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Everything posted by MotoSxorpio

  1. No change in performance for me whatsoever is if this setting is enabled or not.
  2. 1 CBBE Bodyslide...you can eventually just make your own body. 2 Eyes of Beauty. 3 XP32's Victoria Walk...has 360 (you walk in all directions face first) 4 Bodyslide, you'll figure it out, doesn't take long. 5 HDT skeleton and FNIS 6 Anything by Elianora for living space, Dante (TheVampireDante) has some cool s*** I mean stuff too.
  3. Yes. You will want to find a balance for the conversion between size in resolution and size on the HDD. JPG or PNG. ;)
  4. ELE "Normalize Image Spaces" and "Normalize Weathers"; both allow for adjusting bloom, adaptation etc. Yes, I will check things out if I'm able. EdIT: ELE link for automated scripts: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59733/? , MISC, bottom of file tab. Looking for something I can adjust certain lighting values, like radius, fade...but only for say, campfires or torches...according to input.
  5. Likely the threaded optimazation for Nvidia is CPU to GPU, I've always left it default, but it defaults to "on". I'm curious if it turns off if I disable all but one core (on the cpu)....
  6. FNIS. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11811/? Generates transitional behavior files so your animations are not all borked to hell. DSR.Jar is the java app you run to consolidate and gather info for left and back positions for Dual Sheath Redux. Read the instructions. SUM.jar is a skyproccer all in one solution that helps bypass the need for the Skyproccer to change load order arbitrarly and run all skyproccer patchers at one time, as well as make all adjustments in one go to all skyproccer patchers. If you use more than one SkyProccer java app, get it. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29865/? BashedPatch is a result of WryeBash merging leveled lists and some other tweaks. Always useful. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1840/?
  7. It depends on how the quest handling it actually handles it. If it fills based off of keywords, do that. If it specifically fills off of Fort Greymoor and does NOT Allow Reserved on the location alias, in another quest reserve the reference of Fort Greymoor on game start. If it's a specific location/reference thing you'll have to change it manually. 3,758 already!
  8. Stutter is caused by any number of things. Sometimes it is loading the cell (crossing a cell boundary causes ALL within your ugrids to load into memory, including textures etc), sometimes it is AntiAliasing on AMD cards...I dunno why probably same as previous...size counts apparently. For me, bsa's use less time. But modding the load order and keeping what you want visible tends to create the need to loose file those mods that you want prioritized. I have always used LOAD ORDER as my priority, with bsa archives for assets. With this game and its predessorrs, I used Wrye Bash because any time the load changes, the app marks each plugin for a time in increments according to the load order. If you also use FOMM, you can reset the bsa's by reseting archive invalidation. So, now both plugins and archives are date marked, as well as mark in load order and archivelist in the INI. According to the guidelines for BSA vs Load Order in these older games, Not only do they read for listing position in the load order but also timestamp and compare to the plugin list position. Sounds complicated, but it isn't. Find the load order that works, Reset Archive IIA!!, use Wrye to reset timestamps (move anything once, and then back...doesn't matter, just move something in the list up or down). BAM. timestamped, archives and plugins. I had 136GB Oblivion installation. Trust me, this was the only WAY. You can merge plugins and make patches to override a bsa by making a blank plugin with master...I even used SetFileDate app to set all the plugins for the same timestamp, still works... Since there are many reasons for stutter, you have to find the reason first, then search for fixes. :dance: Devs make it easy, don't they?
  9. Note the rest of my post. Be sure your XPMS is all one version, not a mix of xp32's and the newer Groovetama XPMSEv3 (with Racemenu morphs etc).
  10. I like that Malachi went back to Win8(point one). I like that I got a free pint with the purchase of this other pint, today. I like Fall Weather. Woot! Recycle time.
  11. If you are OCing and disable CoolNQuiet, along with C6 and other functions, you will not see a difference without disabling hyperthreading (FX amd 8xxx are 4 cores with two threads each...not 8 cores). Its extremely difficult to accidentally set the cores to only four (three in your case). That said... According to STEP Guide, and with further testing on my own, those HW entries are completely placebo at best. iNumHWThreads is the only one the game pays attention to. In your case, enter "6". With my own ini setting at "8" for "iNumHWTHreads" I peak at 30%, average 30% and have determined that my lack of VRAM is where the bottleneck is. There is NO PERFORMANCE DIFFERENCE when editing those "iHWThread" entries...I can put 128 of them and nothing changes. You are better off leaving those entries out than messing. Your initial Vtune should tell you in renderer.txt how many threads the game is going to use, and if it does not match (which it should since like v. 1.4 Skyrim) maybe force with insertion of that single line "iNumHWThreads=*" *being how many threads your Core CPU utilizes. Good luck! :thumbsup: EDIT: and Nvidia's default is enable for Threaded Optimization. LIkely that has nothing to do with the multithreading we are talking about here.
  12. I've only had this situation once, too many scripts running. (more than 55 MCM menus with over 6000 active scrips on my rig) EDIT: Be sure you do not mix XPMS versions; XPMSEv3 is Groovtrama's baby, if you use XP32's version stick with 1.94. Mixing version might also cause that sheath-equip-sheath-equip.
  13. You need more kudos...here's +1.
  14. http://pastebin.com/3mJRYD7T Step 1: install appropriate XPMS skeletonStep 2: install DSRStep 3: install immersive animations appropriate to XPMS skeletonstep 4: install FNISStep 5: run SUM.jar or DSR.jar SkyproccerStep 6: run FNIS for users if you use BashedPatch...run it between step 2 and step 3, enabling DSR before rebuilding...DSR patch should be lower in load order than Bashed.
  15. Light color, radius and fade would be nice to have. I've used jonwd's normalizer and was trying to come up with a simple way to change ALL lighting color/radius/fade and come up short since I'm inept at scripting. Saturday is Halloween. :(
  16. There's no winning here, only more posts.
  17. making more action flicks at age 63, what else?...trying to be like Jackie Chan (age 61 and still doing stunts with no net)
  18. Has to do with how ENB does colorcorrection. Try: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50731/? (an effect.fx file that takes imagespace transitions into account) OR: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1207201-found-a-way-to-make-enbs-and-nightvision-work-together/ Personally, I use SkyRealism Evolved effect.fx, there's no issue with night-eye or any other imagespace transitions, except for my own DOF/bokeh settings.
  19. You spelt Methuselah wrong. :laugh: Its spelt: "Lazarus Long". (see Robert A Heinlein, author)
  20. Christmas isn't for another two months. :P
  21. You are probably secure in having at least the recommended minimum. I doubt you'll need the most powerful just to play FO4. Your HDD is likely the biggest bottleneck, being a HDD and not a SSD. I doubt the game will use over 4gb, cuz that cuts half the possible gamers off from even purchasing. But we won't know until they actually post the recommended hardware setup. :)
  22. I know nothing about MO...sadly. I am old school manual modder. I don't use but minimal tools for all that installing and whatnot. What ENB are you using? Possibly some settings can be tveaked...
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