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Everything posted by wax2k

  1. And I can only again point to this guide. A modded Workshop.swf (or other interface mods) as a probable cause for CTD issues has been in there for quite some time :wink:
  2. Thing is, those ini edits allow custom assets to be loaded. Without them, apart from any .esm / .esp mod file, the game runs in vanilla state without any custom textures, sounds and so on. What that means is, that your CTD is related to at least one of the custom assets in your \Fallout 4\data folder. The ini edit is not the cause, it just allows the cause to actually trigger. Could be a texture, a mesh file or even some modded interface file or whatever other custom mod asset. If you have no clue, which file or from which mod it could be, the easiest way would be to uninstall all mods and manually clear that folder from any non-vanilla file. The \Fallout 4\data folder should look like this to be completely vanilla: \Strings \Video Fallout4 - Animations.ba2 Fallout4 - Geometry.csg Fallout4 - Interface.ba2 Fallout4 - Materials.ba2 Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2 Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2 Fallout4 - Misc.ba2 Fallout4 - Nvflex.ba2 Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2 Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2 Fallout4 - Startup.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2 Fallout4 - Voices.ba2 Fallout4.cdx Fallout4.esm Every other file and folder should be deleted and I'd delete everything in the \Strings folder as well since that might be modded content as well. Then verify game cache in Steam to make sure, all game files are there and in order as well. Then again make the edit to Fallout4Custom.ini which should look like this afterwards: [Display] iLocation X=0 iLocation Y=0 [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= Then launch the game without any mods and see if it works. If it does, start adding in your mods one at a time and check for CTD in between. If you end up with all mods working fine, you probably had some conflicting leftover from earlier mod installations. If you run into a crash again, you at least know the mod causing it and can look for updates / fixes or just leave it out.
  3. Seeing that it's obviously NMM crashing and that the error message points to it trying to uninstall and rollback a mod, there might be an unfinished process in NMM, probably involving some mod related to settlement building, which then also affects Fallout. Although as you describe it, it seems as if it's triggered by getting close to a settlement in Fallout, this normally shouldn't affect NMM in any way, so my guess would be, that the cause is not Fallout or a mod, but it's NMM constantly but unsuccessfully trying to uninstall / rollback a mod and as soon as Fallout also tries to access any file(s) related to that mod, both crash. Can you give us a screen of the Mods tab and the opened installation queue in NMM? Can you try tabbing out of Fallout after having loaded the game completely and then shutting down NMM before going to the point where it crashes, just to see if it still does so without NMM running? And another try could be to go to a settlement, where you haven't yet built anything and see if it also happens there. Just trying to narrow it down a bit.
  4. And it's not SK which puts the objects there, it's the workshop mods. SK only provides the categories. It's up to the authors of the workshop mods to decide, where to put their objects, no matter if they use SK or not. SK just provides a lot more categories to choose from. If you don't agree with the placement of some objects, ask the author of the according workshop mod if he/she would consider putting them somewhere else.
  5. And you might want to add, what you want us to check for. Like: do you have any issues? Do you plan to add certain mods and want to know, if they will play nice with your current mods? What is the reason for you to post this?
  6. Checked. Can confirm: that is a load order indeed.
  7. @Puddycat: That depends on the way the mod has been changed (or not) with its updates since the versions you're using. Porting a mod to SK does not force any kind of change which would lead to losing items already built. But Functional Weapon Racks' update for example will lead to losing already built items due to the name change for the mod file(s) (which has nothing to do with its change to requiring SK), so that is a thing you should be aware of. It is however stated in the mod's description and most other mod authors will do the same, if any of their updates lead to similar issues. As long as neither the mod's file names nor the mod's object IDs are changed with an update, you will keep your already built items. The changes to incorporate SK are only in menu structure. And VIS has gotten two updates in the past days which include updated compatibility with Functional Displays and DEF_INV, so there shouldn't be a problem with these.
  8. Also there is one mod that is known to cause a CTD on a certain door and that is (Safe) SSex, at least in version 2.5, so in case you use that one, it should be the first to disable for testing purposes and update to fix it.
  9. In that case, you don't use the right version of Homemaker's SK patch. Use the one that comes with the main mod, not a separate and outdated one.
  10. You're far too generous... I probably would have given him at least a week or two... just some time to think... :D
  11. Seems like mac got what I was thinking... :wink: @Ethreon: I mean... we all know, how much he loves his twisted old SSEx... why not make it easier for him to not get tempted by the young and good SSEx? Or don't you have the key to lock that door now? :D
  12. Update: changed rule #1 according to the update(s) for SSEx made by Ethreon. @Ethreon: let me know, if you're fine with that. As far as I understand, you won't be maintaining and improving it any further, just fix it and make it work in its current state, right? And I gotta say: nice story twist, Sir! ;) P.S.: Isn't there a feature to completely ban someone from access to a mod? Just thinking out loud...
