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About VisseNekku5746

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    Star-control II The Ur-Quan Masters, and I'm sure to make you know it.

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  1. Nexus has all profile posts and status updates saved and visible. Wow, I did not know that. I've been reading messages from four years ago. From the time it all started. Such nostalgia.
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Fallout 4. I remember, only a couple of years ago, Interplay started working on Fallout 4. Working it so there would be a whole new generation of players. After they posted their plans on the Internet at Interplay, again, Bethesda yanked the keyboard from under their fingers. I ate a fig newton to fill the void. ( Offers everyone a fig newton )
    3. VisseNekku5746


      *Noms fig newton*

      Yeah and there was that one leaked script and the "survivor" fake website. That effin' thing made me angry to the universe.

    4. Deleted54170User


      *Have another fig newton* Yeah, I finally built a mod for Fallout 3. I learned to NavMesh real good, and tested it a lot. It was holding it together without the follower problem. Dogmeat could not find his way in and out, and then, Fallout 3 quit working on my new machine. :- ( If I ever want to set down and play it some I've got the old cooperative computer with Windows XP out in the garage. :- )
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