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Everything posted by MotoSxorpio

  1. Crazy! But... It is my opinion, that one should wait for the right tools to mod.
  2. Lemme see your INIs...black shadows are either wrong shadow settings or heavy ssao...let's see which one? Just need Skyrim.ini and Prefs.ini in some spoilers if you can. ;)
  3. you must run the game from start at least once to get any INI, it is produced when you make your video tuner setup and finalized when the main menu for the game is reached for the first time.
  4. You don't have to ask him for permission as far as I'm concerned. It's just a simple change. No-one can claim copyright on that. Btw, this is the wrong place to ask such questions. I suggest starting a thread of your own next time. If you aren't making changes that can be construed as belonging to another ( in this case, hard luck cuz you can make changes directly to the game with only mention of the game makers)...and the changes are yours and the game makers' for a base...there is no bias.
  5. the four of spades. Queen Quadrefa. The Quad of Solice.
  6. "...long, slow, wet kisses that last for hours" -Bull Durham, the movie
  7. "armor" and "delicate" shouldn't be in the same sentence....
  8. You guys are boring... I am eating ramen noodles from a packet, with: chopped ham chopped onions chopped broccoli (yesh, choppin brah-koh-lee song is appropriate here) chopped carrots chopped fingers (whoops, my previous chopping was a bit vigorous...) chopped mushrooms frozen peas, snow peas and water chestnuts spoonful of herbs and spices a fork (cuz this suddenly gets thick) six or seven splashes of "Hot Sauce" Franks' 'that s#*! goes on anything' sauce one shake of soy sauce ramen noodles, sans the spice packet (remove sodium with your own spices and herbs) one (or two) beef bouliane cubes (you spell it) an appetite for soup. there's my recipe for the day. woot :dance: should see my chicken alfredo.... a spoon (cuz there is soup...)
  9. Clips, not mags...nice move. Keep the ATF off you for dem full-auto rounds. wink wink nudge nudge I dunno, but I am unafraid. I've had that "spidey sense" going since 1983 in Belgium (Brussels airport had armed military at all times back then). Maybe I can have more value attached to the whole "armed presence" than most Americans...but I do understand the anomaly presented. Politics aside...leave our gun rights out of that too ;) ...we (NATO and USA) keep inserting ourselves into tribal conflict in the middle east. This has usually surmounted to those now free to express their life tribes to run rampant in the desert, doing as they wish. When, before we ousted those tryannical rulers, there was at least some form of submission to the state proferred by those said tribes. MAYBE WE SHOULD STAY OUT OF THEIR f*#@ING BUSINESS? No Umlauts to consider. Instead of fighting these tribal states for their OIL...how about we go alternative and remove their SPENDING DOLLARS.? eh? Sound good? And...put term limits on Senators...f*#@ing 30 year veterans still in there making our laws, from 50 years ago mentality. bah
  10. PC master race. bwahahaha. I win.
  11. As an American citizen, you have the right to bear arms. You also have the right to teach your children to bear arms. Knowing how to use those arms in times of crisis is what that right to bear arms brings to front when there is an attack on our soil, property or rights. Knowledge is power. Taking in more refugees costs money. American money. Personally, I think we should stop trying to place political power into the hands of people we think will contain a given overseas issue. It has never been clean, has never worked as we thought it should and in the end removes the stability that once was in place (though enforced by some tyrannt, still stable...see Saddam Hussain, Ghadafi, and others in history). The only reason we (as Americans) have interest over there in the Middle East is OIL. Are there alternatives to using oil? yes...let's utilitize those assets/resources instead of playing the old Chess game carried over from the middle ages. This is only an opinion, and it is my own.
  12. In most cases, installing the USKP will not immediately relate a visual indication. Starting a new game once the USKP is installed is the best bet to keep everything stable. If you have the USKP plugin ticked in your load order, it is active. Changes made in the USKP are not completely reversable for a running play-save. Good luck modding! :)
  13. Likely, you would have to apply the "wet" look with script as an effect. See Wet and Cold for Skyrim for example of how that might be done.
  14. Have you run the DSR Jar (skyproccer java app) to rebuild your DSR plugin?
  15. Thanks for the quick response. I'm actually trying to remember whether it crashed or not the first time I ran it before modding. I think it crashed on exit, not on start-up, and subsequently crashed on startup until I deleted the ini file that was generated. Try regenerating without any mods...delete the current INI, start via Oblivion's launcher. Do the whole Tuner thing, then start a game (no mods...just start straight after INI is generated) let the main menu load. Once it loads, exit game and be sure that the properties for your INIs are not READ ONLY>
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