  13. If it happens even without any settlement mods, you're probably at a restricted settlement, like Boston Airport for example.
  14. Personally I have never had that issue, but it seems to be common when not having NMM, its virtual mod folder and Fallout on the same harddrive. Another probable cause is having Fallout installed in one of Windows' standard "Program Files" folders. In that case, launching NMM with admin rights and then installing the mods should fix that. In both cases, NMM doesn't install all if even any custom assets, only the .esm/.esp files.
  15. I assume, you're opted in for the beta and got the latest beta patch before that happened?
  16. Source: http://store.steampowered.com/app/377160/
  17. The load order seems more or less fine though of course I don't know and didn't test every single mod you use. - Any mods added lately? Try disabling these first and see if that fixes it. - Are you opted in for the beta patches? What is your game version (shown in the lower right of main menu / settings)? In case it's not 1.3.47, you should opt out of beta and revert back to that retail version. - Any other changes to the game, mods or your PC lately? If so, describe them please. - You can try disabling your workshop mods one by one (especially the ones knowingly adding items to that particular menu) to narrow it down to one mod and in case you find it, check if you're using the latest and correct version and reinstall it just to make sure. And also check manually for missing \meshes from that particular mod.
  18. Ok, no obvious load order errors or known culprits. In that case try disabling all mods once and see if the issue still occurs. If so, try it on a new game, first without any mods enabled and if that works fine, again with your mods enabled. If it happens even on a new game without any mods enabled, it's either an issue of some custom asset replacer (like a texture replacer for example) or it might be a case of corrupted game files. In that case I'd go the hard but clean way and remove everything non-vanilla from \Fallout 4\data (see below for how it should look afterwards) and then verify game cache in Steam. Then load the latest one of your saves again and see, if the issue still persists. If yes, try older saves until you find one that works without crashing or ultimately try it again on a new game. As soon as you find one that works, you can start adding in mods again one by one. Remember that you probably will have to edit the ini files for archive invalidation again. Report back describing the behaviour on the individual cases tested, if you can't get it to work this way. The \Fallout 4\data folder should look like this to be completely vanilla: \Strings \Video Fallout4 - Animations.ba2 Fallout4 - Geometry.csg Fallout4 - Interface.ba2 Fallout4 - Materials.ba2 Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2 Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2 Fallout4 - Misc.ba2 Fallout4 - Nvflex.ba2 Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2 Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2 Fallout4 - Startup.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2 Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2 Fallout4 - Voices.ba2 Fallout4.cdx Fallout4.esm and I'd delete everything in the \Strings folder as well since that might be modded content as well.
  19. @DGJ1992: Read and follow this guide for troubleshooting your workshop mods and CTD issues. Your load order shows a lot of issues covered in the guide.
  20. Just remove the custom files from \Fallout 4\data and its subfolders. The vanilla files are packed in the various *.ba2 files and will be used as soon as you don't have any custom files replacing them anymore or as soon as you remove the archive invalidation setting from your ini. And in case you really suspect to have corrupted vanilla files, verify game cache in Steam.
  21. Thanks for the kind words. Im glad that the guide helps. I wouldn't consider myself a modder, but I guess that's a question of individual definition. At least, I am just a mod user like yourself, not a mod author. The thing about donations is: in Germany (and not only here), the term "donation" legally only applies to non-profit organizations (in almost every case charity organizations) and in that case they are free of taxes for the organization and the donator can offset his donation against his taxes as well. Everything else is considered a business and a "donation" to a business is considered either sponsoring or plain revenue, in both cases not free of taxes, no matter if I offer a service or a product. So legally, the only way would be to register a business or self-employment and declare and pay taxes for the "donations" received. And while there are some people, where it might make sense to do that even in Germany, like for example some of the bigger german twitch streamers (Gronkh or The Rocketbeans might be names known to some people even outside of Germany for example), who can actually make a living or at least fund parts of their business from the "donations" they get, I really don't think it's worth the bureaucratic hassle in this case. And I am not the guy for any kind of illegal or semi-legal grey area things. Last but not least: I do this for fun and I enjoy helping people. I will stop doing it, as soon as I don't enjoy it anymore. That's probably the biggest difference to work. :wink: So: thanks! I appreciate the thought, but a simple "Thank you" is totally fine as well! :D @Ethreon: Umm, just send me a PM if you got something to talk about. I'll get to it whenever I see it and have the time. :wink:
  22. I do not believe I am missing textures, unless one of the settlement mods needs to be updated for the Beta patch. Which setting should I check? I did run the game through the .EXE (after a few tries as it still wanted to disable all my mods), so unless the patch changed a setting on me. I did try to check them, but it was late last night, so I only glossed over them, and think they are ok. I am not sure if it's related to the Beta patch, but one gun sound changed so I can almost not hear it, the Minigun. All others sound correctly. I do have a mod that changes the sound, but it affects the vanilla sound as well. The mod works correctly checking it out of game, but not in game. Wasn't referring to you.
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