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Everything posted by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
Jumbo titties, a jumbo problem?
BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah replied to Whitewolf201's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I understand that.There is ittle more of a butt selection...but like breasts, they all seem to be of the Kardashian, totally unrealistic variety. Think I'll just have to sit down and learn how to use Bodyslide (for something other than just a step to get into Oitfit Studio) one day. Edit: To be clear, Kardashian (the elder, I have no idea...I even had to look up how to spell the name) looks like a dresser drawer set in her pants...I have met very, very few woman who even remotely resemble that. -
Replacing them seems to be (if you do, in fact, mean overwriting the models and textures entirely), so far, a hell of a lot less of a pain in the behind than adding new ones (even just retextures) with new stats and other such. Track down each and link to/instance of the old version, and adjust to the new model. Would *seem* straight forward enough. I'd say the longest part would be, most likely, creating new models/meshes. That takes a skill (that, personally, just isn't available). ...but then again, maybe I've taken the long way when I've done it, since I've kinda winged it on this. P.S. I'm ignoring a possible need for new animations if one were to get too wild with any new weapons.
Use just a piece of nif.
BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah replied to BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Nope, nothing in the plugs and sockets that seems interesting...mostly too big and most rely upon a building of similar, um, build. Thank you, however, I do appreciate the suggestion. =) My contract got delayed (and my custom companion is giving me trouble), so I guess I'll try again to get 3DSmax running again with the extra time. Got 3DSmax 2016 instead this time and 'niftools-max-plugins-' (which, supposedly, "Change log: 3.8 - "Add 3ds Max 2015,2016 support""). So, I'll uninstall the non-working and install the above fresh and see what happens. Used enough pipes and molerat holes already...definitely time to use something different as an entry/exit, like that vent. =P -
(WIP) The Small Addition - Worldspace
BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah replied to BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
They pushed back my contract a bit, so...new faction, The Green Army: Sadly, though, just not having the luck I need for a custom companion (not following the player) from this same new faction...my kingdom for a *written/typed* tutorial. =/ -
Use just a piece of nif.
BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah replied to BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Have the tools, was losing my patience. 3DSmax Student was just not working for me at all yesterday (and still isn't, my pc's issue I'm sure). Thanks though, Radium. =) Anywho, I think I'll just circle back to it in a few days. Was just thinking I might put up an alpha version quick as I'll have far less time to work on this soon'ish (unless my contract falls through...mer). ...unless someone has an interesting/creative idea for a existing model that I can use for a doorway *from Inside to out (not through)* of a wall...? -
Would anyone be so kind as to help me grab just a piece of a mesh from Res01PlayerHouse.nif? Or, possibly, offer an alternative existing nif or object already in the files? Specifically the exhaust vent on the back of the house. It's part of a larger BSTriShape (not the one selected in the image), and cutting it only has proven difficult for me. Doesn't need to have collision, snapping or any of the fancy bits. I'm slightly embarrassed, but I'm just not having any luck in 3DSmax, Outfit Studio or NifSkope with this and getting a bit flustered. To be honest, I'm a little out of my field at the moment, so maybe I'm just missing a better way. Thank you.
Any way to make collision wall?
BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah replied to maxitmojo225's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Collision plane from menu bar. -
As a major corporation, it's quite possible anyone in any control of it have no idea it's running a tiny little contest at all. I'm up for a conspiracy theory that they purposefully hold back/push forward tech in ways that skirt the law and make it difficult (read "are ruthless) for any and all competition, with an eye towards milking the most out of customers. This, on the other hand, most likely was set up by a smaller marketing firm specifically for small throwaway schemes just like this.
Modding State House
BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah replied to GoodfellowGoodspring's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Precombine geometry will help with the phantom furniture. World>Precombine geometry Visibility>Generate Visibility (though, it's been a debate whether this one is necessary) Visibility>Generate Precombine Visibility Edit: Also look into Roombounds and portal markers...though a pre-existing interior should already have them set up. -
Also, from my experience too, pay attention when packing bgsm's. I've seen the archiver think some are invalid (only to see them as valid again a few minutes later on the second packing...after I've packed it the first time, tested, and noticed that some bgsm's weren't packaged the first time as they were not offered and so not chosen to pack at time of "Add"...mer). ...packing... Edit: I know, not truly related to the OP topic.
I can't quite remember if it's reliant upon all the other stuff, as far as settlements are concerned, but: -MapMarker in exterior -Checkmark "Can Travel To" -Link Ref to xMarkerheading in interior (edited to be clearer). As I said, there's a lot of other stuff for settlements, but as far as the mapmarker I think that was straight forward (until you want it to show settlement info and supply line lines).
All other questions aside (be they of legitimacy of contest/entry, intent, accuracy of voting, etc.), why would anyone be surprised by Modern Firearms having a huge margin over the others? Has no one seen that people are willing to spend $100's (if not $1000's) on COD stuff on eBay or, even closer, the glut of gun mods on the Nexus? ...this, for better or worse and my likes/dislikes aside, is what's popular. Edit: I might have the game wrong...Modern Warfare or something. Edit2: Counter Strike Global Offensive, that's the one.
That's 3ds stuff?I'm asking because I'm still having trouble with bath towels and bedsheets not being able to be built upon (and the OPs question has been answered...so I'll be a bad forum goer and hijack, heh). The usual changes just aren't doing it and these are the last of the objects that are being difficult in this way. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4628930-what-to-do-when-the-normal-things-dont-make-a-world-object-stackable/?
I saw the mod earlier, you're out in the water on a barge. I *want* to say the provisioners just can't figure out a viable route to dry land...but I'm not so sure. At Water Downed, I've seen them walk right into the ocean and swim off to where they needed...but that was a while back already. Everything is navmeshed and finalized, correct? If you leave and go sleep somewhere, are they still there when you come back or have they moved? Just for testing, might build a temporary bridge to rule out it being a setup problem.
Thank you. =)Theme world, first of a few themed oversized and makeshift weapons (cigarette on a stick, toothbrush, fork, etc). Will do fire damage also eventually (was supposed to do DOT increasing with exposure, ala stacking, but lack of knowledge and time...) But anyways, I appreciate this thread...was about to give up and think of an alternative to the Melee Cigarette...very good job, indeed. =)
Thank you for this. It's funny, I was working on a similar thing (melee board and cigarette) just today and having exactly the same trouble. Good job! (it's perfectly understandable within the confines of my worldspace)
...armchair software developers. ;-)