade at your feet 3. Wait for the game to finish showing your death and for it to automatically load the last save 4. Then try whatever is making you crash This has been proven to help with some crashing issues, most notably crashes relating to saving. If that doesn't work though then I can't help
  14. This works awesomely, I had the same problem! Does anyone know why it happens though? I have about 30 mods running Maybe the engine isn't allocating enough memory to process the saving operation or something like that? Why does killing yourself fix it?
  15. This. But it'sm not a glitch. The mission is working as designed, it becomes impossible to complete if you talk to him about the tower, because then he knows you're onto him and doesn't send the message. Shitty design imo, and very unintuitive, but not a bug.
  16. Thats what we call a balance issue. Using one style of play to it's max should be just as good as another style of play, if the game is designed right. Currently, it doesn't seem like there are any close quarters combat that is worthwhile. Odd that you cant make any weapons out of the deathclaw hands. I don't think you've posted what difficulty you were playing on yet? Melee is a fairly viable playstyle. You just need to use cover, get good armour, and a good weapon asap. The "Oh, Baby!" unique super sledge is my personal favourite, it's very easy to get ahold of too, I believe you can do it from very early on if you can weave around nightstalkers.
  17. It has, yes. It has made me realise how inferior certain aspects of FO3 were. Most notably: 1. The long linear section at the start (growing up in, and leaving, the vault) during which there's little choice. This discourgages replayability. Doc Mitchell's diagnosis in NV is comparitively very short and typically done with in 10 mins. You don't even have to go see sunny and you're free to do what you want from there on. 2. The linearity of the storyline. NV has more endings, more paths, and in general more choice. thus is more replayable 3. The inferiority of the gameworld. Holy mandatory subways everywhere, batman! FO3 seemed to be full of copy and paste dungeons like subways and sewers, which just served to pad things out and were quite boring. Their necessity to navigate the ruins of washington were also a constant annoyance and it really hampered immersion that you couldn't just climb over that pile of rubble. By contrast, NV is a lot more open, and a lot more of the game is spent in the overworld, actually in the wasteland.
  18. Hi everyone. Looking for some general opinions regarding plasma weapons, and specifically the Plasma Caster. From the look and size of the caster, I was expecting something like a plasma version of the gatling laser. In that regard it's a bit disappointing. It has a tiny clip size, and is only semi-automatic in it's firing. The damage is ok I guess, but nothing to write home about. How does everyone feel it compares to other choices in the plasma category? like the Multiplas rifle?
  19. holy s*** a hoverboard :O *downloads* It seems a little far fetched for the scope of the game, but fits reasonably enough given that Mr Handy robots and Vertibirds exist. This sounds perfect!
  20. Hi Everyone.I'm finding it annoying to move around slowly, especially since I started wearing power armour. I know there's fast travel of course, but that can only go to places you've been, and isn't that immersive either. Not to mention that you miss things along the way. I'm wondering if there are any mods for getting around faster. Ideally in a way that doesn't seem silly and immersion breaking like making you run as fast as a train. The first thing that comes to mind is a driveable motorbike mod I once saw for Fallout 3. Has anyone ported that, or anything similar?
  21. You don't mention it, maybe you know this, but just in case You can get addictions permanantly cured at any doctor. There are plenty of them around, including one in juist about every town
  22. 1. starting location 2. Emptiness 3. low level access 4. Everyone knows where it is, whereas you might do an entire playthrough and never find nipton 5. You're guaranteed to have it as a fast travel marker
  23. Hiya. This sounds like the "benny hill effect" Google that term and you'll find plenty of information. It's an issue with multicore processors
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